Maison > Tutoriel de jeu mobile > Guide du jeu mobile > Tous les membres d'équipage de SteamWorld Heist 2 : meilleurs emplois, compétences et comment recruter

Tous les membres d'équipage de SteamWorld Heist 2 : meilleurs emplois, compétences et comment recruter

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Pour trouver la source de la corruption de la mer dans SteamWorld Heist 2, vous aurez besoin d'un équipage complet de copieux Steambots. Pour vous aider dans votre aventure SWH2, ce guide explique comment recruter tous les membres d'équipage ainsi que les meilleurs emplois et compétences à utiliser pour tirer le meilleur parti de leurs capacités uniques.

Table des matières

  • Comment recruter tous les membres d'équipage dans SteamWorld Heist 2
  • Quels personnages devriez-vous recruter en premier dans SteamWorld Heist 2 ?
  • Wesley Hotchkiss
    • Meilleures compétences professionnelles pour Wesley
  • Daisy Clutch
    • Meilleures compétences professionnelles pour Daisy
  • Sola « Sol » Fathom
    • Meilleur travail Compétences pour Sola
  • Dame Judy Clé
    • Meilleures compétences professionnelles pour Judy
  • Tristan Torque
    • Meilleures compétences professionnelles pour Tristan
  • Cornelius « Hightower » Column
    • Meilleures compétences professionnelles pour Cornelius
  • Beacon Potts
    • Meilleures compétences professionnelles pour Beacon
  • Poe Phroggi
    • Meilleures compétences professionnelles pour Poe
  • Rosa « Chimney » Rivet
    • Meilleures compétences professionnelles pour Chimney
  • Barbara « Crow bar” Crowe
    • Meilleur Compétences professionnelles pour Crowbar

Comment recruter tous les membres d'équipage dans SteamWorld Heist 2

Il y a dix membres d'équipage dans SteamWorld Heist 2, et les recruter tous vous rapporte le succès Gonna Need a Bigger Boat. Les deux premiers personnages — Daisy et Wesley — vous sont donnés au début du jeu, tandis que les 8 autres sont recrutés dans les bars.

All Crewmates in SteamWorld Heist 2: Best jobs, skills, and how to recruit

En visitant les bars tout au long du jeu, vous remarquerez des PNJ recrutables avec l'icône Gallon et un numéro au-dessus de leur tête. Parlez-leur et échangez vos gallons durement gagnés pour les recruter définitivement comme coéquipier.

Les coéquipiers qui apparaissent dans les bars sont aléatoires quotidiennement et leur prix dépend du nombre de membres d'équipage que vous avez déjà. Le nombre de membres d'équipage que vous pouvez recruter augmente à mesure que vous progressez dans le jeu, vous permettant éventuellement d'embaucher les dix.

Quels personnages devriez-vous recruter en premier dans SteamWorld Heist 2 ?

Je recommande fortement de recruter Tristan, Sol et Cornelius avant la plupart des autres membres d'équipage. Tristan est un guérisseur fantastique et a sauvé mes fesses robotiques plus de fois que je ne peux compter. Cornelius est un véritable tank et peut rediriger les ennemis vers des robots plus fragiles. Enfin, Sol possède (sans doute) les meilleures améliorations personnelles du jeu avec le faisceau Eldritch qui endommage, guérit et se reconstitue.

Wesley Hotchkiss

All Crewmates in SteamWorld Heist 2: Best jobs, skills, and how to recruit

  • Rôle : Faucheur
  • Chapeau : Pickelhaube
  • Amélioration personnelle : Grenadier – Wesley peut utiliser une grenade par tour en tant qu'action gratuite.
  • Amélioration ultime : Chien de guerre vétéran – Pour chaque ennemi mis au rebut, toutes les attaques inflige +1 dégâts pour le reste du tour. Se cumule jusqu'à 3 fois.

Les améliorations personnelles de Wesley font de lui le Boomer parfait. Avec les bonnes compétences, Wesley peut être construit pour infliger des dégâts considérables aux ennemis les plus faibles, en s'améliorant pour d'énormes dégâts sur une seule cible, parfait pour les niveaux de boss.

Meilleures compétences professionnelles pour Wesley

  • Blast Shield (Brawler Lv.1)
  • Payback (Brawler Lv.1)
  • Momentum (Reaper Lv.3)

Les Boomers se blesseront s'ils utilisent un lance-roquettes trop près d'un ennemi. Blast Shield minimise les auto-dégâts dans cette situation, tandis que Payback augmente les dégâts lorsque vous êtes un peu trop près de vos propres explosions. L'accent mis par Wesley sur les dégâts d'éclaboussure et de zone fait de Momentum une excellente augmentation des dégâts passifs.

Daisy Clutch

All Crewmates in SteamWorld Heist 2: Best jobs, skills, and how to recruit

  • Job: Sniper
  • Hat: Flop Cap
  • Personal Upgrade: Stun Gun – Daisy has patched together a Stun Gun that will Stun enemies for 1 turn.
  • Ultimate Upgrade: Studious – Decreases cog costs of abilities by 1 (to a minimum of 1).

Daisy works well as a Flanker, focusing on high mobility to save the day with Stun Gun. Thanks to her Studious Upgrade, however, Daisy is the perfect blank slate to make various crazy combinations between all jobs due to a lower cog cost.

Best Job Skills for Daisy

  • Shifty (Brawler Lv.4)
  • Fortify (Boomer Lv.2)
  • Amped Up (Engineer Lv. 2)
  • Momentum (Reaper Lv. 3)

The best Skills for Daisy will depend on your chosen job, though the Skills listed above synergize best with improving her movement and utility with Stun Gun.

Sola “Sol” Fathom

All Crewmates in SteamWorld Heist 2: Best jobs, skills, and how to recruit

  • Role: Engineer
  • Hat: A Simple Valve
  • Personal Upgrade: Eldritch Beam – Fires a piercing projectile with full aimline. Reduce cooldown by 1 each time Sola scraps an enemy. 5 Shot Damage, 10 Turns.
  • Ultimate Upgrade: Secrets of the Deep – Eldritch Beam becomes a free action, it deals 10 damage, and Sola is healed 1 for each enemy it scraps.

Sola has extremely powerful Personal Upgrades, with an Eldritch Beam that does huge damage, heals, reduces cooldown for each bot scrapped, and is a free action. Due to its sheer power and range, Sola is suitable for any job you like.

Best Job Skills for Sola

  • Second Wind (Brawler Lv. 5)
  • Surgical Strike (Sniper Lv. 3)
  • Hunter’s Mark (Sniper Lv. 5)
  • Cool (Flanker Lv. 2)

Surgical Strike and Hunter’s Mark help to improve Eldritch Beam’s damage, while Cool reduces its cooldown. Surgical Strike is a nice increase to healing, making Sola tankier.

Dame Judy Wrench

All Crewmates in SteamWorld Heist 2: Best jobs, skills, and how to recruit

  • Role: Boomer
  • Hat: Leather Hat
  • Personal Upgrade: Harsh Language – Shame any enemy on the map for 3 damage. Ignores armor. 3 explosive damage. Splash damage. 3 turns.
  • Ultimate Upgrade: Sick Burn – Improve Judy’s Harsh Language. It deals 4 damage instead of 3, becomes a free action, the effect chains (Aura 2, from all targets) and it causes Burning. Splash damage.

Judy has an interesting Personal Upgrade that allows her to hit any enemy for splash damage every three turns from anywhere on the map. Like Sol, Judy is suitable for any job, though you may want to keep her as a Boomer for the “explosions” theme.

Best Job Skills for Judy

There are no Job Skills that directly benefit Judy’s abilities in a significant way. Tailor your extra abilities to the job you have chosen or your current level.

Tristan Torque

All Crewmates in SteamWorld Heist 2: Best jobs, skills, and how to recruit

  • Role: Engineer
  • Hat:
  • Personal Upgrade: Always Prepared – Repair items can be used as free actions. Whenever Tristan heals someone else, Tristan also heals 1 damage.
  • Ultimate Upgrade: Believe It! – Attacks that normally would end Tristan’s turn won’t end it.

Tristan’s Always Prepared Upgrade makes him the perfect healer as an Engineer. Ultimate Upgrade also means he’s great at Breaking multiple enemies and setting up defenses for the rest of the team.

Best Job Skills for Tristan

  • Slot Machine (Boomer Lv. 1)
  • Smoke Bomb (Sniper Lv. 4)
  • Nimble Feet (Flanker Lv. 1)
  • Sidestep (Flanker Lv. 2)
  • Squeeze (Boomer Lv. 4)

Tristan is best used to support the team, keeping them alive by healing them and keeping them out of danger. Slot Machine will allow him to equip an extra healing item, Squeeze gives them an extra use, and Smoke Bomb can keep both himself and others safe. Nimble Feet and Sidestep can be the difference between life and death, reaching Crewmates on the brink of being scrapped.

Cornelius “Hightower” Column

All Crewmates in SteamWorld Heist 2: Best jobs, skills, and how to recruit

  • Role: Brawler
  • Hat: Fez
  • Personal Upgrade: Abs of Steel – Cornelius can flex his powerful abs to become invulnerable to all damage for 1 turn and taunt all enemies to attack him. Ends the turn when used. 1 use per mission.
  • Ultimate Upgrade: Body Butter – Abs of Steel become a free action, doesn’t end the turn, and gets 1 more use

Cornelius is born to be a tank, making him the perfect Brawler. Building up this bot to be as beefy as possible allows him to soak up hits and turn them into pure damage.

Best Job Skills for Cornelius

  • Thick Plating (Boomer Lv. 2 + 3)
  • Rage (Reaper Lv. 2)
  • Light Step (Flanker Lv. 4)
  • Maintenance Protocol (Engineer Lv. 3)

Thick Plating and Maintenace Protocol increases Cornelius’ survivability, which is essential for his role as a tank. Since he will be regularly taking damage, Rage is a nice passive bonus. Finally, Light Step means Cornelius can continue to be useful in stages with elemental hazards.

Beacon Potts

All Crewmates in SteamWorld Heist 2: Best jobs, skills, and how to recruit

  • Role: Sniper
  • Hat: A Simple Beanie
  • Personal Upgrade: Scram – Select a tile anywhere on the map where you’ve explored, and instantly teleport there. 5 turns.
  • Ultimate Upgrade: Sneakstrike – Scram becomes a free action and Beacon turns invisible when he uses it.

With his ability to teleport to vantage points and become invisible, Beacon makes an ideal Sniper. Alternatively, Beacon can also be a great Flanker. I recommend leveling both jobs and switching them to suit your current mission.

Best Job Skills for Beacon

  • Fortify (Boomer Lv. 2)
  • Build Cover (Engineer Lv. 1)
  • Cool (Flanker Lv. 2)

Fortify and Build Cover both ensure Beacon can be behind cover while sniping. Cool reduces the cooldown of Scram, which usually takes 5 turns to recharge.

Poe Phroggi

All Crewmates in SteamWorld Heist 2: Best jobs, skills, and how to recruit

  • Role: Flanker
  • Hat: Roguish Antenna
  • Personal Upgrade: Hasty – +2 Movement.
  • Ultimate Upgrade: Slippery – Poe gets a 50% chance to evade each incoming projectile.

Poe‘s Personal Upgrades aren’t particularly exciting, but they do make her a solid Flanker or Aura-based Engineer

Best Job Skills for Poe

  • Greased Up + Wide Aura + Amped Up (Engineer Lv. 1 + 2)
  • Nimble Feet (Flanker Lv. 1 + 4)
  • Shifty (Brawler Lv. 4)

Shifty and Nimble Feet build upon Poe’s movement to likely make her the furthest-moving bot in your Crew. Since she can get around to any teammate quickly, Greased Up, Wide Aura and Amped Up are great choices to buff your crew.

Rosa “Chimney” Rivet

All Crewmates in SteamWorld Heist 2: Best jobs, skills, and how to recruit

  • Role: Brawler
  • Hat:
  • Personal Upgrade: Tit for Tat – When Chimney is attacked, the attacker suffers 2 damage.
  • Ultimate Upgrade: Double Down – For one turn, your primary attacks fire or hit twice.

Once you unlock her Ultimate Personal Upgrade, Chimney is a surprisingly good Reaper. Combined with skills like the Reaper’s signature Kill Shot and Harvest, Rosa will be able to attack multiple times throughout her turns. Tit for Tat also comes in handy to help her survivability and keep enemies out of her way.

Best Job Skills for Chimney

  • Hard Shell (Brawler Lv. 1)
  • Payback (Brawler Lv. 2)
  • Second Wind (Brawler Lv. 3)

If you recruit Chimney later in the game, she’ll automatically be a Level 5 Brawler. Hard Shell and Second Wind both help with survivability as a Reaper and, combined with Payback, allows her to take advantage of Tit for Tat.

Barbara “Crowbar” Crowe

All Crewmates in SteamWorld Heist 2: Best jobs, skills, and how to recruit

  • Role: Flanker
  • Hat: Soft Cloth Hat
  • Personal Upgrade: Hollow Frame – Crowbar’s light build allows her to make very high jumps.
  • Ultimate Upgrade: Bad Vibes – When Crowbar deals damage to an enemy, she also deals 4 damage to ground enemies within 2 Aura (excluding original targets). Ignores armor.

Crowbarhas a very powerful Personal Upgrade that deals passive damage to enemies standing near her after attacking. She makes a powerful Reaper or Flanker, depending on which Job you’re lacking in your Crew.

Best Job Skills for Crowbar

  • Shifty (Brawler Lv. 4)
  • Mines (Boomer Lv. 3)
  • Momentum (Reaper Lv. 3)
  • Light Step (Flanker Lv. 4)

Shifty and Momentum take advantage of Crowbar’s potential for scrapping multiple bots on her turns. Mines has good synergy with Bad Vibes, making it lethal for any bot to get close to her. Finally, Light Step prevents hazards from ruining multi-target potential from Bad Vibes.

With your Crew all decked out to do the most damage, don’t forget that they need to look the part, too. Check out our guide on every hat in SteamWorld Heist 2 and how to get them.

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