Il existe plusieurs façons de détecter la saisie au clavier dans un script depuis le terminal, en fonction de vos besoins et de votre fonctionnement système.
Cette approche bloque le script jusqu'à ce qu'une touche soit enfoncée, puis renvoie la touche qui a été enfoncée.
<code class="python">class _Getch: """Gets a single character from standard input. Does not echo to the screen. From""" def __init__(self): try: self.impl = _GetchWindows() except ImportError: try: self.impl = _GetchMacCarbon() except(AttributeError, ImportError): self.impl = _GetchUnix() def __call__(self): return self.impl() class _GetchUnix: def __init__(self): import tty, sys, termios # import termios now or else you'll get the Unix version on the Mac def __call__(self): import sys, tty, termios fd = sys.stdin.fileno() old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd) try: tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) ch = finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings) return ch class _GetchWindows: def __init__(self): import msvcrt def __call__(self): import msvcrt return msvcrt.getch() class _GetchMacCarbon: """ A function which returns the current ASCII key that is down; if no ASCII key is down, the null string is returned. The page was very helpful in figuring out how to do this. """ def __init__(self): import Carbon Carbon.Evt #see if it has this (in Unix, it doesn't) def __call__(self): import Carbon if Carbon.Evt.EventAvail(0x0008)[0]==0: # 0x0008 is the keyDownMask return '' else: # # The event contains the following info: # (what,msg,when,where,mod)=Carbon.Evt.GetNextEvent(0x0008)[1] # # The message (msg) contains the ASCII char which is # extracted with the 0x000000FF charCodeMask; this # number is converted to an ASCII character with chr() and # returned # (what,msg,when,where,mod)=Carbon.Evt.GetNextEvent(0x0008)[1] return chr(msg & 0x000000FF) def getKey(): inkey = _Getch() import sys for i in xrange(sys.maxint): k=inkey() if k<>'':break return k</code>
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