Maison > interface Web > Tutoriel H5 > Introduction détaillée sur la façon d'implémenter les effets spéciaux d'animation de balançoire de vêtements 3D HTML5

Introduction détaillée sur la façon d'implémenter les effets spéciaux d'animation de balançoire de vêtements 3D HTML5

Libérer: 2017-03-24 16:49:05
3690 Les gens l'ont consulté

Il s'agit d'un autre chef-d'œuvre d'animation 3D basé sur HTML5 Canvas. Il s'agit d'un effet spécial d'animation de balançoire de vêtements 3D qui peut flotter dans le vent, ce qui est très réaliste. Lorsque nous glissons la souris sur les vêtements, les vêtements auront une animation de balancement. Lorsque nous cliquons sur la souris, les vêtements se balanceront plus violemment.


<p style="width:500px;margin:10px auto">
	<canvas id="cv" width="480" height="300"></canvas>
	<p>"3D on 2D Canvas" demo</p>
	<p>move cursor to pan / click to swing</p>
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Code JS de la bibliothèque P3D, principalement utilisé pour traiter la 3D effets

window.P3D = {
	texture: null,
	g: null

P3D.clear = function(f, w, h) {
	var g = this.g;
	g.fillStyle = f;
	g.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);


P3D.num_cmp = function(a,b){return a-b;}

P3D.drawTriangle = function(poss, uvs, shade_clr) {
	var w = this.texture.width;
	var h = this.texture.height;

	var g = this.g;

	var vAd = [ poss[1].x - poss[0].x , poss[1].y - poss[0].y ];
	var vBd = [ poss[2].x - poss[0].x , poss[2].y - poss[0].y ];

	var vA = [ uvs[1].u - uvs[0].u , uvs[1].v - uvs[0].v ];
	var vB = [ uvs[2].u - uvs[0].u , uvs[2].v - uvs[0].v ];

	vA[0] *= w;
	vA[1] *= h;

	vB[0] *= w;
	vB[1] *= h;

	var m = new M22();
	m._11 = vA[0];
	m._12 = vA[1];
	m._21 = vB[0];
	m._22 = vB[1];

	var im = m.getInvert();
	if (!im) return false;

	var a = im._11 * vAd[0] + im._12 * vBd[0];
	var b = im._21 * vAd[0] + im._22 * vBd[0];

	var c = im._11 * vAd[1] + im._12 * vBd[1];
	var d = im._21 * vAd[1] + im._22 * vBd[1];

	var wu = uvs[0].u * w;
	var hv = uvs[0].v * h;
	var du = wu * a + hv * b;
	var dv = wu * c + hv * d;;

	g.moveTo(poss[0].x, poss[0].y);
	g.lineTo(poss[1].x, poss[1].y);
	g.lineTo(poss[2].x, poss[2].y);

	g.transform(a, c, b, d, poss[0].x - du, poss[0].y - dv);

	// bounds
	var bx = [wu, wu+vA[0], wu+vB[0]];
	var by = [hv, hv+vA[1], hv+vB[1]];


	var bw = bx[2] - bx[0];
	var bh = by[2] - by[0];

	if ((bx[0]+bw) <= (w-1)) bw++;
	if ((by[0]+bh) <= (h-1)) bh++;
	if (bx[0] >= 1) {bx[0]--; bw++;}
	if (by[0] >= 1) {by[0]--; bh++;}

	g.drawImage(this.texture, bx[0], by[0], bw, bh, bx[0], by[0], bw, bh);

	if (shade_clr) {
		g.fillStyle = shade_clr;
		g.fillRect(bx[0], by[0], bw, bh);


	return true;

P3D.drawTestByIndexBuffer = function(pos_buf, ix_buf, culling) {
	var g = this.g;

	if ((ix_buf.length%3) != 0)
		throw "invalid index buffer length!";

	var len = ix_buf.length/3;

	var i, ibase, vbase;
	var poss = [{},{},{}];
	g.strokeWidth = 1;
	for (i = 0, ibase = 0;i < len;++i)
		vbase = ix_buf[ibase++] << 2;
		poss[0].x = pos_buf[vbase++];
		poss[0].y = pos_buf[vbase  ];

		vbase = ix_buf[ibase++] << 2;
		poss[1].x = pos_buf[vbase++];
		poss[1].y = pos_buf[vbase  ];

		vbase = ix_buf[ibase++] << 2;
		poss[2].x = pos_buf[vbase++];
		poss[2].y = pos_buf[vbase  ];

		// z component of cross product < 0 ?

		var Ax = poss[1].x - poss[0].x;
		var Ay = poss[1].y - poss[0].y;
		var Cx = poss[2].x - poss[1].x;
		var Cy = poss[2].y - poss[1].y;

		var cull = ( (((Ax * Cy) - (Ay * Cx))*culling) < 0);

		g.strokeStyle = cull ? "#592" : "#0f0";
		g.moveTo(poss[0].x, poss[0].y);
		g.lineTo(poss[1].x, poss[1].y);
		g.lineTo(poss[2].x, poss[2].y);
		g.lineTo(poss[0].x, poss[0].y);

P3D.drawByIndexBuffer = function(pos_buf, ix_buf, tx_buf, culling, z_clip) {
	var w, h;
	var color_polygon = !this.texture;
	if (this.texture) {
		w = this.texture.width;
		h = this.texture.height;

	var g = this.g;
	var m = new M22();

	if (!culling) culling = 0;

	if ((ix_buf.length%3) != 0)
		throw "invalid index buffer length!";

	var i, ibase, vbase, tbase, poss = [{},{},{}];
	var len = ix_buf.length/3;
	var uv_0u, uv_0v, uv_1u, uv_1v, uv_2u, uv_2v;

	for (i = 0, ibase = 0;i < len;++i)
		tbase = ix_buf[ibase++] << 1
		vbase = tbase << 1;
		poss[0].x = pos_buf[vbase++]; uv_0u = tx_buf[tbase++];
		poss[0].y = pos_buf[vbase++]; uv_0v = tx_buf[tbase];
		if (z_clip && (pos_buf[vbase] < 0 || pos_buf[vbase] > 1)) {ibase += 2; continue;}

		tbase = ix_buf[ibase++] << 1
		vbase = tbase << 1;
		poss[1].x = pos_buf[vbase++]; uv_1u = tx_buf[tbase++];
		poss[1].y = pos_buf[vbase++]; uv_1v = tx_buf[tbase];
		if (z_clip && (pos_buf[vbase] < 0 || pos_buf[vbase] > 1)) {++ibase; continue;}

		tbase = ix_buf[ibase++] << 1
		vbase = tbase << 1;
		poss[2].x = pos_buf[vbase++]; uv_2u = tx_buf[tbase++];
		poss[2].y = pos_buf[vbase++]; uv_2v = tx_buf[tbase];
		if (z_clip && (pos_buf[vbase] < 0 || pos_buf[vbase] > 1)) {continue;}

		var vAd = [ poss[1].x - poss[0].x , poss[1].y - poss[0].y ];
		var vBd = [ poss[2].x - poss[0].x , poss[2].y - poss[0].y ];

		var vCd = [ poss[2].x - poss[1].x , poss[2].y - poss[1].y ];

		// z component of cross product < 0 ?
		if( (((vAd[0] * vCd[1]) - (vAd[1] * vCd[0]))*culling) < 0)

		if (color_polygon) {
			g.fillStyle = uv_0u;

			g.moveTo(poss[0].x, poss[0].y);
			g.lineTo(poss[1].x, poss[1].y);
			g.lineTo(poss[2].x, poss[2].y);

		var vA = [ uv_1u - uv_0u , uv_1v - uv_0v ];
		var vB = [ uv_2u - uv_0u , uv_2v - uv_0v ];

		vA[0] *= w;
		vA[1] *= h;

		vB[0] *= w;
		vB[1] *= h;

		m._11 = vA[0];
		m._12 = vA[1];
		m._21 = vB[0];
		m._22 = vB[1];

		var im = m.getInvert();
		if (!im) { continue;}

		var a = im._11 * vAd[0] + im._12 * vBd[0];
		var b = im._21 * vAd[0] + im._22 * vBd[0];

		var c = im._11 * vAd[1] + im._12 * vBd[1];
		var d = im._21 * vAd[1] + im._22 * vBd[1];

		var wu = uv_0u * w;
		var hv = uv_0v * h;
		var du = wu * a + hv * b;
		var dv = wu * c + hv * d;;

		g.moveTo(poss[0].x, poss[0].y);
		g.lineTo(poss[1].x, poss[1].y);
		g.lineTo(poss[2].x, poss[2].y);
		g.transform(a, c, b, d, poss[0].x - du, poss[0].y - dv);

		// bounds
		var bx = [wu, wu+vA[0], wu+vB[0]];
		var by = [hv, hv+vA[1], hv+vB[1]];


		var bw = bx[2] - bx[0];
		var bh = by[2] - by[0];

		if ((bx[0]+bw) <= (w-1)) bw++;
		if ((by[0]+bh) <= (h-1)) bh++;
		if (bx[0] >= 1) {bx[0]--; bw++;}
		if (by[0] >= 1) {by[0]--; bh++;}

		g.drawImage(this.texture, bx[0], by[0], bw, bh, bx[0], by[0], bw, bh);
		if (shade_clr) {
			g.fillStyle = shade_clr;
			g.fillRect(bx[0], by[0], bw, bh);



function Vec3(_x, _y, _z)
	this.x = _x || 0;
	this.y = _y || 0;
	this.z = _z || 0;

Vec3.prototype = {
	zero: function() {
		this.x = this.y = this.z = 0;

	sub: function(v) {
		this.x -= v.x;
		this.y -= v.y;
		this.z -= v.z;

		return this;

	add: function(v) {
		this.x += v.x;
		this.y += v.y;
		this.z += v.z;

		return this;

	copyFrom: function(v) {
		this.x = v.x;
		this.y = v.y;
		this.z = v.z;

		return this;

	norm:function() {
		return Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y + this.z*this.z);

	normalize: function() {
		var nrm = Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y + this.z*this.z);
		if (nrm != 0)
			this.x /= nrm;
			this.y /= nrm;
			this.z /= nrm;
		return this;

	smul: function(k) {
		this.x *= k;
		this.y *= k;
		this.z *= k;

		return this;

	dpWith: function(v)	{
		return this.x*v.x + this.y*v.y + this.z*v.z;

	cp: function(v, w) {
		this.x = (w.y * v.z) - (w.z * v.y);
		this.y = (w.z * v.x) - (w.x * v.z);
		this.z = (w.x * v.y) - (w.y * v.x);

		return this;

	toString: function() {
		return this.x + ", " + this.y + "," + this.z;

function M44(cpy)
	if (cpy)
	else {

M44.prototype = {
	ident: function() {
			  this._12 = this._13 = this._14 = 0;
		this._21 =       this._23 = this._24 = 0;
		this._31 = this._32 =       this._34 = 0;
		this._41 = this._42 = this._43 =       0;

		this._11 = this._22 = this._33 = this._44 = 1;

		return this;

	copyFrom: function(m) {
		this._11 = m._11;
		this._12 = m._12;
		this._13 = m._13;
		this._14 = m._14;

		this._21 = m._21;
		this._22 = m._22;
		this._23 = m._23;
		this._24 = m._24;

		this._31 = m._31;
		this._32 = m._32;
		this._33 = m._33;
		this._34 = m._34;

		this._41 = m._41;
		this._42 = m._42;
		this._43 = m._43;
		this._44 = m._44;

		return this;

	transVec3: function(out, x, y, z) {
		out[0] = x * this._11 + y * this._21 + z * this._31 + this._41;
		out[1] = x * this._12 + y * this._22 + z * this._32 + this._42;
		out[2] = x * this._13 + y * this._23 + z * this._33 + this._43;
		out[3] = x * this._14 + y * this._24 + z * this._34 + this._44;

	transVec3Rot: function(out, x, y, z) {
		out[0] = x * this._11 + y * this._21 + z * this._31;
		out[1] = x * this._12 + y * this._22 + z * this._32;
		out[2] = x * this._13 + y * this._23 + z * this._33;

	perspectiveLH: function(vw, vh, z_near, z_far) {
		this._11 = 2.0*z_near/vw;
		this._12 = 0;
		this._13 = 0;
		this._14 = 0;

		this._21 = 0;
		this._22 = 2*z_near/vh;
		this._23 = 0;
		this._24 = 0;

		this._31 = 0;
		this._32 = 0;
		this._33 = z_far/(z_far-z_near);
		this._34 = 1;

		this._41 = 0;
		this._42 = 0;
		this._43 = z_near*z_far/(z_near-z_far);
		this._44 = 0;

		return this;

	lookAtLH: function(aUp, aFrom, aAt) {
		var aX = new Vec3();
		var aY = new Vec3();

		var aZ = new Vec3(aAt.x, aAt.y, aAt.z);

		aX.cp(aUp, aZ).normalize();
		aY.cp(aZ, aX);

		this._11 = aX.x;  this._12 = aY.x;  this._13 = aZ.x;  this._14 = 0;
		this._21 = aX.y;  this._22 = aY.y;  this._23 = aZ.y;  this._24 = 0;
		this._31 = aX.z;  this._32 = aY.z;  this._33 = aZ.z;  this._34 = 0;

		this._41 = -aFrom.dpWith(aX);
		this._42 = -aFrom.dpWith(aY);
		this._43 = -aFrom.dpWith(aZ);
		this._44 = 1;

	    return this;

	mul: function(A, B) {
		this._11 = A._11*B._11  +  A._12*B._21  +  A._13*B._31  +  A._14*B._41;
		this._12 = A._11*B._12  +  A._12*B._22  +  A._13*B._32  +  A._14*B._42;
		this._13 = A._11*B._13  +  A._12*B._23  +  A._13*B._33  +  A._14*B._43;
		this._14 = A._11*B._14  +  A._12*B._24  +  A._13*B._34  +  A._14*B._44;

		this._21 = A._21*B._11  +  A._22*B._21  +  A._23*B._31  +  A._24*B._41;
		this._22 = A._21*B._12  +  A._22*B._22  +  A._23*B._32  +  A._24*B._42;
		this._23 = A._21*B._13  +  A._22*B._23  +  A._23*B._33  +  A._24*B._43;
		this._24 = A._21*B._14  +  A._22*B._24  +  A._23*B._34  +  A._24*B._44;

		this._31 = A._31*B._11  +  A._32*B._21  +  A._33*B._31  +  A._34*B._41;
		this._32 = A._31*B._12  +  A._32*B._22  +  A._33*B._32  +  A._34*B._42;
		this._33 = A._31*B._13  +  A._32*B._23  +  A._33*B._33  +  A._34*B._43;
		this._34 = A._31*B._14  +  A._32*B._24  +  A._33*B._34  +  A._34*B._44;

		this._41 = A._41*B._11  +  A._42*B._21  +  A._43*B._31  +  A._44*B._41;
		this._42 = A._41*B._12  +  A._42*B._22  +  A._43*B._32  +  A._44*B._42;
		this._43 = A._41*B._13  +  A._42*B._23  +  A._43*B._33  +  A._44*B._43;
		this._44 = A._41*B._14  +  A._42*B._24  +  A._43*B._34  +  A._44*B._44;

		return this;

	translate: function(x, y, z) {
		this._11 = 1;  this._12 = 0;  this._13 = 0;  this._14 = 0;
		this._21 = 0;  this._22 = 1;  this._23 = 0;  this._24 = 0;
		this._31 = 0;  this._32 = 0;  this._33 = 1;  this._34 = 0;

		this._41 = x;  this._42 = y;  this._43 = z;  this._44 = 1;
		return this;

	transpose33: function() {
		var t;

		t = this._12;
		this._12 = this._21;
		this._21 = t;

		t = this._13;
		this._13 = this._31;
		this._31 = t;

		t = this._23;
		this._23 = this._32;
		this._32 = t;

		return this;

	// OpenGL style rotation
	glRotate: function(angle, x, y, z) {
		var s = Math.sin( angle );
		var c = Math.cos( angle );

		var xx = x * x;
		var yy = y * y;
		var zz = z * z;
		var xy = x * y;
		var yz = y * z;
		var zx = z * x;
		var xs = x * s;
		var ys = y * s;
		var zs = z * s;
		var one_c = 1.0 - c;
		this._11 = (one_c * xx) + c;
		this._21 = (one_c * xy) - zs;
		this._31 = (one_c * zx) + ys;
		this._41 = 0;

		this._12 = (one_c * xy) + zs;
		this._22 = (one_c * yy) + c;
		this._32 = (one_c * yz) - xs;
		this._42 = 0;

		this._13 = (one_c * zx) - ys;
		this._23 = (one_c * yz) + xs;
		this._33 = (one_c * zz) + c;
		this._43 = 0;

		this._14 = 0;
		this._24 = 0;
		this._34 = 0;
		this._44 = 1;

		this._11 = (one_c * xx) + c;
		this._12 = (one_c * xy) - zs;
		this._13 = (one_c * zx) + ys;
		this._14 = 0;

		this._21 = (one_c * xy) + zs;
		this._22 = (one_c * yy) + c;
		this._23 = (one_c * yz) - xs;
		this._24 = 0;

		this._31 = (one_c * zx) - ys;
		this._32 = (one_c * yz) + xs;
		this._33 = (one_c * zz) + c;
		this._34 = 0;

		this._41 = 0;
		this._42 = 0;
		this._43 = 0;
		this._44 = 1;

		return this;


// matrix 2x2
function M22()
	this._11 = 1;
	this._12 = 0;
	this._21 = 0;
	this._22 = 1;

M22.prototype.getInvert = function()
	var out = new M22();
	var det = this._11 * this._22 - this._12 * this._21;
	if (det > -0.0001 && det < 0.0001)
		return null;

	out._11 = this._22 / det;
	out._22 = this._11 / det;

	out._12 = -this._12 / det;
	out._21 = -this._21 / det;

	return out;
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Code JS d'animation de vêtements 3D

function ClothApp()
	this.canvas = document.getElementById("cv");

	P3D.g = this.canvas.getContext("2d");

	var tex = new Image();
	this.texture1 = tex;
	tex.onload = function(){ _this.start(); };
	tex.src = "20090226032826.gif";

	tex = new Image();
	this.texture2 = tex;
	tex.onload = function(){ _this.start(); };
	tex.src = "20090226032825.png";

	this.mLoadCount = 2;
	this.mTickCount = 0;

	this.G = 0.53;
	this.G1 = 0.45;
	this.mProjMat  = null;
	this.mViewMat  = null;
	this.mViewFrom = new Vec3();
	this.mViewFrom.y = -150;
	this.mViewFrom.z = 1000;
	this.mViewFromA = (new Vec3()).copyFrom(this.mViewFrom);

	this.mViewAngle = 0;

	this.mNLen = 0;
	this.mNodes = [];
	this.mRenderTris = null;

	this.mLTNode = null;
	this.mRTNode = null;

	this.mLTNodeV = new Vec3();
	this.mRTNodeV = new Vec3();

	this.mWForce = new Vec3();
	this.frate = 15;

	var _this = this;

ClothApp.zsortCmp = function(t1, t2) {
	return t2.sortKey - t1.sortKey;

ClothApp.prototype = {
	start: function() {
		if (--this.mLoadCount != 0) return;

		this.vUP = new Vec3(0,  1, 0);
		this.vAT = new Vec3(0, 80, 0);

		this.mViewport = {};
		this.mViewport.w = 480;
		this.mViewport.h = 300;
		this.mViewport.ow = 240;
		this.mViewport.oh = 150;


		var _this = this;
		this.canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e){_this.onMouseMove(e);}, false);
		this.canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e){_this.onClick(e);}, false);

		window.setTimeout(function(){_this.onInterval();}, this.frate);

	onInterval: function() {

		// this.mLTNodeV.z = Math.cos(this.mTickCount*0.1) * 2;


		var _this = this;
		window.setTimeout(function(){_this.onInterval();}, this.frate);

	onMouseMove: function(e) {
		if (e.clientX || e.clientX == 0)
			this.mViewAngle = (e.clientX - 240) * 0.004;

		if (e.clientY || e.clientY == 0)
			this.mViewFromA.y = 90 - (e.clientY - 0) * 0.8;

	onClick: function(e) {
		if (e.clientX || e.clientX == 0)
			this.mWForce.z = -4;
			this.mWForce.x = (e.clientX - 240) * -0.03;

	tick: function() {

		var nlen = this.mNodes.length;
		var i, nd;
		for(i = 0;i < nlen;i++)
			nd = this.mNodes[i];
			nd.F.x = 0;
			nd.F.z = 0;
			if (nd.flags & 4)
				nd.F.y = -this.G1;
				nd.F.y = -this.G;


		for(i = 0;i < nlen;i++)
			nd = this.mNodes[i];

			if ((nd.flags&1) != 0) {



	updatePosition: function() {
		var nlen = this.mNodes.length;
		var i, nd;
		for(i = 0;i < nlen;i++)
			nd = this.mNodes[i];

			if ((nd.flags&1) != 0) { = 0; = 0; = 0;

			nd.velo.sub(; = 0; = 0; = 0;


	draw: function() {
		P3D.clear("#000", this.mViewport.w, this.mViewport.h);

		var len = this.mRenderTris.length;
		var t, sh;
		for (var i = 0;i < len;i++) {
			t = this.mRenderTris[i];

			if (P3D.texture != t.texture)
				P3D.texture = t.texture;

			sh = undefined;
			if ( && t.shade > 0.01)
				sh = "rgba(0,0,0,"+t.shade+")";
			P3D.drawTriangle(t.tposs, t.uvs, sh);

	applyTension: function() {
		var i, k, nd;
		var v = new Vec3();
		var nlen = this.mNodes.length;
		var naturalLen = this.mNLen;

		for (k = 0;k < nlen;k++)
			nd = this.mNodes[k];
			var F = nd.F;

			for (i = 0;i < 4;i++)
				var nbr = nd.links[i];
				if (!nbr) continue;

				var len = v.copyFrom(nbr.pos).sub(nd.pos).norm();
				var dlen = len - naturalLen;
				if (dlen > 0) {
					v.smul(dlen * 0.5 / len);

					F.x += v.x;
					F.y += v.y;
					F.z += v.z;;

	setupTransforms: function() {
		this.mProjMat = new M44();
		this.mProjMat.perspectiveLH(24, 15, 10, 9000);

		this.mViewMat = new M44();

	updateViewTrans: function(ry) {
		this.mViewFromA.z = Math.cos(ry) * 380;
		this.mViewFromA.x = Math.sin(ry) * 380;

		this.mViewFrom.x += this.mViewFromA.x * 0.3;
		this.mViewFrom.y += this.mViewFromA.y * 0.3;
		this.mViewFrom.z += this.mViewFromA.z * 0.3;

		this.mViewMat.lookAtLH(this.vUP, this.mViewFrom, this.vAT);

	generateCloth: function(base_y) {
		var cols = 9;
		var rows = 8;

		var step   = 22;
		this.mNLen = step*0.9;
		var w = (cols-1) * step;

		var i, k;
		for (k = 0;k < rows;k++)
			for (i = 0;i < cols;i++)
				var nd = new ClothNode();
				nd.pos.x = -(w/2) + i*step;
				nd.pos.y = base_y -k*step/2;
				nd.pos.z = k*16;

				nd.uv.u = i / (cols-1);
				nd.uv.v = k / (rows-1);

				if (i > 0) {
					var prv_nd = this.mNodes[this.mNodes.length-1];
					prv_nd.links[1] = nd;
					nd.links[0] = prv_nd;

				if (k > 0) {
					var up_nd = this.mNodes[this.mNodes.length-cols];
					up_nd.links[4] = nd;
					nd.links[3] = up_nd;

				if (i != 0 && i != 4 && i != (cols-1))
					nd.flags |= 4;


		// fix left-top and right-top
		this.mNodes[0     ].flags |= 1;
		this.mNodes[4     ].flags |= 1;
		this.mNodes[cols-1].flags |= 1;

		this.mLTNode = this.mNodes[0     ];
		this.mRTNode = this.mNodes[cols-1];

	generateRenderTriangles: function()
		if (!this.mRenderTris) this.mRenderTris = [];

		var i;
		var nd;
		var nlen = this.mNodes.length;

		for(i = 0;i < nlen;i++)
			nd = this.mNodes[i];
			if (nd.links[1] && nd.links[1].links[4]) {
				var t = new RenderTriangle();
				t.texture = this.texture1;

				t.poss[0] = nd.pos;
				t.poss[1] = nd.links[1].pos;
				t.poss[2] = nd.links[1].links[4].pos;

				t.uvs[0]  = nd.uv;
				t.uvs[1]  = nd.links[1].uv;
				t.uvs[2]  = nd.links[1].links[4].uv;


				t = new RenderTriangle();
				t.texture = this.texture1;

				t.poss[0] = nd.pos;
				t.poss[1] = nd.links[1].links[4].pos;
				t.poss[2] = nd.links[4].pos;

				t.uvs[0]  = nd.uv;
				t.uvs[1]  = nd.links[1].links[4].uv;
				t.uvs[2]  = nd.links[4].uv;



	addBGTriangles: function(by) {
		var cols = 4;
		var t, x, y, sz = 110;
		var ox = -(cols*sz)/2;
		var oz = -(cols*sz)/2;

		for (y = 0;y < cols;y++) {
			for (x = 0;x < cols;x++) {
				var bv = ((x+y)&1) * 0.5;
				t = new RenderTriangle();
				t.texture = this.texture2;

				t.poss[0] = new Vec3(ox + x*sz     , by, oz + y*sz     );
				t.poss[1] = new Vec3(ox + x*sz + sz, by, oz + y*sz     );
				t.poss[2] = new Vec3(ox + x*sz     , by, oz + y*sz + sz);

				t.uvs[0]  = {u:0  , v:bv    };
				t.uvs[1]  = {u:0.5, v:bv    };
				t.uvs[2]  = {u:0  , v:bv+0.5};

				if ((x==1 || x==2) && (y==1 || y==2))
					this.modifyRoofUV(t, x == 2, bv); = false;
				t.zBias = 0.5;

				t = new RenderTriangle();
				t.texture = this.texture2;

				t.poss[0] = new Vec3(ox + x*sz     , by, oz + y*sz + sz);
				t.poss[1] = new Vec3(ox + x*sz + sz, by, oz + y*sz    );
				t.poss[2] = new Vec3(ox + x*sz + sz, by, oz + y*sz + sz);

				t.uvs[0]  = {u:0  , v:bv+0.5};
				t.uvs[1]  = {u:0.5, v:bv    };
				t.uvs[2]  = {u:0.5, v:bv+0.5};

				if ((x==1 || x==2) && (y==1 || y==2))
					this.modifyRoofUV(t, x == 2, bv); = false;
				t.zBias = 0.5;


	modifyRoofUV: function(t, rv, bv) {
		if (rv) {
			t.uvs[0].u = 0.5 - t.uvs[0].u;
			t.uvs[1].u = 0.5 - t.uvs[1].u;
			t.uvs[2].u = 0.5 - t.uvs[2].u;

		t.uvs[0].u += 0.5;
		t.uvs[1].u += 0.5;
		t.uvs[2].u += 0.5;

		if (rv) {
			t.uvs[0].v = 0.5 - t.uvs[0].v + bv + bv;
			t.uvs[1].v = 0.5 - t.uvs[1].v + bv + bv;
			t.uvs[2].v = 0.5 - t.uvs[2].v + bv + bv;


	transformPolygons: function() {
		var trans = new M44();
		trans.mul(this.mViewMat, this.mProjMat);

		var hw = this.mViewport.ow;
		var hh = this.mViewport.oh;

		var len = this.mRenderTris.length;
		var t;
		var spos = [0, 0, 0, 0];
		for (var i = 0;i < len;i++) {
			t = this.mRenderTris[i];
			for (var k = 0;k < 3;k++) {
				trans.transVec3(spos, t.poss[k].x, t.poss[k].y, t.poss[k].z);

				var W = spos[3];
				spos[0] /= W;
				spos[1] /= W;
				spos[2] /= W;

				spos[0] *= this.mViewport.w;
				spos[1] *= -this.mViewport.h;
				spos[0] += hw;
				spos[1] += hh;

				t.tposs[k].x = spos[0];
				t.tposs[k].y = spos[1];
				t.tposs[k].z = spos[2];

			var v1 = (new Vec3()).copyFrom(t.poss[1]).sub(t.poss[0]).normalize();
			var v2 = (new Vec3()).copyFrom(t.poss[2]).sub(t.poss[1]).normalize();
			var N = (new Vec3()).cp(v1, v2);

			trans.transVec3Rot(spos, N.x, N.y, N.z);

			if ( {
				if (spos[2] > 0)
					t.shade = 0.8
				else {
					t.shade = 0.1 - N.y * 0.6;
					if (t.shade < 0) t.shade = 0;

			t.sortKey = Math.floor( (t.tposs[0].z + t.tposs[1].z + t.tposs[2].z + t.zBias) *1000 );

function ClothNode()
	this.flags = 0;
	this.pos  = new Vec3();
	this.velo = new Vec3();   = new Vec3();
	this.F    = new Vec3();
	this.links = [null, null, null, null];
	this.uv = {u:0, v:0};

function RenderTriangle()
	this.texture = null;
	this.poss  = new Array(3);
	this.tposs = [new Vec3(), new Vec3(), new Vec3()];
	this.uvs = [{u:0, v:0}, {u:0, v:0}, {u:0, v:0}];
	this.shade = 0; = true;
	this.zBias = 0;

	this.sortKey = 0;
Copier après la connexion

Ce qui précède est une introduction détaillée à la façon de mettre en œuvre la balançoire de vêtements 3D HTML5 effets spéciaux d'animation, et plus encore. Pour plus de contenu connexe, veuillez faire attention au site Web PHP chinois ( !

Articles connexes :

Création facile d'effets de texte de rotation de page HTML5

Effets de retournement CSS couramment utilisés

Exemple de code CSS pour implémenter des effets de rotation de cube 3D

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