在PHP中Zlib支持默认并没有开启。需要安装配置 PHP的时候使用 --with-zlib[=DIR]。
Example #1 简单的Zlib示例
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gzclose — Close an open gz-file pointer
gzcompress — Compress a string
gzdecode — Decodes a gzip compressed string
gzdeflate — Deflate a string
gzencode — Create a gzip compressed string
gzeof — Test for EOF on a gz-file pointer
gzfile — Read entire gz-file into an array
gzgetc — Get character from gz-file pointer
gzgets — Get line from file pointer
gzgetss — Get line from gz-file pointer and strip HTML tags
gzinflate — Inflate a deflated string
gzopen — Open gz-file
gzpassthru — Output all remaining data on a gz-file pointer
gzputs — 别名 gzwrite
gzread — Binary-safe gz-file read
gzrewind — Rewind the position of a gz-file pointer
gzseek — Seek on a gz-file pointer
gztell — Tell gz-file pointer read/write position
gzuncompress — Uncompress a compressed string
gzwrite — Binary-safe gz-file write
readgzfile — Output a gz-file
zlib_decode — Uncompress any raw/gzip/zlib encoded data
zlib_encode — Compress data with the specified encoding
zlib_get_coding_type — Returns the coding type used for output compression