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Aller à l'application Todo basée sur CLI

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Go CLI based Todo app

Go CLI based Todo app

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Go CLI based Todo app


package main

func main() {
    todos := Todos{}

    storage := NewStorage[Todos]("todos.json")

    CmdFlags := NewCmdflags()

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  1. Création d'une tranche de structure nommée Todos
  2. Créez localement une mémoire dynamique pour les tâches existantes dans le système dans le fichier "todo.json" créé précédemment avec storage.Save
  3. Sinon, il se chargera comme vide
  4. Analyser et valider les indicateurs de commande fournis par l'utilisateur
  5. Exécuter en fonction des indicateurs fournis

Implémentation des fonctionnalités

package main

import (


type Todo struct {
    Title     string
    Completed bool
    CreatedAt time.Time
    // this field here is a pointer reference because it can be null
    CompletedAt *time.Time

// a slice(array) of Todo
type Todos []Todo

// Passing Todo slice here as a reference
// declares a parameter named todos that is a pointer to a Todos slice.
// the function receives a copy of the slice under the name todos
func (todos *Todos) add(title string) {
    todo := Todo{
        Title:       title,
        Completed:   false,
        CompletedAt: nil,
        CreatedAt:   time.Now(),
    *todos = append(*todos, todo)


func (todos *Todos) validateIndex(index int) error {
    if index < 0 || index >= len(*todos) {
        err := errors.New("invalid index")
    return nil

func (todos *Todos) delete(index int) error {
    t := *todos

    if err := t.validateIndex(index); err != nil {
        return err

    *todos = append(t[:index], t[index+1:]...)

    return nil

func (todos *Todos) toggle(index int) error {
    t := *todos

    if err := t.validateIndex(index); err != nil {
        return err

    isCompleted := t[index].Completed

    if !isCompleted {
        completionTime := time.Now()
        t[index].CompletedAt = &completionTime

    t[index].Completed = !isCompleted

    return nil

func (todos *Todos) edit(index int, title string) error {
    t := *todos

    if err := t.validateIndex(index); err != nil {
        return err

    t[index].Title = title

    return nil

func (todos *Todos) print() {
    table := table.New(os.Stdout)
    table.SetHeaders("#", "Title", "Status", "Created", "Completed")

    for index, t := range *todos {
        mark := "❌"
        completedAt := ""

        if t.Completed {
            mark = "✅"
            if t.CompletedAt != nil {
                completedAt = t.CompletedAt.Format(time.RFC1123)
        table.AddRow(strconv.Itoa(index), t.Title, mark, t.CreatedAt.Format(time.RFC1123), completedAt)


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Implémentation du stockage

package main

import (

type Storage[T any] struct {
    FileName string

func NewStorage[T any](filename string) *Storage[T] {
    return &Storage[T]{FileName: filename}

func (s *Storage[T]) Save(data T) error {
    fileData, err := json.MarshalIndent(data, "", "\t")

    if err != nil {
        return err

    return os.WriteFile(s.FileName, fileData, 0644)


func (s *Storage[T]) Load(data *T) error {
    fileData, err := os.ReadFile(s.FileName)

    if err != nil {
        return err

    return json.Unmarshal(fileData, data)
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Validation et exécution des indicateurs de ligne de commande

package main

import (

type CmdFlags struct {
    Help   bool
    Add    string
    Del    int
    Edit   string
    Update int
    List   bool

func NewCmdflags() *CmdFlags {
    cf := CmdFlags{}

    flag.BoolVar(&cf.Help, "help", false, "List existing commands")
    flag.StringVar(&cf.Add, "add", "", "Add a new todo specify title")
    flag.StringVar(&cf.Edit, "edit", "", "Edit an existing todo, enter #index and specify a new title. \"id:new title\"")
    flag.IntVar(&cf.Del, "del", -1, "Specify a todo by #index to delete")
    flag.IntVar(&cf.Update, "update", -1, "Specify a todo #index to update")
    flag.BoolVar(&cf.List, "list", false, "List all todos")

    for _, arg := range os.Args[1:] {
        if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-") && !isValidFlag(arg) {
            fmt.Printf("Unknown flag: %s\n", arg)
            fmt.Println("try --help to know more")


    return &cf

func isValidFlag(flag string) bool {

    validFlags := []string{
        "-help", "--help",
        "-add", "--add",
        "-edit", "--edit",
        "-del", "--del",
        "-update", "--update",
        "-list", "--list",

    if idx := strings.Index(flag, "="); idx != -1 {
        flag = flag[:idx]

    for _, validFlag := range validFlags {
        if flag == validFlag {
            return true

    return false

func (cf *CmdFlags) Execute(todos *Todos) {
    switch {
    case cf.List:

    case cf.Add != "":

    case cf.Edit != "":
        parts := strings.SplitN(cf.Edit, ":", 2)
        if len(parts) != 2 {
            fmt.Printf("Error, invalid format for edit.\nCorrect Format: \"id:new title\" ")

        index, err := strconv.Atoi(parts[0])

        if err != nil {
            fmt.Printf("Error, Invalid index for edit")

        todos.edit(index, parts[1])

    case cf.Update != -1:

    case cf.Del != -1:

    case cf.Help:
        fmt.Println("--help\t\t| List existing commands")
        fmt.Println("--add\t\t| Add new task")
        fmt.Println("--del\t\t| Delete an existing task")
        fmt.Println("--update\t| Check/Uncheck existing task")
        fmt.Println("--edit\t\t| Edit an existing task")
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