Tous les emplacements Rubboink dans The Plucky Squire et comment les obtenir

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The mythical kingdom of Artia is the first place in the game where you’re forced into a collectathon to progress. If you’re struggling with your pig-wrangling, here’s how to get every Rubboink in The Plucky Squire.

Where to find every Rubboink in Artia in The Plucky Squire

All Rubboink locations in The Plucky Squire and how to get them

There are seven Rubboinks scattered across Artia, and some are much harder to track down than others. Whenever you find a Rubboink, you must carry it and place it inside the farmhouse where Umber stands (pictured above).

A few Rubboinks are scattered across Artia, which you can easily reach. The others require jumping out of the page, which I’ll explain later as it’s a multi-step process.

Rubboink #1

All Rubboink locations in The Plucky Squire and how to get them

Let’s start with the easy ones. The first Rubboink is walking around outside the Juice Bar to the west. It’s right by the farmhouse, so grab it and place it inside.

Rubboink #2

All Rubboink locations in The Plucky Squire and how to get them

The second Rubboink is in the art gallery to the south (pictured above). Grab it as usual, and pop it in the farmhouse.

Rubboink #3

All Rubboink locations in The Plucky Squire and how to get them

You can find another Rubboink to the northeast by Tiny (the giant sleeping Rubboink).

Grab the Rubboink and return it to the farmhouse. If you walk close to Tiny, you’ll also open a portal on the page, which will be handy later.

Rubboink #4

All Rubboink locations in The Plucky Squire and how to get them

The last easy-to-obtain Rubboink is in the Art Gallery just north of the pond.

Return it to the farmhouse and prepare to head outside the book.

How to move the dog and open the Portal in Artia

All Rubboink locations in The Plucky Squire and how to get them

You must use a Portal to retrieve the three remaining Rubboinks. I’m unsure if it’s required, but walk over to Tiny (the large Rubboink in the northeast) to trigger some dialogue about the Portal.

Next, head to the farmhouse and walk south until you find a dog wearing a bowler hat. He’s sitting on the portal and won’t budge.

Walk east to the pond and speak to Mr. Magri. He’s the man with the matching bowler hat and pipe.

He won’t help until you bring him an apple. Remember the juice bar to the west? Go there and speak to Mr. Berry inside. Mr. Berry gives you an apple after your conversation.

Return to Mr. Magri by the pond, speak to him, and then visit the dog. After you’ve spoken, the dog will head to Mr. Magri’s side, allowing you to travel outside the page.

Rubboink #5

All Rubboink locations in The Plucky Squire and how to get them

Travel through the portal, then walk to the far west of the page. Another portal will appear where you can snag the fifth Rubboink.

Enter the portal, grab your Rubboink, and re-enter Artia through the portal where the dog was sitting.

Rubboink #6

All Rubboink locations in The Plucky Squire and how to get them

The fifth Rubboink is on an island by the pond to the south-east. It’s out of reach unless you use the Portal, so leave the page and walk over.

Un portail apparaîtra dans lequel vous pourrez entrer lorsque vous aurez Close.

Comment déplacer Tiny dans The Plucky Squire

All Rubboink locations in The Plucky Squire and how to get them

Tiny est le Rubboink final que vous devez rassembler, mais vous ne pouvez pas le faire de la manière habituelle. Sortez de la page et dirigez-vous vers le nord. Vous trouvez une rampe qui vous mènera vers une maison de poupée.

Une fois à l'intérieur de la maison, utilisez les portails pour parcourir les étages jusqu'à ce que vous atteigniez le sommet.

All Rubboink locations in The Plucky Squire and how to get them

Lorsque vous arrivez au dernier étage, prenez la boîte jaune (photo ci-dessus) et utilisez-la comme plate-forme pour atteindre le portail sur le mur.

Montez la cheminée et dans le grenier pour récupérer les gants mystérieux. Ces gants débloquent un autre pouvoir que vous utiliserez pour le reste du jeu.

Manipulez les pages lorsque vous atteignez le livre en maintenant les deux gâchettes enfoncées. Vous pouvez désormais utiliser les déclencheurs pour incliner les pages. Inclinez la page de droite pour faire rouler Tiny dans son bain de boue et terminer la quête.

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