PHP code<!--Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)http://www.CodeHighlighter.com/-->class Smarty_Internal_Write_File { /** * Writes file in a save way to disk * * @param string $_filepath complete filepath * @param string $_contents file content * @return boolean true */ public static function writeFile($_filepath, $_contents, $smarty) { $old_umask = umask(0); $_dirpath = dirname($_filepath); // if subdirs, create dir structure if ($_dirpath !== '.' && !file_exists($_dirpath)) { mkdir($_dirpath, $smarty->_dir_perms, true); } // write to tmp file, then move to overt file lock race condition $_tmp_file = tempnam($_dirpath, 'wrt'); if (!($fd = @fopen($_tmp_file, 'wb'))) { $_tmp_file = $_dirpath . DS . uniqid('wrt'); if (!($fd = @fopen($_tmp_file, 'wb'))) { throw new SmartyException("unable to write file {$_tmp_file}"); return false; } } fwrite($fd, $_contents); fclose($fd); // remove original file if (file_exists($_filepath)) @unlink($_filepath); // rename tmp file rename($_tmp_file, $_filepath); // set file permissions chmod($_filepath, $smarty->_file_perms); umask($old_umask); return true; } }
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------解决方案--------------------class Smarty_Internal_Write_File {
* Writes file in a save way to disk
* @param string $_filepath complete filepath
* @param string $_contents file content
* @return boolean true
public static function writeFile($_filepath, $_contents, $smarty)
$old_umask = umask(0);
$_dirpath = dirname($_filepath); //$_filepath的路径
// if subdirs, create dir structure
if ($_dirpath !== '.' && !file_exists($_dirpath)) {//路径(文件夹)不存在
mkdir($_dirpath, $smarty->_dir_perms, true);//创建
// write to tmp file, then move to overt file lock race condition
$_tmp_file = tempnam($_dirpath, 'wrt');//tempnam应该是转换路径到配置的模板转换保存目录,就是smarty模板文件转换成php代码文件的文件存放的位置
if (!($fd = @fopen($_tmp_file, 'wb'))) {//检查目录是否可以操作
$_tmp_file = $_dirpath . DS . uniqid('wrt');//转换文件名
if (!($fd = @fopen($_tmp_file, 'wb'))) {
throw new SmartyException("unable to write file {$_tmp_file}");
return false;
fwrite($fd, $_contents);//写转换后的内容,就是把smarty代码转换成php代码,
// remove original file
if (file_exists($_filepath))
// rename tmp file
rename($_tmp_file, $_filepath);
// set file permissions
chmod($_filepath, $smarty->_file_perms);
return true;