Maison > développement back-end > tutoriel php > PHP查询域名年龄脚本类


Libérer: 2016-06-23 13:35:28
1100 Les gens l'ont consulté

    class DomainAge{    private $WHOIS_SERVERS=array(    “com” => array(“”,”/Creation Date:(.*)/”),    “net” => array(“”,”/Creation Date:(.*)/”),    “org” => array(“”,”/Created On:(.*)/”),    “info” => array(“”,”/Created On:(.*)/”),    “biz” => array(“”,”/Domain Registration Date:(.*)/”),    “us” => array(“”,”/Domain Registration Date:(.*)/”),    “uk” => array(“”,”/Registered on:(.*)/”),    “ca” => array(“”,”/Creation date:(.*)/”),    “tel” => array(“”,”/Domain Registration Date:(.*)/”),    “ie” => array(“”,”/registration:(.*)/”),    “it” => array(“”,”/Created:(.*)/”),    “cc” => array(“”,”/Creation Date:(.*)/”),    “ws” => array(“”,”/Domain Created:(.*)/”),    “sc” => array(“”,”/Created On:(.*)/”),    “mobi” => array(“”,”/Created On:(.*)/”),    “pro” => array(“”,”/Created On:(.*)/”),    “edu” => array(“”,”/Domain record activated:(.*)/”),    “tv” => array(“”,”/Creation Date:(.*)/”),    “travel” => array(“”,”/Domain Registration Date:(.*)/”),    “in” => array(“”,”/Created On:(.*)/”),    “me” => array(“”,”/Domain Create Date:(.*)/”),    “cn” => array(“”,”/Registration Date:(.*)/”),    “asia” => array(“”,”/Domain Create Date:(.*)/”),    “ro” => array(“”,”/Registered On:(.*)/”),    “aero” => array(“”,”/Created On:(.*)/”),    “nu” => array(“”,”/created:(.*)/”)    );    public function age($domain)    {    $domain = trim($domain); //remove space from start and end of domain    if(substr(strtolower($domain), 0, 7) == “http://”) $domain = substr($domain, 7); // remove http:// if included    if(substr(strtolower($domain), 0, 4) == “www.”) $domain = substr($domain, 4);//remove www from domain    if(preg_match(“/^([-a-z0-9]{2,100})\.([a-z\.]{2,8})$/i”,$domain))    {    $domain_parts = explode(“.”, $domain);    $tld = strtolower(array_pop($domain_parts));    if(!$server=$this->WHOIS_SERVERS[$tld][0]) {    return false;    }    $res=$this->queryWhois($server,$domain);    if(preg_match($this->WHOIS_SERVERS[$tld][1],$res,$match))    {    date_default_timezone_set(‘UTC’);    $time = time() ? strtotime($match[1]);    $years = floor($time / 31556926);    $days = floor(($time % 31556926) / 86400);    if($years == “1”) {$y= “1 year”;}    else {$y = $years . ” years”;}    if($days == “1”) {$d = “1 day”;}    else {$d = $days . ” days”;}    return “$y, $d”;    }    else    return false;    }    else    return false;    }    private function queryWhois($server,$domain)    {    $fp = @fsockopen($server, 43, $errno, $errstr, 20) or die(“Socket Error ” . $errno . ” ? ” . $errstr);    if($server==””)    $domain=”=”.$domain;    fputs($fp, $domain . “\r\n”);    $out = “”;    while(!feof($fp)){    $out .= fgets($fp);    }    fclose($fp);    return $out;    }    }
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    require(“DomainAge.class.php”);    $w=new DomainAge();    echo $w->age(“”);
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