Maison > interface Web > tutoriel HTML > 以 “周” 为单位的可以翻页的效果 显示为 2016年第2周_html/css_WEB-ITnose

以 “周” 为单位的可以翻页的效果 显示为 2016年第2周_html/css_WEB-ITnose

Libérer: 2016-06-21 09:00:19
1069 Les gens l'ont consulté


动作:向前翻一页,显示为 2016年第1周;向后翻一页,显示为  2016年第3周



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previousDiv  上一页ID
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nextDiv      下一页ID
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<strong>headerTitleDiv 日期容器ID 日期是需要放在input里的, ID为title日期的形式是day, input的type='text',不可以是其它,否则,title不显示日期</strong>
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<!--日期的容器-->        <div class="headerDiv">            <div id="previousDiv" class="previousImgDiv"></div>            <div id="nextDiv" class="unNextImgDiv" ></div>            <div id="headerTitleDiv" class="titleDiv"><input id="title" type="text" style="background-color:#f0f0f0;border:none;font-size: 20px;text-align:center;"/></div>        </div>
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var previousDiv;var nextDiv;var headerTitleDiv;var title;//拼日期var currentWeek = theWeek();var defaultWeek = theWeek();var currentYear = theYear();var defautlYear = theYear();//监听上一页与下一页的点击事件var previousDivTapEvent;var nextDivTapEvent;
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$(document).ready(function(){        previousDiv = document.getElementById('previousDiv');    nextDiv = document.getElementById('nextDiv');    headerTitleDiv = document.getElementById('headerTitleDiv');    title = document.getElementById('title');    title.value = formartWeek();     //给前一页加点击事件,并监听它    previousDiv.addEventListener('tap', previousDivTapEvent);    $(title).on('input', function(){        if(this.value.length == 0){            this.value.length = formartWeek(new Date());        }else{            if(checkCanDoNext()){                fetchDate();                return;            }        }    });    }    
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3、前一天监听事件( fetchDate(); 日期与数据关联的方法,调用这个方法,可以取得与日期关联的数据 ):

function previousDivTapEvent(){    resetNextEvent();    nextDiv.className = 'nextImgDiv';    title.value = getPreviousWeek(title.value);    //fetchDate();   日期与数据关联的方法,调用这个方法,可以取得与日期关联的数据    fetchDate();}
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function nextDivTapEvent(){    resetPreviousEvent();    title.value = getNextWeek();    fetchDate();    if(checkCanDoNext){        nextDiv.removeEventListener('tap',nextDivTapEvent);        return;    }}
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function getPreviousWeek(){    //当前周减去一周currentWeek--;    currentWeek--;    if(currentWeek < 1){        currentYear--;        currentWeek = 52;    }    return formartWeek();}
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function getNextWeek(){    //当前周加上一周主是下一周    currentWeek ++;    //如果当前周大于52周,满一年,当前年加一年,新的一年,第一周    if(currentWeek > 52){        currentYear ++;        currentWeek = 1;    }    return formartWeek();}
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function checkCanDoNext(){    if(defaultWeek <= currentWeek && defautlYear <= currentYear){        title.value = formartWeek();        nextDiv.className = 'unNextImgDiv';        nextDiv.removeEventListener('tap',nextDivTapEvent);        return true;    }else{        resetNextEvent();        nextDiv.className = 'nextImgDiv';        return false;    }}
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function resetPreviousEvent(){    previousDiv.className = 'previousImgDiv';    previousDiv.removeEventListener('tap',previousDivTapEvent);    previousDiv.addEventListener('tap',previousDivTapEvent);}
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function resetNextEvent(){    nextDiv.className = 'nextImgDiv';    nextDiv.removeEventListener('tap',nextDivTapEvent);    nextDiv.addEventListener('tap',nextDivTapEvent);}
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function formartWeek(){    return currentYear + "年 第 " + currentWeek + "周";}
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function theYear(){    var now = new Date();    years = now.getFullYear();    return years;}
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function theWeek(){    var totalDays = 0;    now = new Date();    years = now.getYear()    if (years < 1000)        years += 1900    var days = new Array(12);    days[0] = 31;    days[2] = 31;    days[3] = 30;    days[4] = 31;    days[5] = 30;    days[6] = 31;    days[7] = 31;    days[8] = 30;    days[9] = 31;    days[10] = 30;    days[11] = 31;        //判断是否为闰年,针对2月的天数进行计算    if (Math.round(now.getYear() / 4) == now.getYear() / 4) {        days[1] = 29    } else {        days[1] = 28    }     if (now.getMonth() == 0) {        totalDays = totalDays + now.getDate();    } else {        var curMonth = now.getMonth();        for (var count = 1; count <= curMonth; count++) {            totalDays = totalDays + days[count - 1];        }        totalDays = totalDays + now.getDate();    }    //得到第几周    var week = Math.round(totalDays / 7);    return week;}
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  1. html中input的类型为text
    <div id="headerTitleDiv" class="titleDiv"><input id="title" type="text" style="background-color:#f0f0f0;border:none;font-size: 20px;text-align:center;"/></div>
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2. 前一页与后一页的点击事件中,可以加入与数据关联的方法,在点击进入下一页时,自动获取相应的数据

3. 给title添加input事件时,需要写一个判断:当前值 = 周日期的返回的方法。如果下一页有数据,才可以点击进入下一页:

$(title).on('input', function(){        if(this.value.length == 0){            this.value.length = formartWeek(new Date());        }else{            if(checkCanDoNext()){                fetchDate();                return;            }        }    });
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