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Maison développement back-end tutoriel php WinInet模拟HTTP POST上传二进制文件流

WinInet模拟HTTP POST上传二进制文件流

Jun 23, 2016 pm 01:55 PM
http post 上传 二进制 模拟


BOOL CDllValidateDlg::PostHttpPage(CString &result,CString &PageName,CString &postData) // 请求Http.{ CInternetSession session("SighAgent");  try {       INTERNET_PORT nPort = 80;       DWORD dwRet = 0;        /*以下为wininet 网络请求流程*/       CHttpConnection* pServer = session.GetHttpConnection(SERVER_IP, nPort);     CHttpFile* pFile = pServer->OpenRequest(CHttpConnection::HTTP_VERB_POST,PageName); //打开一个请求      CString strHeaders = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; // 请求头      //开始发送请求                string data_post = MultiByteToUtf8(postData.GetBuffer(0));      pFile->SendRequest(strHeaders,(LPVOID),data_post.size()); //发送请求,注意此为堵塞函数        pFile->QueryInfoStatusCode(dwRet); //发送请求后,就查询发送的结果      if (dwRet == HTTP_STATUS_OK) //这个代表请求正确     {           CString str;            while(pFile->ReadString(str)) //开始返回返回结果             {               char *pStr = (char*)str.GetBuffer(str.GetLength()); //取得str对象的原始字符串                 result = result + str;          }           result = Utf8ToMultiByte(result.GetBuffer(0)).c_str();      }       else        {           SAFE_DELETE(pFile);         SAFE_DELETE(pServer);           return FALSE;       }       SAFE_DELETE(pFile);     SAFE_DELETE(pServer);   }   catch (CInternetException* pEx) {       //catch errors from WinInet     TCHAR pszError[200];        pEx->GetErrorMessage(pszError, 200);     OutputDebugString(pszError);        return FALSE;   }   session.Close();    return TRUE;}

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//二进制导入图片文件 char buffer[102400];  //BUF_SIZE大小自己定义  FILE * pFile = fopen("photo.bmp", "rb");    int img = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), 102400, pFile);// char stzimg[100];// itoa(img,stzimg,10);//  AfxMessageBox(stzimg);//二进制导入图片文件结束 CString post_data;  post_data.Format("matchid='%s'&matchname='%s'&aid='%d'&ticket='%d'"     "&name='%s'&gender='%d'&folk='%s'&birthday='%s'&addr='%s'&cardid='%s'&expire='%s'&agency='%s'&face='%s'",       matchID,matchName,AID,ticket,       Name,abs(stricmp(Gender,"女")),Folk,BirthDay,Address,Code, ExpireEnd,   Agency,buffer); //请求的附加参数    CString result; //返回的结果 CString post_page = "test_id_validater/update_num.php"; //请求的php    PostHttpPage(result,post_page,post_data);

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#include <windows.h>  #include <wininet.h>  #include <iostream>  #define ERROR_OPEN_FILE       10  #define ERROR_MEMORY          11  #define ERROR_SIZE            12  #define ERROR_INTERNET_OPEN   13  #define ERROR_INTERNET_CONN   14  #define ERROR_INTERNET_REQ    15  #define ERROR_INTERNET_SEND   16  using namespace std;  int main()  {     // Local variables     static char *filename   = "test.txt";   //Filename to be loaded     static char *type       = "image/jpg";     static char boundary[]  = "pippo";            //Header boundary     static char nameForm[]  = "uploadedfile";     //Input form name     static char iaddr[]     = "localhost";        //IP address     static char url[]       = "test.php";         //URL     char hdrs[255];                  //Headers     char * buffer;                   //Buffer containing file + headers     char * content;                  //Buffer containing file     FILE * pFile;                    //File pointer     long lSize;                      //File size     size_t result;                        // Open file     pFile = fopen ( filename , "rb" );     if (pFile==NULL) return ERROR_OPEN_FILE;     // obtain file size:     fseek (pFile , 0 , SEEK_END);     lSize = ftell (pFile);     rewind (pFile);     // allocate memory to contain the whole file:     content = (char*) malloc (sizeof(char)*lSize);     if (content == NULL) return ERROR_MEMORY;     // copy the file into the buffer:     result = fread (content,1,lSize,pFile);     if (result != lSize) return ERROR_SIZE;     // terminate     fclose (pFile);     //allocate memory to contain the whole file + HEADER     buffer = (char*) malloc (sizeof(char)*lSize + 2048);     //print header     sprintf(hdrs,"Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=%s",boundary);     sprintf(buffer,"--%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%s\"; filename=\"%s\"\r\n",boundary,nameForm,filename);     sprintf(buffer,"%sContent-Type: %s\r\n\r\n",buffer,type);     sprintf(buffer,"%s%s\r\n",buffer,content);     sprintf(buffer,"%s--%s--\r\n",buffer,boundary);     //Open internet connection     HINTERNET hSession = InternetOpen("WinSock",INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0);     if(hSession==NULL) return ERROR_INTERNET_OPEN;     HINTERNET hConnect = InternetConnect(hSession, iaddr,INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 1);     if(hConnect==NULL) return ERROR_INTERNET_CONN;     HINTERNET hRequest = HttpOpenRequest(hConnect, (const char*)"POST",url, NULL, NULL, (const char**)"*/*\0", 0, 1);     if(hRequest==NULL) return ERROR_INTERNET_REQ;     BOOL sent= HttpSendRequest(hRequest, hdrs, strlen(hdrs), buffer, strlen(buffer));     if(!sent) return ERROR_INTERNET_SEND;     //close any valid internet-handles     InternetCloseHandle(hSession);     InternetCloseHandle(hConnect);     InternetCloseHandle(hRequest);     return 0;  }

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对应PHP文件是用$bian_liang_ming = $_REQUEST['xxxx'];

你是玩C的,你应该清楚的知道字符串是依靠尾部附加的 '\0' 来判断结束的,那你如何能保证图片数据中不出现'\0' 而导致字符串提前结束呢?

你是玩C的,你应该清楚的知道字符串是依靠尾部附加的 '\0' 来判断结束的,那你如何能保证图片数据中不出现'\0' 而导致字符串提前结束呢?


c++ 应用 curl 库函数实现,这样少了协议的处理,事情变得单纯了
也可以用 sock 库函数实现
你 #3 的代码就是 sock 应用的一个例子

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