Déverrouiller l'énigme de "javascript:void(0)"
JavaScript, un langage de programmation omniprésent largement utilisé dans le développement Web, offre un large éventail d’opérateurs intégrés, chacun servant un objectif spécifique. L'un de ces opérateurs qui a piqué la curiosité de beaucoup est l'énigmatique opérateur "void", souvent rencontré dans des extraits de code tels que :
What exactly does this operator entail?
**Understanding the Void Operator**
The void operator in JavaScript has a peculiar function. When applied to an expression, it evaluates the expression and returns a special value - undefined.
**Why Use the Void Operator in "javascript:void(0)"?**
The void operator is often employed in conjunction with the "javascript:" URL schema. When applied to an anchor's href attribute, as in the example above, the purpose is to prevent execution and display of the evaluation result.
**A Practical Application**
Consider the typical scenario of a web page that includes a link for user login. By default, a javascript: URL would prompt the browser to redirect to a plain text version of the JavaScript evaluation output, such as "undefined." However, by utilizing void(0) as the href value, the link's click action will not cause redirection.
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