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PHP使用gmdate实现将一个UNIX 时间格式化成GMT文本的方法,_PHP教程

Libérer: 2016-07-13 10:02:03
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PHP使用gmdate实现将一个UNIX 时间格式化成GMT文本的方法,

本文实例讲述了PHP使用gmdate实现将一个UNIX 时间格式化成GMT文本的方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体分析如下:


string gmdate (string $Format)
string gmdate (string $Format, int $Time)
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echo "When this page was loaded,\n";
echo 'It was then ', gmdate ('r'), "\n";
echo 'The currend gmdate was ', gmdate ('F j, Y'), "\n";
echo 'The currend gmdate was ', gmdate ('M j, Y'), "\n";
echo 'The currend gmdate was ', gmdate ('m/d/y'), "\n";
echo 'The currend gmdate was the ', gmdate ('jS \o\f M, Y'), "\n";
echo 'The currend time was ', gmdate ('g:i:s A T'), "\n";
echo 'The currend time was ', gmdate ('H:i:s O'), "\n";
echo gmdate ('Y');
gmdate ('L')&#63;(print ' is'):(print ' is not');
echo " a leap year\n";
echo time ('U'), " seconds had elapsed since January 1, 1970.\n";
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When this page was loaded,
It was then Sun, 27 Dec 2009 13:08:53 +0000
The currend gmdate was December 27, 2009
The currend gmdate was Dec 27, 2009
The currend gmdate was 12/27/09
The currend gmdate was the 27th of Dec, 2009
The currend time was 1:08:53 PM GMT
The currend time was 13:08:53 +0000
2009 is not a leap year
1261919333 seconds had elapsed since January 1, 1970.
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www.bkjia.comtrue使用gmdate实现将一个UNIX 时间格式化成GMT文本的方法, 本文实例讲述了PHP使用gmdate实现将一个UNIX 时间格式化成GMT文本的方法。分享给大...
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