ThreadGroup en Java peut être défini comme une collection de threads créés pour fonctionner comme une unité, ThreadGroup en Java est généralement utilisé lorsqu'il est nécessaire d'effectuer une opération combinée sur un groupe de threads ; ThreadGroup offre un moyen efficace de gérer plusieurs threads.
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Syntaxe :
Voici une syntaxe de la façon dont ThreadGroup est créé et utilisé en Java.
package <packagename>; public class <mainclassname>{ public static void main(String args[]){ // creating threadgroup object ThreadGroup grp= new ThreadGroup(“<parent thread name>”); // creating threads belonging to given thread group <ThreadClassName> one =new <ThreadClassName>(“<threadname1>”, grp); // creating first member of thread group <ThreadClassName> two =new <ThreadClassName>(“<threadname2>”, grp); // creating second member of thread group } } class <ThreadClassName> extends Thread{ <ThreadClassName>(String threadName, ThreadGroup grp){ super(threadName,grp); // call to parent class constructor start(); // start the thread } public void run(){ // implement required logic } }
Dans la syntaxe ci-dessus, nous avons créé une instance ThreadGroup et créé deux threads qui font partie du groupe de threads. Nous avons une classe principale et une classe de thread,
Voici la description des constructeurs disponibles dans java.lang.ThreadGroup :
Constructor | Description |
public ThreadGroup(String name) | This constructor is used for creating a new thread group, the parent of this thread group is the same as the parent group of the currently executing thread. This constructor may throw SecurityException in case the currently running thread does not have permission to create a thread group. |
public ThreadGroup(ThreadGroupparentgroup,String name) | This constructor creates a thread group with a specified thread group as a parent and specified name. This constructor may throw NullPointerException in case the specified thread group is null, and SecurityException may be thrown in case the currently running thread does not have permission to create a thread group. |
Method | Description |
int activeCount() | This method returns the number of active running threads available in a given thread group. |
int activeGroupCount() | This method returns the number of active thread groups running. |
destroy() | This method destroys the thread group and its sub groups if available. |
int enumerate(Thread arr[]) | Call to this method puts the thread available in invoking thread group into the group array of threads. |
int enumerate(Thread arr[], boolean recurse) | Call to this method puts the thread available in invoking thread group into the group array of threads; if the recursive flag is true, then threads in subgroups are also added to the group. |
int enumerate(ThreadGroup[] thgrp) | This method puts the subgroups of the invoking thread group into the thread group array. |
int enumerate(ThreadGroup[] thgrp, boolean recursive) | This method puts the subgroups of the invoking thread group into the thread group array; if the recursive flag is set to true, then all subgroups of subgroups are added to the group array. |
Voici la liste de quelques méthodes importantes disponibles dans java.lang.ThreadGroup :
Exemple de ThreadGroup en Java
Vous trouverez ci-dessous l'exemple de ThreadGroup en Java : Exemple
package com.educba.threadgroupdemo; import java.lang.*; class ThreadDemo extends Thread { ThreadDemo(String threadname, ThreadGroup thgrp) { super(thgrp, threadname); start(); } public void run() { // implement required logic inside run method for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { try { Thread.sleep(20); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("InterruptedException Exception encountered"); } } } } public class ThreadGroupDemo { public static void main(String args[]) { // creating the thread group ThreadGroup grp = new ThreadGroup("parent-thread"); // creating new thread and adding to thread group ThreadDemo t1 = new ThreadDemo("first", grp); System.out.println("Starting first thread"); // creating another thread and adding to thread group ThreadDemo t2 = new ThreadDemo("two", grp); System.out.println("Starting second thread"); // finding the number of active threads System.out.println("Number of active threads running in thread group: " + grp.activeCount()); } }
Code :
Conclusion L'article ci-dessus explique clairement le fonctionnement du groupe de threads en Java ; c'est un moyen intégré de gérer plusieurs threads. Les exemples de code Java décrits ci-dessus sur la manière de créer un groupe de threads sont utilisés dans les applications Java.
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