Les API Win32 permettent la désactivation et l'activation des appareils par programme. Cependant, tous les appareils ne prennent pas en charge cette fonctionnalité. Lorsque vous tentez de désactiver un pavé tactile à l'aide des API SetupDi, cela peut ne pas être possible car le pilote de souris par défaut ne prend souvent pas en charge cette action.
Pour vérifier si un périphérique est désactivable, vérifiez si l'option de désactivation est disponible dans Gestionnaire de périphériques. S'il est présent, le code suivant peut être utilisé :
public static void EnableMouse(bool enable) { // Example mouse GUID: {4d36e96f-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} Guid mouseGuid = new Guid("{4d36e96f-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}"); // Get the instance path from Device Manager string instancePath = @"ACPI\PNP0F03&3688D3F&0"; DeviceHelper.SetDeviceEnabled(mouseGuid, instancePath, enable); } ```` Here's the supporting library:
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using DisableDevice;
en utilisant System.Runtime.InteropServices;
en utilisant System.ComponentModel;
en utilisant Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
en utilisant System.Security;
en utilisant System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution;
en utilisant System.Management;
espace de noms DisableDevice
[Flags()] internal enum SetupDiGetClassDevsFlags { Default = 1, Present = 2, AllClasses = 4, Profile = 8, DeviceInterface = (int)0x10 } internal enum DiFunction { SelectDevice = 1, InstallDevice = 2, AssignResources = 3, Properties = 4, Remove = 5, FirstTimeSetup = 6, FoundDevice = 7, SelectClassDrivers = 8, ValidateClassDrivers = 9, InstallClassDrivers = (int)0xa, CalcDiskSpace = (int)0xb, DestroyPrivateData = (int)0xc, ValidateDriver = (int)0xd, Detect = (int)0xf, InstallWizard = (int)0x10, DestroyWizardData = (int)0x11, PropertyChange = (int)0x12, EnableClass = (int)0x13, DetectVerify = (int)0x14, InstallDeviceFiles = (int)0x15, UnRemove = (int)0x16, SelectBestCompatDrv = (int)0x17, AllowInstall = (int)0x18, RegisterDevice = (int)0x19, NewDeviceWizardPreSelect = (int)0x1a, NewDeviceWizardSelect = (int)0x1b, NewDeviceWizardPreAnalyze = (int)0x1c, NewDeviceWizardPostAnalyze = (int)0x1d, NewDeviceWizardFinishInstall = (int)0x1e, Unused1 = (int)0x1f, InstallInterfaces = (int)0x20, DetectCancel = (int)0x21, RegisterCoInstallers = (int)0x22, AddPropertyPageAdvanced = (int)0x23, AddPropertyPageBasic = (int)0x24, Reserved1 = (int)0x25, Troubleshooter = (int)0x26, PowerMessageWake = (int)0x27, AddRemotePropertyPageAdvanced = (int)0x28, UpdateDriverUI = (int)0x29, Reserved2 = (int)0x30 } internal enum StateChangeAction { Enable = 1, Disable = 2, PropChange = 3, Start = 4, Stop = 5 } [Flags()] internal enum Scopes { Global = 1, ConfigSpecific = 2, ConfigGeneral = 4 } internal enum SetupApiError { NoAssociatedClass = unchecked((int)0xe0000200), ClassMismatch = unchecked((int)0xe0000201), DuplicateFound = unchecked((int)0xe0000202), NoDriverSelected = unchecked((int)0xe0000203), KeyDoesNotExist = unchecked((int)0xe0000204), InvalidDevinstName = unchecked((int)0xe0000205), InvalidClass = unchecked((int)0xe0000206), DevinstAlreadyExists = unchecked((int)0xe0000207), DevinfoNotRegistered = unchecked((int)0xe0000208), InvalidRegProperty = unchecked((int)0xe0000209), NoInf = unchecked((int)0xe000020a), NoSuchHDevinst = unchecked((int)0xe000020b), CantLoadClassIcon = unchecked((int)0xe000020c), InvalidClassInstaller = unchecked((int)0xe000020d), DiDoDefault = unchecked((int)0xe000020e), DiNoFileCopy = unchecked((int)0xe000020f), InvalidHwProfile = unchecked((int)0xe0000210), NoDeviceSelected = unchecked((int)0xe0000211), DevinfolistLocked = unchecked((int)0xe0000212), DevinfodataLocked = unchecked((int)0xe0000213), DiBadPath = unchecked((int)0xe0000214), NoClassInstallParams = unchecked((int)0xe0000215), FileQueueLocked = unchecked((int)0xe0000216), BadServiceInstallSect = unchecked((int)0xe0000217), NoClassDriverList = unchecked((int)0xe0000218), NoAssociatedService = unchecked((int)0xe0000219), NoDefaultDeviceInterface = unchecked((int)0xe000021a), DeviceInterfaceActive = unchecked((int)0xe000021b), DeviceInterfaceRemoved = unchecked((int)0xe000021c), BadInterfaceInstallSect = unchecked((int)0xe000021d), NoSuchInterfaceClass = unchecked((int)0xe000021e), InvalidReferenceString = unchecked((int)0xe000021f), InvalidMachineName = unchecked((int)0xe0000220), RemoteCommFailure = unchecked((int)0xe0000221), MachineUnavailable = unchecked((int)0xe0000222), NoConfigMgrServices = unchecked((int)0xe0000223), InvalidPropPageProvider = unchecked((int)0xe0000224), NoSuchDeviceInterface = unchecked((int)0xe0000225), DiPostProcessingRequired = unchecked((int)0xe0000226), InvalidCOInstaller = unchecked((int)0xe0000227), NoCompatDrivers = unchecked((int)0xe0000228), NoDeviceIcon = unchecked((int)0xe0000229), InvalidInfLogConfig = unchecked((int)0xe000022a), DiDontInstall = unchecked((int)0xe000022b), InvalidFilterDriver = unchecked((int)0xe000022c), NonWindowsNTDriver = unchecked((int)0xe000022d), NonWindowsDriver = unchecked((int)0xe000022e), NoCatalogForOemInf = unchecked((int)0xe000022f), DevInstallQueueNonNative = unchecked((int)0xe0000230), NotDisableable = unchecked((int)0xe0000231), CantRemoveDevinst = unchecked((int)0xe
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