Maison > php教程 > php手册 > 进程锁定问题分析研究


Libérer: 2016-06-13 11:22:48
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* 进行写锁定的测试
* 打开线程1
$lock = new File_Lock(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/FileLock.lock");
/** 单个线程锁定的速度 1s 钟 3万次。 **/
/** 两个线程写,两万的数据 大概要 7s 钟*/
/** 一个线程写,一万的数据 大概要 3.9s 钟,居然两个文件同时写,要快一点*/
/** 不进行锁定,一个进程 写大概要 2.8s 钟,加锁是有代价的。 */
/** 不进行锁定,两个进程 分布不是很均匀,而且大多数都冲突 */
while ($lock->get() usleep(1000);
echo "begin to runing n";
$t1 = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i {
$t2 = microtime(true) - $t1;
echo $t2;

class File_Lock
private $name;
private $handle;
private $mode;
function __construct($filename, $mode = 'a+b')
global $php_errormsg;
$this->name = $filename;
$path = dirname($this->name);
if ($path == '.' || !is_dir($path)) {
global $config_file_lock_path;
$this->name = str_replace(array("/", ""), array("_", "_"), $this->name);
if ($config_file_lock_path == null) {
$this->name = dirname(__FILE__) . "/lock/" . $this->name;
} else {
$this->name = $config_file_lock_path . "/" . $this->name;
$this->mode = $mode;
$this->handle = @fopen($this->name, $mode);
if ($this->handle == false) {
throw new Exception($php_errormsg);
public function close()
if ($this->handle !== null ) {
$this->handle = null;
public function __destruct()
public function lock($lockType, $nonBlockingLock = false)
if ($nonBlockingLock) {
return flock($this->handle, $lockType | LOCK_NB);
} else {
return flock($this->handle, $lockType);
public function readLock()
return $this->lock(LOCK_SH);
public function writeLock($wait = 0.1)
$startTime = microtime(true);
$canWrite = false;
do {
$canWrite = flock($this->handle, LOCK_EX);
if(!$canWrite) {
usleep(rand(10, 1000));
} while ((!$canWrite) && ((microtime(true) - $startTime) }
* if you want't to log the number under multi-thread system,
* please open the lock, use a+ mod. then fopen the file will not
* destroy the data.
* this function increment a delt value , and save to the file.
* @param int $delt
* @return int
public function increment($delt = 1)
$n = $this->get();
$n += $delt;
return $n;
public function get()
fseek($this->handle, 0);
return (int)fgets($this->handle);
public function set($value)
ftruncate($this->handle, 0);
return fwrite($this->handle, (string)$value);
public function unlock()
if ($this->handle !== null ) {
return flock($this->handle, LOCK_UN);
} else {
return true;
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