Find unknown resistance of Wheatstone bridge, Rx(=R in code)
The equation of Rx is below.
Rx = Rk * R2 / R1
Proportion of R2 and R1 is R2_R1 in code.
Making function.
def Find_the_resistance (Rk, R2_R1) :
R = Rk * R2_R1
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I put experimental values in lists, a and b.(9 times experiments)
List c has theoretical values.
List d has the result of the function
Error rate : (experimental value - theoretical value) / theoretical value * 100
a = [147, 464, 14, 47, 2180, 8100, 5570, 1470, 4620]
b = [10, 10, 100, 100, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1, 1]
c = [1470, 4520, 1470, 4520, 217, 810, 557, 1470, 4520]
d = []
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range(starting number, ending number). It doesn't include the ending number but ending number - 1
Computer counts numbers from 0 not 1. Don't forget it!(I said it for myself. XD)
for i in range(0, 9) :
Find_the_resistance(a[i], b[i])
print((d[i] - c[i]) / c[i] * 100)
i = i+1
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