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KoaHub平台基于Node.js开发的Koa router路由插件代码信息详情

Router middleware for koa. Provides RESTful resource routing.


Router middleware for koa[list][*]Express-style routing using app.get, app.put,, etc.
[*]Named URL parameters.
[*]Named routes with URL generation.
[*]Responds to OPTIONS requests with allowed methods.
[*]Support for 405 Method Not Allowed and 501 Not Implemented.
[*]Multiple route middleware.
[*]Multiple routers.
[*]Nestable routers.
[*]ES7 async/await support (koa-router 7.x).[/list]koa 2.x

See koa-router 7.x for koa 2.x and async/await support.


Install using npm:npm install koa-routerAPI Reference[list][*]koa-router
[*]Router ⏏
[*]new Router([opts])
[*].get|put|post|patch|delete ⇒ Router
[*].param(param, middleware) ⇒ Router
[*].use([path], middleware, [...]) ⇒ Router
[*].routes ⇒ function
[*].allowedMethods([options]) ⇒ function
[*].redirect(source, destination, code) ⇒ Router
[*].route(name) ⇒ Layer | false
[*].url(name, params) ⇒ String | Error
[*].url(path, params) ⇒ String[/list]Router

Kind: Exported class

new Router([opts])

Create a new router.


Param TypeDescription [opts] Object [opts.prefix] String prefix router paths [/table]Example Basic usage:var app = require('koa')();<br> var router = require('koa-router')();<br>  <br> router.get('/', function *(next) {...});<br>  <br> app<br>   .use(router.routes())<br>   .use(router.allowedMethods());router.get|put|post|patch|delete ⇒ Router

Create router.verb() methods, where verb is one of the HTTP verbes such as router.get() or

Match URL patterns to callback functions or controller actions using router.verb(), where verb is one of the HTTP verbs such as router.get() or<br>   .get('/', function *(next) {<br>     this.body = 'Hello World!';<br>   })<br>   .post('/users', function *(next) {<br>     // ... <br>   })<br>   .put('/users/:id', function *(next) {<br>     // ... <br>   })<br>   .del('/users/:id', function *(next) {<br>     // ... <br>   });Route paths will be translated to regular expressions using path-to-regexp.

Query strings will not be considered when matching requests.

Named routes

Routes can optionally have names. This allows generation of URLs and easy renaming of URLs during development.router.get('user', '/users/:id', function *(next) {<br>  // ... <br> });<br>  <br> router.url('user', 3);<br> // => "/users/3" Multiple middleware

Multiple middleware may be given:router.get(<br>   '/users/:id',<br>   function *(next) {<br>     this.user = yield User.findOne(;<br>     yield next;<br>   },<br>   function *(next) {<br>     console.log(this.user);<br>     // => { id: 17, name: "Alex" } <br>   }<br> );Nested routers

Nesting routers is supported:var forums = new Router();<br> var posts = new Router();<br>  <br> posts.get('/', function *(next) {...});<br> posts.get('/:pid', function *(next) {...});<br> forums.use('/forums/:fid/posts', posts.routes(), posts.allowedMethods());<br>  <br> // responds to "/forums/123/posts" and "/forums/123/posts/123" <br> app.use(forums.routes());Router prefixes

Route paths can be prefixed at the router level:var router = new Router({<br>   prefix: '/users'<br> });<br>  <br> router.get('/', ...); // responds to "/users" <br> router.get('/:id', ...); // responds to "/users/:id" URL parameters

Named route parameters are captured and added to ctx.params.router.get('/:category/:title', function *(next) {<br>   console.log(this.params);<br>   // => { category: 'programming', title: 'how-to-node' } <br> });Kind: instance property of Router

[table=50%] Param Type Description path String [middleware] function route middleware(s) callback function route callback [/table]router.routes ⇒ function

Returns router middleware which dispatches a route matching the request.

Kind: instance property of Router

router.use([path], middleware, [...]) ⇒ Router

Use given middleware(s) before route callback.

Only runs if any route is matched. If a path is given, the middleware will run for any routes that include that path.

Kind: instance method of Router

[table=50%] Param Type [path] String middleware function [...] function [/table]Examplerouter.use(session(), authorize());<br>  <br> // use middleware only with given path <br> router.use('/users', userAuth());<br>  <br> app.use(router.routes());router.prefix(prefix) ⇒ Router

Set the path prefix for a Router instance that was already initialized.

Kind: instance method of Router

[table=50%] Param Type prefix String [/table]Examplerouter.prefix('/things/:thing_id')router.allowedMethods([options]) ⇒ function

Returns separate middleware for responding to OPTIONS requests with an Allow header containing the allowed methods, as well as responding with 405 Method Not Allowed and 501 Not Implemented as appropriate.

Kind: instance method of Router

[table=50%] Param Type Description [options] Object [options.throw] Boolean throw error instead of setting status and header [options.notImplemented] Function throw the returned value in place of the default NotImplemented error [options.methodNotAllowed] Function throw the returned value in place of the default MethodNotAllowed error [/table]Examplevar app = koa();<br> var router = router();<br>  <br> app.use(router.routes());<br> app.use(router.allowedMethods());<br>  <br> Example with Boom<br> <br> var app = koa();<br> var router = router();<br> var Boom = require('boom');<br>  <br> app.use(router.routes());<br> app.use(router.allowedMethods({<br>   throw: true,<br>   notImplemented: () => new Boom.notImplemented(),<br>   methodNotAllowed: () => new Boom.methodNotAllowed()<br> }));router.redirect(source, destination, code) ⇒ Router

Redirect source to destination URL with optional 30x status code.

Both source and destination can be route names.router.redirect('/login', 'sign-in');This is equivalent to:router.all('/login', function *() {<br>   this.redirect('/sign-in');<br>   this.status = 301;<br> });Kind: instance method of Router

[table=50%] Param Type Description source String URL or route name. destination String URL or route name. code Number HTTP status code (default: 301). [/table]router.route(name) ⇒ Layer | false

Lookup route with given name.

Kind: instance method of Router

Param Type
name String

router.url(name, params) ⇒ String | Error

Generate URL for route. Takes the route name and a map of named

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