评论时点 “回复” 把当前内容要回复的内容添冲到textarea里,并在句首得到光标
insertAdjacentText 在指定位置插入给定的文本。 Syntax object.insertAdjacentText(sWhere, sText) Parameters sWhere Required. String that specifies where to insert the text, using one of the following values: beforeBegin Inserts the text immediately before the element. afterBegin Inserts the text after the start of the element but before all other content in the element. beforeEnd Inserts the text immediately before the end of the element but after all other content in the element. afterEnd Inserts the text immediately after the end of the element. sText Required. String that specifies the text to insert. 手册上的。。 <br><font color="#e78608">------解决方案--------------------</font><br> 参考帖子 http://topic.csdn.net/u/20120329/09/e12eb48a-aa5f-4f99-84de-189b34f9e285.html<br>#7 的回复。 <br><font color="#e78608">------解决方案--------------------</font><br><a href="#" onclick="VideoComments.reply(373323281,'4fbce32ef0b7e2a929000000','4fbce32ef0b7e2a929000000',false);return false;">回复</a><br><br>把id传进去,不也可以?<br><br> <div class="clear"> </div>