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(Avancé) PHP génère le code du programme de code de vérification

(Avancé) PHP génère le code du programme de code de vérification
Feb 07, 2017 am 09:23 AMLe texte suivant :
Créez un nouveau fichier PHP captcha_code_file.php
//首先开启session session_start(); //定义前台显示验证码长&宽 $image_width = 120; $image_height = 40; $characters_on_image = 6; $font = './monofont.ttf'; //The characters that can be used in the CAPTCHA code. //avoid confusing characters (l 1 and i for example) $possible_letters = '23456789bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyz'; $random_dots = 10; $random_lines = 30; $captcha_text_color="0x142864"; $captcha_noice_color = "0x142864"; //定义要生成验证码的字符串 $code = ''; $i = 0; while ($i < $characters_on_image) { $code .= substr($possible_letters, mt_rand(0, strlen($possible_letters)-1), 1); $i++; } $font_size = $image_height * 0.75; $image = @imagecreate($image_width, $image_height); /* setting the background, text and noise colours here */ $background_color = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255); $arr_text_color = hexrgb($captcha_text_color); $text_color = imagecolorallocate($image, $arr_text_color['red'], $arr_text_color['green'], $arr_text_color['blue']); $arr_noice_color = hexrgb($captcha_noice_color); $image_noise_color = imagecolorallocate($image, $arr_noice_color['red'], $arr_noice_color['green'], $arr_noice_color['blue']); /* generating the dots randomly in background */ for( $i=0; $i<$random_dots; $i++ ) { imagefilledellipse($image, mt_rand(0,$image_width), mt_rand(0,$image_height), 2, 3, $image_noise_color); } /* generating lines randomly in background of image */ for( $i=0; $i<$random_lines; $i++ ) { imageline($image, mt_rand(0,$image_width), mt_rand(0,$image_height), mt_rand(0,$image_width), mt_rand(0,$image_height), $image_noise_color); } /* create a text box and add 6 letters code in it */ $textbox = imagettfbbox($font_size, 0, $font, $code); $x = ($image_width - $textbox[4])/2; $y = ($image_height - $textbox[5])/2; imagettftext($image, $font_size, 0, $x, $y, $text_color, $font , $code); /* Show captcha image in the page html page */ header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');// defining the image type to be shown in browser widow imagejpeg($image);//showing the image imagedestroy($image);//destroying the image instance //设置session,做验证 $_SESSION['6_letters_code'] = $code; function hexrgb ($hexstr) { $int = hexdec($hexstr); return array("red" => 0xFF & ($int >> 0x10), "green" => 0xFF & ($int >> 0x8), "blue" => 0xFF & $int); }
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