PHP 7.0.8 正式发布了。
1 | 23 Jun 2016 PHP 7.0.8- Core: . Fixed bug #72221 (segfault, past-the- end access). (Lauri Kenttä) . Fixed bug #72218 (If host name cannot be resolved then PHP 7 crashes). (Esminis at esminis dot lt)- FPM: . Fixed bug #72308 (fastcgi_finish_request and logging environment variables). (Laruence)- GD: . Fixed bug #72337 (invalid dimensions can lead to crash) (Pierre)- Intl: . Fixed bug #64524 (Add intl.use_exceptions to php.ini-*). (Anatol)- PCRE: . Fixed bug #72143 (preg_replace uses int instead of size_t). (Joe)- PDO_pgsql: . Fixed bug #71573 (Segfault (core dumped) if paramno beyond bound). (Laruence) . Fixed bug #72294 (Segmentation fault/invalid pointer in connection with pgsql_stmt_dtor). (Anatol)- Phpdbg: . Fixed bug #72284 (phpdbg fatal errors with coverage). (Bob)- Postgres: . Fixed bug #72195 (pg_pconnect/pg_connect cause use -after-free). (Laruence) . Fixed bug #72197 (pg_lo_create arbitrary read). (Anatol)- Standard: . Fixed bug #72369 ( array_merge () produces references in PHP7). (Dmitry) . Fixed bug #72300 (ignore_user_abort(false) has no effect). (Laruence) . Fixed bug #72229 (Wrong reference when serialize/unserialize an object). (Laruence) . Fixed bug #72193 (dns_get_record returns array containing elements of type 'unknown' ). (Laruence) . Fixed bug #72017 (range() with float step produces unexpected result). (Thomas Punt)- XML: . Fixed bug #72206 (xml_parser_create/xml_parser_free leaks mem). (Joe)- XMLRPC: . Fixed bug #72155 ( use -after-free caused by get_zval_xmlrpc_type). (Joe, Laruence)- Zip: . Fixed ug #72258 (ZipArchive converts filenames to unrecoverable form). (Anatol)
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