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Utilisez ICSharpCode.TextEditor pour personnaliser le pliage et la mise en surbrillance dans .NET

Libérer: 2017-02-28 15:25:06
2515 Les gens l'ont consulté


ICSharpCode.TextEditor 是一款非常不错的.NET代码编辑控件,内置了多种高亮语言支持,同时完美支持中文,非常赞!


Utilisez ICSharpCode.TextEditor pour personnaliser le pliage et la mise en surbrillance dans .NET


Utilisez ICSharpCode.TextEditor pour personnaliser le pliage et la mise en surbrillance dans .NET



需要实现IFoldingStrategy中的 GenerateFoldMarkers 方法,代码如下:

using ICSharpCode.TextEditor.Document;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace JackWangCUMT.WinForm
 /// <summary>
 /// The class to generate the foldings, it implements ICSharpCode.TextEditor.Document.IFoldingStrategy
 /// </summary>
 public class MingFolding : IFoldingStrategy
  /// <summary>
  /// Generates the foldings for our document.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="document">The current document.</param>
  /// <param name="fileName">The filename of the document.</param>
  /// <param name="parseInformation">Extra parse information, not used in this sample.</param>
  /// <returns>A list of FoldMarkers.</returns>
  public List<FoldMarker> GenerateFoldMarkers(IDocument document, string fileName, object parseInformation)
   List<FoldMarker> list = new List<FoldMarker>();
   //stack 先进先出
   var startLines = new Stack<int>();
   // Create foldmarkers for the whole document, enumerate through every line.
   for (int i = 0; i < document.TotalNumberOfLines; i++)
    // Get the text of current line.
    string text = document.GetText(document.GetLineSegment(i));

    if (text.Trim().StartsWith("#region")) // Look for method starts

    if (text.Trim().StartsWith("#endregion")) // Look for method endings
     int start = startLines.Pop();
     // Add a new FoldMarker to the list.
     // document = the current document
     // start = the start line for the FoldMarker
     // document.GetLineSegment(start).Length = the ending of the current line = the start column of our foldmarker.
     // i = The current line = end line of the FoldMarker.
     // 7 = The end column
     list.Add(new FoldMarker(document, start, document.GetLineSegment(start).Length, i, 57, FoldType.Region, "..."));
    //支持嵌套 {}
    if (text.Trim().StartsWith("{")) // Look for method starts
    if (text.Trim().StartsWith("}")) // Look for method endings
     if (startLines.Count > 0)
      int start = startLines.Pop();
      list.Add(new FoldMarker(document, start, document.GetLineSegment(start).Length, i, 57, FoldType.TypeBody, "...}"));

    // /// <summary>
    if (text.Trim().StartsWith("/// <summary>")) // Look for method starts
    if (text.Trim().StartsWith("/// <returns>")) // Look for method endings

     int start = startLines.Pop();
     string display = document.GetText(document.GetLineSegment(start + 1).Offset, document.GetLineSegment(start + 1).Length);
     //remove ///
     display = display.Trim().TrimStart(&#39;/&#39;);
     list.Add(new FoldMarker(document, start, document.GetLineSegment(start).Length, i, 57, FoldType.TypeBody, display));

   return list;
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拷贝CSharp-Mode.xshd为 JackCSharp-Mode.xshd ,将其中的名字修改为: SyntaxDefinition name = "JackC#" ,并添加高亮关键字,如下:

Utilisez ICSharpCode.TextEditor pour personnaliser le pliage et la mise en surbrillance dans .NET


textEditor.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
 textEditor.Font = new Font("Hack",12);
 textEditor.Document.FoldingManager.FoldingStrategy = new JackWangCUMT.WinForm.MingFolding();
 textEditor.Text = sampleCode;

 string path = Application.StartupPath+ "\\HighLighting";
 FileSyntaxModeProvider fsmp;
 if (Directory.Exists(path))
  fsmp = new FileSyntaxModeProvider(path);

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   private void TextEditor_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    textEditor.Document.FoldingManager.UpdateFoldings(null, null);
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Utilisez ICSharpCode.TextEditor pour personnaliser le pliage et la mise en surbrillance dans .NET

Utilisez ICSharpCode.TextEditor pour personnaliser le pliage et la mise en surbrillance dans .NET

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