Concaténer un std::string et un int
Combiner un std::string et un int pour former une seule chaîne peut être un tâche simple. Voici plusieurs approches pour y parvenir :
1. Utiliser Boost
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> std::string name = "John"; int age = 21; std::string result = name + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(age);
2. Utilisation de C 11
std::string name = "John"; int age = 21; std::string result = name + std::to_string(age);
3. Utilisation de FastFormat
#include <fastformat/format.hpp> std::string name = "John"; int age = 21; std::string result; fastformat::fmt(result, "{0}{1}", name, age); // FastFormat.Format fastformat::write(result, name, age); // FastFormat.Write
4. Utilisation de la bibliothèque {fmt}
#include <fmt/core.h> std::string name = "John"; int age = 21; std::string result = fmt::format("{}{}", name, age);
5. Utiliser IOStreams
std::string name = "John"; int age = 21; std::stringstream sstm; sstm << name << age; std::string result = sstm.str();
6. Utiliser itoa
std::string name = "John"; int age = 21; char numstr[21]; // enough to hold all numbers up to 64-bits std::string result = name + itoa(age, numstr, 10);
7. Utilisation de sprintf
std::string name = "John"; int age = 21; char numstr[21]; // enough to hold all numbers up to 64-bits sprintf(numstr, "%d", age); std::string result = name + numstr;
8. Utilisation de integer_to_string
#include <stlsoft/integer_to_string.hpp> std::string name = "John"; int age = 21; char numstr[21]; // enough to hold all numbers up to 64-bits std::string result = name + stlsoft::integer_to_string(numstr, 21, age);
9. Utilisation de winstl::int_to_string()
#include <stlsoft/winstl/int_to_string.hpp> std::string name = "John"; int age = 21; std::string result = name + winstl::int_to_string(age);
10. Utilisation de Poco NumberFormatter
#include <Poco/NumberFormatter.h> std::string name = "John"; int age = 21; std::string result = name + Poco::NumberFormatter().format(age);
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