Ng-bind-html directive allows for the dynamic inclusion of HTML code in templates. While it works for basic HTML, angular templates are not interpreted when included. This article provides a solution to compile Angular expressions embedded within ng-bind-html.
1. Install Directive:
Install the angular-bind-html-compile directive from GitHub:
2. Include Directive in Module:
angular.module("app", ["angular-bind-html-compile"])
3. Use Directive in Template:
<div bind-html-compile="letterTemplate.content"></div>
Controller Object:
$scope.letter = { user: { name: "John"}}
JSON Response:
{ "letterTemplate":[ { content: "<span>Dear {{}},</span>" } ]}
HTML Output:
<span>Dear John,</span>
(function () { 'use strict'; var module = angular.module('angular-bind-html-compile', []); module.directive('bindHtmlCompile', ['$compile', function ($compile) { return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, element, attrs) { scope.$watch(function () { return scope.$eval(attrs.bindHtmlCompile); }, function (value) { element.html(value); $compile(element.contents())(scope); }); } }; }]); }());
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