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class EventEmitter { constructor() { this._events = Object.create(null); this._key = 0; } on(eventName, listener) { if (!Object.hasOwn(this._events, eventName)) { this._events[eventName] = {}; } const listenerId = this._key; this._key += 1; this._events[eventName][listenerId] = listener; return { off: () => { delete this._events[eventName][listenerId]; } } } emit(eventName, ...args) { if ( !Object.hasOwn(this._events, eventName) || !Object.keys(this._events[eventName]).length ) { return false; } const listeners = { ...this._events[eventName] }; Object.values(listeners).map((listener) => { listener.call(null, ...args); }); return true; } once(eventName, listener) { const subscription = this.on(eventName, (...args) => { subscription.off(); listener(...args); }); return subscription; } } // Usage example const emitter = new EventEmitter(); function addTwoNumbers(a, b) { console.log(`The sum is ${a + b}`); } const sub = emitter.on('foo', addTwoNumbers); emitter.emit('foo', 1, 2); // => "The sum is 3" emitter.on('foo', (a, b) => { console.log(`The product is ${a * b}`); }); emitter.emit('foo', 4, 5); // > "The sum is 9" // > "The product is 20" sub.off(); emitter.emit('foo', -3, 9); // > "The product is -27" // (Only the multiply callback is triggered, the first one was unsubscribed.) emitter.once('bar', (x) => { console.log(`Bar was called with ${x}`); }); emitter.emit('bar', 1); // Logs: "Bar was called with 1" emitter.emit('bar', 2); // Does nothing, the listener was already removed
class Calculator { constructor(value) { this.result = value; } add(value) { this.result += value; return this; } subtract(value) { this.result -= value; return this; } multiply(value) { this.result *= value; return this; } divide(value) { if (value === 0) { throw new Error("Division by zero is not allowed"); } this.result /= value; return this; } power(value) { this.result **= value; return this; } getResult() { return this.result; } } // Usage example const calculator = new Calculator(10); console.log(calculator.add(5).subtract(7).getResult()); // => 8
const globalMap = new Map(); export default { getInstance() { return globalMap; }, };
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