
Libérer: 2016-06-23 13:40:35
1028 Les gens l'ont consulté


/*Copyright check frame written by Radish.ghost Jan.2015*/#include<stdio.h>#include<windows.h>#include <urlmon.h>#ifdef C#define bool int //C hesn't bool type#endif#pragma comment(lib, "urlmon.lib")#ifndef USETIMES#define USETIMES 50 //How many times can use#endifchar*getinf();//Get the disk informationbool check1();//Connect serverint check2();//Check the fileint main(){check1();check2();if(check2())printf("You can use it!(%d times)\n",check2());else {printf("You can't use it!\n");exit(0);}/*<img src="" alt="">Your code here!*/return 0;}char*getinf(){	char buf[MAX_PATH]; DWORD Ser; DWORD Length; char tmp[100];int flag=0;GetVolumeInformation("C:\\",NULL,MAX_PATH,&Ser,&Length,NULL,NULL,MAX_PATH); //Ser为long 要转换成一个能用的字符串while(Ser)//Convert long to char*{	tmp[flag++]=(char)(Ser%10+'0');	Ser/=10;}tmp[flag]='\0';return tmp; }bool check1(){	char *ur=getinf();	char url[100]="http://localhost/bq.php?M=";	strcat(url,ur);	if(URLDownloadToFile(0,url,"c:\\a",0,NULL))return 1;	else return 0;}int check2(){	int times;	freopen("c:\\a","r",stdin);	scanf("%d",×);	if(times>(-1*USETIMES+50))return times;	else return 0;}</urlmon.h></windows.h></stdio.h>
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<?php /*在线版权验证*/Header("Content-type: text/plain"); $M=$_GET['M'];//获取硬盘序列号if(!file_exists($M)){	file_put_contents($M,"50");	echo  '50';}else{	$times=file_get_contents($M);	unlink($M);	file_put_contents($M,$times-1);	echo  $times;}?>
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