Maison > développement back-end > tutoriel php > 使用 NP-Gravatar 获取 Gravatar 上的头像

使用 NP-Gravatar 获取 Gravatar 上的头像

Libérer: 2016-07-25 09:11:19
1068 Les gens l'ont consulté
  1. //Creating instance:
  2. $gravatarService = new NP_Service_Gravatar_Profiles();
  3. //Changing response format to XML:
  4. $gravatarService->setResponseFormat(new NP_Service_Gravatar_Profiles_ResponseFormat_Xml());
  5. //Getting profile data.
  6. $profile = $gravatarService->getProfileInfo('');
  7. //$profile is instance of NP_Gravatar_Profile so we can access some of its properties.
  8. echo 'ID: ' . $profile->id . '
  9. echo 'Username: ' . $profile->getPreferredUsername() . '

  10. echo 'Photos:
  11. foreach($profile->getPhotos() as $photo) {
  12. echo '使用 NP-Gravatar 获取 Gravatar 上的头像
  13. }
  14. //Changing response format to JSON:
  15. $gravatarService->setResponseFormat(new NP_Service_Gravatar_Profiles_ResponseFormat_Json());
  16. //Getting profile data but forcing raw Zend_Http_Response object to be returned,
  17. //by passing boolean true for the second argument of the getProfileInfo() method:
  18. $response = $gravatarService->getProfileInfo('', true);
  19. if ($response instanceof Zend_Http_Response) { //true!
  20. //do something
  21. }
  22. //Changing response format to QR Code:
  23. $gravatarService->setResponseFormat(new NP_Service_Gravatar_Profiles_ResponseFormat_QRCode());
  24. //QR Code response can not be exported NP_Gravatar_Profile object, as that
  25. //response format type does not implement
  26. //NP_Service_Gravatar_Profiles_ResponseFormat_ParserInterface interface,
  27. //so raw Zend_Http_Response object will allways be returned when using
  28. //that response format:
  29. $response = $gravatarService->getProfileInfo('');
  30. echo $response->getHeader('Content-type'); //Prints "image/png".
  1. //Gravatar XML-RPC implementation requires API key for the
  2. //authentication proccess. It can be retrieved on the page
  3. //for editing profile, on
  4. $apiKey = 'someAPIKey';
  5. $email = ''; //Email address associated with the $apiKey.
  6. //Creating instance:
  7. $gravatarXmlRpc = new NP_Service_Gravatar_XmlRpc($apiKey, $email);
  8. //Checking whether there's a gravatar account registered with supplied email addresses.
  9. $result = $gravatarXmlRpc->exists(array(
  10. '', //That's me. :D
  11. ''
  12. ));
  13. $values = array_values($result);
  14. echo (bool)$values[0]; //Prints "true", as I do have Gravatar account. :)
  15. echo (bool)$values[1]; //Prints "false", as that second email address probably doesn't exist.
  16. //Getting user images on the current account:
  17. $images = $gravatarXmlRpc->userImages();
  18. //$image is instance of NP_Service_Gravatar_XmlRpc_UserImage,
  19. //as we didn't pass $raw parameter as "true" when executing
  20. //userImages() method.
  21. $image = $images[0];
  22. $imageUrl = $image->getUrl(); //Instance of Zend_Uri_Http.
  23. echo $image->getRating(); //Prints some rating (G, PG, R or X).
  24. //Saves some image to be a user image for the current account.
  25. $this->_gravatarXmlRpc->saveData('path/to/someImage.jpg', NP_Service_Gravatar_XmlRpc::PG_RATED);
  1. //Generating Gravatar URL.
  2. echo '使用 NP-Gravatar 获取 Gravatar 上的头像 ;
  3. //Generating Gravatar URL and specifying size and rating options.
  4. echo '使用 NP-Gravatar 获取 Gravatar 上的头像 ;
  5. //Full parameter names are supported, too.
  6. echo '使用 NP-Gravatar 获取 Gravatar 上的头像 ;
  7. //Generating Gravatar URL and specifying file-type extension.
  8. echo '使用 NP-Gravatar 获取 Gravatar 上的头像 ;
  9. //Above view helper call will produce this URL:
  10. //
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