Fatal PHP Error: Failed to Open Required File
Error Statement:
PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/common/configs/config_templates.inc.php'
This error indicates that PHP cannot locate and open a required file during script execution. The specified file path is '/common/configs/config_templates.inc.php.'
The error is not related to Apache or PHP restrictions. It stems from a path discrepancy between the virtual server and the filesystem:
To resolve this, modify your code to use the correct filesystem path:
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/common/configs/config_templates.inc.php';
Alternative Solution:
If using a document root variable is impractical, consider the "single entry point" technique:
Ce qui précède est le contenu détaillé de. pour plus d'informations, suivez d'autres articles connexes sur le site Web de PHP en chinois!