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Comment éteindre l'ordinateur régulièrement ?

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Lorsque vous utilisez fréquemment votre ordinateur, vous devrez peut-être quitter votre bureau pour gérer certaines choses et vous craignez de laisser votre ordinateur allumé pendant une longue période. Dans ce cas, vous pouvez utiliser la fonction d'arrêt programmé pour résoudre ce problème. L'éditeur PHP Baicao vous présentera la méthode d'arrêt programmé de l'ordinateur, afin que vous puissiez facilement définir l'heure d'arrêt de l'ordinateur afin d'éviter la consommation d'énergie à long terme de l'ordinateur et assurer la sécurité des données. Ce qui suit présentera en détail la méthode de définition d'un arrêt programmé dans les systèmes Windows et macOS pour aider chacun à bénéficier d'une expérience d'utilisation efficace et sans souci de l'ordinateur.

Comment éteindre lordinateur régulièrement ?

1. Comment éteindre l'ordinateur régulièrement ?

Tout d'abord, nous devons utiliser le "Planificateur de tâches" pour mettre en œuvre l'arrêt programmé et annuler l'arrêt programmé.

La façon d'ouvrir le Planificateur de tâches dans la version Win7 est la suivante :

Cliquez avec le bouton gauche et sélectionnez : "Bouton Windows">"Panneau de configuration">"Outils d'administration", puis double-cliquez avec le bouton gauche de la souris pour ouvrez "Planificateur de tâches" ".

La façon d'ouvrir le Planificateur de tâches dans la version Win10 est la suivante :

Cliquez avec le bouton gauche et sélectionnez : "Bouton Windows" > "Outils de gestion Windows" (sous la catégorie de la lettre W) > "Planificateur de tâches" ".

Après avoir ouvert le planificateur de tâches, nous cliquons sur "Créer une tâche de base" pour commencer à créer des tâches.

Nous devons d'abord nommer la tâche, dans ce cas nous l'avons nommée "Paramètres d'arrêt programmé de l'ordinateur", puis cliquez sur "Suivant".

Ensuite, nous devons définir la fréquence de départ du déclencheur (de tâche). Si nous devons arrêter régulièrement chaque jour, réglez-la sur tous les jours, puis cliquez sur "Suivant". .

Dans cette étape, nous devons définir l'heure d'arrêt programmée. Dans cet exemple, nous l'avons fixée à 23:59:59.

Dans cette étape, définissez "Quelle opération souhaitez-vous que cette tâche effectue", nous sélectionnons le premier élément "Démarrer le programme", puis cliquez sur "Suivant".

Sous le programme de démarrage, nous définissons le programme ou le script sur "shutdown", qui est la commande "shutdown", puis continuons à cliquer sur "Suivant".

Dans cette étape, nous confirmons le nom, la description, le déclencheur et le contenu de l'opération de la tâche, puis cliquons sur "Terminer".

Nous cliquons avec le bouton gauche sur la "Bibliothèque du planificateur de tâches" pour trouver le "Programme de tâches d'arrêt programmé" que nous avons défini dans la bibliothèque de programmes.

2. Tutoriel sur l'arrêt programmé de l'ordinateur - Comment configurer l'ordinateur pour qu'il s'arrête à l'heure programmée ?

Tutoriel sur le calendrier d'arrêt de l'ordinateur - Comment définir le calendrier d'arrêt de l'ordinateur ?

Avec l'utilisation généralisée des ordinateurs dans la vie, nous devons souvent éteindre automatiquement l'ordinateur après un certain temps, par exemple après la fin d'un téléchargement ou tôt le matin. Cet article explique comment configurer un arrêt programmé sur les ordinateurs Windows et Mac.

1. Définissez un arrêt programmé sur votre ordinateur Windows

Sous Windows, vous pouvez définir un arrêt programmé en suivant ces étapes :

Cliquez sur le menu Démarrer, recherchez et ouvrez le Panneau de configuration. Dans le Panneau de configuration, sélectionnez Système et sécurité. Cliquez sur Tâches planifiées et sélectionnez Créer une tâche de base. Suivez les instructions de l'assistant pour définir la date et l'heure de l'arrêt programmé et effectuez l'opération d'arrêt. Enfin, confirmez les paramètres et terminez la création de la tâche.

2. Définir un arrêt programmé sur Mac

Sous Mac, vous pouvez définir un arrêt programmé en suivant ces étapes :

Cliquez sur le menu Pomme et sélectionnez Préférences Système. Dans les Préférences Système, cliquez sur Économiseur d'énergie. Cliquez sur l'onglet Planification. Cochez la case pour démarrer ou arrêter à une heure spécifiée. Sélectionnez Arrêt et définissez l'heure d'arrêt. Enfin, fermez les Préférences Système et l'ordinateur s'éteindra automatiquement à l'heure définie.

Remarque :

Avant de définir un arrêt programmé, assurez-vous de sauvegarder le travail que vous effectuez. De plus, veillez à définir une heure d’arrêt programmée raisonnable pour éviter d’affecter l’exécution d’autres tâches.

Résumé :

Grâce aux méthodes présentées dans cet article, vous pouvez facilement définir un arrêt programmé sur les ordinateurs Windows et Mac. En suivant les étapes ci-dessus, vous pouvez éteindre l'ordinateur à une heure précise en fonction de vos besoins et améliorer l'efficacité de l'utilisation de l'ordinateur.

Merci d'avoir lu cet article, j'espère que cet article vous sera utile pour définir un arrêt programmé !

3. Comment paramétrer un arrêt programmé de l'ordinateur ? Comment paramétrer un arrêt programmé de l'ordinateur ?

Appuyez d'abord sur le bouton pour ouvrir la boîte de dialogue et entrez ;

-s -t et il y a un espace devant 600. Le nombre représente le temps en secondes

Par exemple, 600 représente 10 minutes. complétez le réglage. Le système affichera une boîte de dialogue d'invite ;

Méthode 2, appuyez sur le bouton et entrez dans la case ;

Modifiez l'heure spécifique à laquelle vous souhaitez arrêter, puis cliquez.

4. Comment configurer l'ordinateur pour qu'il s'éteigne à une heure programmée ? Apprenez la commande d'arrêt programmé de l'ordinateur en une seule astuce

Commande d'arrêt programmé de l'ordinateur : apprenez en une seule astuce

Dans le processus d'utilisation quotidienne des ordinateurs, nous devons parfois configurer l'ordinateur pour planifier l'arrêt, que ce soit pour économiser des factures d'électricité ou pour éviter un fonctionnement à long terme. Ce qui suit explique comment utiliser la ligne de commande pour définir un arrêt programmé de l'ordinateur.

Step 1: Open the command prompt

First, you need to open the command prompt. In Windows systems, you can press the "Win + R" key combination, then enter "cmd" in the pop-up run window and press the Enter key.

Step 2: Enter the shutdown command

In the command prompt, enter the following command:

shutdown -s -t XXXX

Among them, XXXX represents the scheduled shutdown time of the computer, in seconds. For example, if you want the computer to automatically shut down after 30 minutes, enter "shutdown -s -t 1800", where 1800 is the number of seconds in 30 minutes.

Step 3: Cancel the scheduled shutdown

If you want to cancel the scheduled shutdown after setting it, you can enter the following command in the command prompt:

shutdown -a

This command will cancel all scheduled shutdown tasks.

With the above simple steps, you can easily set the scheduled shutdown task of your computer through the command line. No need to install additional software, easy to operate and suitable for various Windows systems.

Thank you for reading this article, I hope it can help you learn how to set the scheduled shutdown command for your computer.

5. How to set a scheduled shutdown for your computer | A simple and practical method of scheduled shutdown

How to set a scheduled shutdown for your computer

Computer scheduled shutdown is a very practical function that can bring great benefits both at work and in life. convenient. By setting a scheduled shutdown, we can reasonably arrange the use time of the computer, avoid the fatigue caused by continuous use of the computer for a long time, and also save power resources. So, how to set the scheduled shutdown function of the computer?

Method 1: Use the scheduled shutdown function that comes with the computer

Most operating systems provide a scheduled shutdown function. In the Windows operating system, you only need to press the Win+R keys to open the run window, and then enter "shutdown -s -t {Timing time (unit: seconds)}" to achieve scheduled shutdown. For example, if you want the computer to shut down after 30 minutes, enter "shutdown -s -t 1800". The Mac operating system also has similar commands. You only need to open the terminal and enter "sudo shutdown -h {timing time (unit: minutes)}".

Method 2: Use third-party scheduled shutdown software

In addition to the scheduled shutdown function that comes with the operating system, there are many third-party software that can help us set the scheduled shutdown more conveniently. For example, software such as "Scheduled Shutdown Assistant" and "Scheduled Shutdown Wizard" are very common scheduled shutdown software. They provide a more friendly user interface and more scheduled shutdown options to meet the needs of different users.

Method 3: Use smart sockets to implement scheduled shutdown

If you want to implement scheduled shutdowns more intelligently, consider using smart sockets. Smart sockets can be controlled through a mobile phone APP. By setting scheduled tasks, computers, TVs and other equipment can be turned on and off at scheduled times. In addition to the scheduled shutdown function, the smart socket can also realize remote control, countdown shutdown and other functions, which is very convenient and practical.


Through the above three methods, we can easily implement the scheduled shutdown function of the computer. Whether you use the built-in functions of the operating system, third-party software, or smart sockets, you can choose the most suitable method according to your needs. Scheduled shutdown can not only help us plan time reasonably and improve work efficiency, but also save power resources and protect the environment. Hope this article helps you!

6. How to set the computer timer to shut down | Computer timer shutdown setting tutorial


The computer timer shutdown function can help us manage time, improve work efficiency and save power. In this article, we will show you in detail how to set up a scheduled shutdown of your computer.

Step 1: Use the scheduled shutdown function that comes with the Windows system

The Windows system comes with a scheduled shutdown function, which can be set according to the following steps:

Open the start menu, click "Run", or press the Win+R key combination . Enter "cmd" in the run dialog box and click "OK" to open the command prompt. In the command prompt window, enter "shutdown -s -t {scheduled shutdown time}" (without quotation marks), where {scheduled shutdown time} is the shutdown time you want to set, in seconds. Press the Enter key and the computer will automatically shut down at the set time.

Step 2: Use third-party tools to set a scheduled shutdown

In addition to the built-in functions of the Windows system, there are also some third-party software that can help you set a scheduled shutdown more conveniently. The following is a commonly used tool:

Download and install "{Third-party tool name}". This tool provides a simple operation interface, and you can set the scheduled shutdown time as needed. Open the tool and select the shutdown time you want to set on the main interface. Click the "OK" or "Apply" button, and the tool will automatically help you set the scheduled shutdown.


When setting the computer shutdown schedule, please pay attention to the following:

Please make sure you have administrator rights, otherwise you cannot set a scheduled shutdown of your computer. When setting a scheduled shutdown, make sure there is no unsaved work. When using third-party tools, choose trustworthy software sources to prevent security issues. The scheduled shutdown function is not suitable for running important tasks or long-running programs.

With the above steps and precautions, you can easily set up a scheduled shutdown of your computer to improve work efficiency and save energy. I wish you a happy use!

Thank you for reading this article, I hope the above content is helpful to you.

7. Computer Scheduled Shutdown Software Download

Computer Scheduled Shutdown Software Download Guide

In the process of daily use of computers, we often encounter situations where we need to schedule a shutdown, maybe to save electricity bills, or to set a timer Task. To realize the function of scheduled computer shutdown, we need to use special software to help complete it. This article will introduce you to several commonly used computer scheduled shutdown software downloads to help you choose the tool that suits you and make scheduled shutdown more convenient and smart.

1. Wise Auto Shutdown

Wise Auto Shutdown is a powerful and easy-to-use computer scheduled shutdown software. It supports operations such as scheduled shutdown, restart, logout, and lock. Users can flexibly set the shutdown time according to their own needs. Moreover, Wise Auto Shutdown also supports the setting of scheduled tasks, allowing the computer to automatically perform specified operations at specific times, making it easier for users to manage computer usage time.

2. Off-PC

Off-PC is another practical computer scheduled shutdown software. It not only supports the scheduled shutdown function, but also can set scheduled restart, sleep and wake-up operations according to the user's needs. Off-PC has an intuitive user interface, simple and convenient operation, and is suitable for all types of users. Whether they are office workers, students or home users, they can easily manage computer timings through Off-PC.

3. The task scheduler that comes with the Windows system

In addition to third-party software, the Windows system itself also comes with a task scheduler that can be used to implement scheduled shutdown of the computer. Users can create scheduled tasks through the Task Scheduler and set the computer to shut down at a specific time. Although the function is slightly simpler than that of specialized scheduled shutdown software, it is sufficient for some basic scheduled task needs.

4. Key points for selecting scheduled shutdown software

When choosing computer scheduled shutdown software, in addition to the functions of the software itself, there are also some points to consider to help us find the most suitable tool. First, you must choose software that is simple and convenient to operate to avoid difficult settings; secondly, you must choose software that is stable and reliable to ensure that scheduled tasks can be executed accurately; finally, you can consider the additional functions and customization options of the software to meet your personality. needs.


Through the introduction of this article, I believe that everyone has a deeper understanding of computer scheduled shutdown software, and can choose the tool that suits you according to your own needs. Whether you use Wise Auto Shutdown, Off-PC or the task scheduler that comes with the Windows system, you can achieve scheduled management of your computer, improve work efficiency, and save energy expenses. I hope that everyone can successfully complete the task when using computer scheduled shutdown software and improve the convenience of life and work.

8. How to set the scheduled shutdown of the computer?

There are many ways to set a scheduled shutdown on your computer. The following are three common methods: Use the task scheduler that comes with your computer. Click the "Start" button in the lower left corner of the computer screen, enter "Task Scheduler" in the search box, and click to enter. In the task scheduler interface, click "Create Basic Task" on the right, enter "Schedule Shutdown" in the name field of the pop-up dialog box, and then click Next. In the trigger setting interface, you can select "Daily", "Weekly", etc. as needed. Taking "Daily" as an example, users can choose the specific time to shut down. After setting the time, click Next and a dialog box will appear. Click "Browse" and find C:WindowsSystem32shutdown.exe. After adding parameter options, enter -s (shutdown command), then click "Next", and then click "OK". Can. Use the command line. Press and hold the "win+r" key combination to open the computer's run window, and enter shutdown-s+shutdown time in the run box. For example, shutdown-s7200 means shutdown after two hours. The unit of 7200 is seconds. Use third-party software. Run scheduled shutdown 3000 and click the "Add Task" button. In the pop-up window, select the task that needs to be performed, set the conditions for execution, and click "OK". Please note that when using the scheduled shutdown function, make sure that the computer is in a normal state and does not have any important running tasks. At the same time, carefully choose whether to shut down the computer to avoid unnecessary losses.

9. How to set the scheduled shutdown of the computer?

1. Turn on the computer, press and hold the key combination, and the run command will pop up. Enter the following command in the edit box: shutdown -s -t 3600;

The computer is scheduled to shut down and run

2. The meaning of the shutdown -s -t 3600 command is as follows: shutdown -s means shutdown, shutdown -s -t means computer shutdown countdown, and the last number represents the countdown time in seconds. That is to say, the computer will automatically shut down after 3600 seconds;

Computer scheduled shutdown command explanation

3. If you want to realize the automatic shutdown of the computer, just enter this series of running commands to complete. After entering, click the "OK" button. The computer will pop up a prompt box;

Computer scheduled shutdown setting is successful

4. If you want to cancel automatic shutdown or scheduled shutdown, you can open the "Run" command and enter the following characters: shutdown -a;

Computer scheduled shutdown setting canceled

5. After the input is completed, the computer will prompt a pop-up window with the message "Planned shutdown has been cancelled", indicating that we have canceled the automatic countdown to shutdown.

10. Win10 computer scheduled shutdown tutorial, easily master the computer scheduled shutdown method

Win10 computer scheduled shutdown tutorial

In the process of daily use of computers, we often encounter situations that need to automatically shut down after a certain period of time, especially When downloading large files or performing data processing. Win10 system provides a convenient scheduled shutdown function. This article will introduce you to several methods of scheduled shutdown of Win10 computers, allowing you to easily master how to set a scheduled shutdown of your computer.

Method 1: Use "Task Scheduler" to set a scheduled shutdown

The first method is to set a scheduled shutdown through the "Task Scheduler" that comes with the Win10 system. First, click on the Start menu, type "Task Scheduler" and open the program. In the left panel, select "Create a basic task", then follow the prompts to set up triggers and actions step by step, and finally set the shutdown time.

Method 2: Use the command prompt to set a scheduled shutdown

The second method is to set a scheduled shutdown through the command prompt. Search for "cmd" in the Start menu and run Command Prompt as administrator. Enter the command "shutdown -s -t XXXX" (XXXX represents the number of seconds until shutdown) in the command prompt window to implement the scheduled shutdown function.

Method 3: Use third-party scheduled shutdown software

If you feel that the above two methods are a little complicated, you can also install third-party scheduled shutdown software to set the scheduled shutdown. Some specialized scheduled shutdown software usually have a more intuitive operation interface, allowing you to easily set daily, weekly or even monthly scheduled shutdown tasks.

Through the above methods, you can easily implement the scheduled shutdown function of your Win10 computer. Choose the method that best suits you based on your actual needs. Let the computer shut down automatically when you are away to avoid long-term idling and power consumption. I hope the content of this article is helpful to you, thank you for reading!

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