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Comment puis-je mettre à jour un champ imbriqué dans un tableau dans Firestore ?

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How Can I Update a Nested Field in an Array in Firestore?

Firestore: Updating Nested Array Fields

Problem Statement:

You have a document in Firestore with an array field containing objects. You need to update a specific field within an object inside the array. However, attempting to update directly using the dot notation (items.${index}.meta.description) doesn't work correctly.


Firestore does not currently support directly updating a specific element in an indexed array. Instead, consider the following alternatives:

Option 1: Rewrite the Entire Array

Instead of updating the specific field, read the entire array from the document, make the desired modification in memory, then update the modified array field as a whole:

const key = `items.${this.state.index}.meta`;
let items = this.state.items;
items[this.state.index].meta.description = 'hello bar';{
  [key]: items,
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This approach effectively rewrites the entire array, which may be inefficient if the array is large.

Option 2: Use Array Operations

While Firestore doesn't allow direct updates to existing array elements, you can still add or remove elements using array operations. For example, to append a new element to the array:{
  items: FieldValue.arrayUnion({
    name: 'New Item',
    meta: {
      image: 'def.png',
      description: 'hello new item',
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To remove an element, use FieldValue.arrayRemove().


If the array is relatively small, Option 1 (rewriting the entire array) can be a straightforward solution. However, if the array is large, Option 2 (using array operations) is more efficient as it avoids overwriting the entire array.

Ce qui précède est le contenu détaillé de. pour plus d'informations, suivez d'autres articles connexes sur le site Web de PHP en chinois!
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