Escaping a Select Statement when Multiple Channels Close
When utilizing the select statement for concurrent input handling, it may be desirable to exit the loop when all input channels have closed. The presented code snippet attempts to use a default case to handle this scenario, but it is insufficient as it cannot guarantee accurate detection.
A more effective solution involves niling closed channels within the select statement. When a channel closes, it is assigned a nil value, indicating it is no longer eligible for selection. This approach ensures that the loop will continue only as long as there are active channels.
In essence, the modified code will look as follows:
for { var x, ok = <-ch1 // Receive from ch1 fmt.Println("ch1", x, ok) if !ok { ch1 = nil // Nil closed channel } x, ok = <-ch2 // Receive from ch2 fmt.Println("ch2", x, ok) if !ok { ch2 = nil // Nil closed channel } if ch1 == nil && ch2 == nil { break // Exit loop when all channels are nil } }
This solution elegantly handles channel closure detection without introducing performance concerns, ensuring a concise and efficient implementation. As the number of input channels increases, the niling approach remains straightforward, making it scalable for handling multiple inputs.
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