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/* Base Styles * maintained by fantasai * (classes defined in the Markup Guide - ) *//* Suggested order: * display * list-style * position * float * clear * width * height * margin * padding * border * background * color * font * text-decoration * text-align * vertical-align * white-space * other text * content * *//* TOC:   Random HTML Styles     Forms   General Structure   Navigation   Quotations   Comments and Other Asides   Emphasis   Computers - General   Code   Examples and Figures   Q and A (FAQ)   Tables   Headers   Meta   Specific to Products Pages*//* Random HTML Styles */    dt {        font-weight: bold;    }        dd {        margin: 0 0 1em 1em;    }        li {        margin-top: 0.2em;        margin-bottom: 0.2em;    }        sup {        font-size: 70%;    }    form {        margin: 0;        display: inline;    }    label {        font-weight: bold;    }/* General Structure */        .subtitle {        font-style: italic;    }    div.para {        margin: 1em 0;    }    div.para > ul,    div.para > ol,    div.para > blockquote {        margin-top: 0.2em;        margin-bottom: 0.2em;    }    div.section {        display: block;        padding-left: 3%;    }    div.section > h2,    div.section > h3,    div.section > h4,    div.section > h5,    div.section > h6 {        margin-left: -1.3%;    }        .block {      display: block;      margin: 0.1em 1em;    }        .imgright {        float: right;        margin: 0 0 2em 2em;    }        .first {        margin-top: 0; /* For IE not understanding :first-child */    }/* Navigation */    :link img,    :visited img {        border: 0;    }    .deepLevel #mainContent :link img,    .deepLevel #mainContent :visited img {        border: medium solid;    }    .deepLevel #mainContent #buttons :link img,    .deepLevel #mainContent #buttons :visited img {        border: 0;    }    .ex-ref {        font-style: italic;    }    dl.toc dt {        margin-top: 1em;        font-size: 110%;    }    dl.toc p {        margin: 0;        text-indent: 1em;    }    dl.toc p:first-child {        text-indent: 0;    }    dl.toc > dd {        margin-left: 1em;    }    ol.toc ol {        list-style-type: circle;    }    ol.toc > li > ol {        font-size: 90%;    }    ul.snav {/* section navigation or short navigation, whichever you prefer */        margin: 0.7em 10%;        padding: .2em;        text-align: center;        list-style-type: none;    }    ul.snav > li {        margin: 0;        padding: 0;    }    ul.snav > li {        display: inline;    }    ul.snav > li:before {        content: " | ";    }    ul.snav > li:first-child:before {        content: "";    }    @media screen, print, handheld, projection {        p.crumbs em {            display: none;        }    }    #mainContent > p.crumbs:first-child,    #side > p.crumbs:first-child {        margin-top: 0;    }    a.cont {        display: block;        margin-right: 0;        text-align: right;    }/* Quotations */    blockquote > address {        padding-left: 1em;        text-indent: -1em;    }    blockquote > address:before {        content: "\2015";    }    div.quote,    div.epigraph {        margin: 1em;    }    div.quote q,    div.epigraph q {        display: block;        margin: 0 .5em;        text-indent: -0.5em;    }    div.quote cite,    div.epigraph cite {        display: block;        padding: 0 1em;        text-align: right;        text-indent: -1em;    }    div.quote cite:before,    div.epigraph cite:before {        content: "\2015";    }    blockquote.epigraph,    div.epigraph q {        font-style: italic;        text-align: right;    }    blockquote.epigraph em,    div.epigraph q em {        font-style: normal;    }    blockquote.epigraph address,    div.epigraph cite {        font-style: normal;    }/* Comments and other Asides */    .note {        font-style: italic;    }    .note:before {        content: "Note: ";    }    .remark {        font-size: smaller;    }    .remark:before {        content: "[";    }    .remark:after {        content: "]";    }    .sidenote {        clear: both;        margin: 0.75em 0.5em;        padding: 0.2em;        border: 1px solid;        /* Block NS4 from floating */ /*/*/        float: right;        width: 30%;        min-width: 15em;        /* */    }    /* Reduce main header sizes */    .sidenote h1 {font-size: 1.40em;}    .sidenote h2 {font-size: 1.25em;}    .sidenote h3 {font-size: 1.10em;}    .key-point > h1:first-child,    .key-point > h2:first-child,    .key-point > h3:first-child,    .key-point > h4:first-child,    .key-point > h5:first-child,    .key-point > h6:first-child {        margin-top: 0;    }/* Emphasis */    /* em, strong */    strong.stronger {        font-style: italic;        font-weight: bold;    }    strong.very-strong {        font-weight: bold;        text-transform: uppercase;    }    *.important,    div.important,    p.important {        margin: 1em;        padding: 0.1em;        border: solid #F00;        font-size: larger;    }        span.important {        margin: 0;        padding: 0;        border: 0;        font-size: smaller;        color: #c00;    }/* Computers - General */    pre.screen {        overflow: auto;        margin: 1em 0.5em;        padding: 0.2em;        border: solid 1px;        font-family: monospace;        white-space: pre;    }    div.screen {        margin: 1em .5em;        padding: 0.2em;        border: solid 1px;    }    span.application {        font-style: italic;    }    kbd.long {        display: block;        margin: 0.1em 1em;    }    kbd.command,    code.command {        white-space: pre;    }    code.filename {        font-style: italic;        white-space: nowrap;    }/* Code */    code, pre {        /* override IE6 default */        font-size: 1em;    }    code {        white-space: nowrap;    }    code.long {        display: block;        margin: 0.1em 1em;        white-space: normal;    }    pre.code {        overflow: auto;        margin: 1em .5em;        padding: .2em;        border: solid 1px;    }    pre.code .remark {        font-size: 1em;        font-style: italic;    }    /* turn off content generation */    pre.code .remark:before,    pre.code .remark:after,    pre.code .note:before {        content: "";    }/* Examples and Figures */    .example {        margin: 1em 3%;        padding: .25em;        border: solid;    }    .example:before {        display: block;        font-weight: bold;        content: "Example";    }    .example[title]:before {        content: "Example: " attr(title);    }    pre.bad,    div.bad {        border: dashed red 3px;    }    .bad.example:before {        content: "Incorrect Example";    }    .bad.example[title]:before {        content: "Incorrect Example: " attr(title);    }    pre.good,    div.good {        border: double lime 3px;    }    .good.example:before {        content: "Correct Example";    }    .good.example[title]:before {        content: "Correct Example: " attr(title);    }    .figure,    .screenshot {        display: block;        margin: .75em auto;    }    object.figure object,    object.screenshot object,    object.figure img,    object.screenshot object {        display: block;        margin: 0 auto;    }    .screenshot[title]:after,    .figure[title]:after {        display: block;        margin: 0 8% .05em;        font-style: italic;        font-size: small;        text-align: right;        content: attr(title);    }    .co,    .callout {        text-decoration: underline;    }/* Q and A (FAQ) */    .qandaset .question {        font-size: large;        font-weight: bold;    }    .qandaset .answer {        margin-top: 1em;    }/* Tables */ {        border-collapse: collapse;        margin: 0.5em auto;        border: 1px solid;    } caption {        margin: 1em auto 0.2em;        font-size: small;        font-style: italic;        text-align: center;    } th, td {        padding: 0.2em;        border: 1px solid;        vertical-align: baseline;    } tbody th:first-child {        text-align: right;    } thead th {        vertical-align: middle;    }/* Meta */    address {        text-align: right;    }    .author {        margin-bottom: 1em;        text-align: left;    }/* Headers */    #mainContent > h1:first-child,    #mainContent > h2:first-child,    #mainContent > h3:first-child,    #mainContent > h4:first-child,    #mainContent > h5:first-child,    #mainContent > h6:first-child,    #side > h1:first-child,    #side > h2:first-child,    #side > h3:first-child,    #side > h4:first-child,    #side > h5:first-child,    #side > h6:first-child {        margin-top: 0;    }    /* Specific to Products Pages */.productlist {    margin: 0;    padding: 0 0 0 5px;}.productlist li {    clear: left;    list-style: none;    padding: 0 0 1em 0;    margin-left: 0;}.productlist h3 {    margin: 0 0 0.2em 0;}.productlist img {    float: left;    margin: 0 0.5em 1em 0;}/* Random Stuff That Needs To Be Cleaned Up / Deprecated */.flLeft {    float: left;    margin: 5px 10px 5px 0;}.flRight {    float: right;    margin: 5px 0 5px 10px;}
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