Maison > Applet WeChat > Développement WeChat > ASP.NET MVC5 EF6 Système de gestion d'arrière-plan EasyUI Développement de plate-forme publique WeChat

ASP.NET MVC5 EF6 Système de gestion d'arrière-plan EasyUI Développement de plate-forme publique WeChat

Libérer: 2017-03-08 16:24:22
2328 Les gens l'ont consulté


En repensant à la section précédente, nous avons une compréhension familière des demandes et des réponses de messages. Dans cette section, nous allons créer une table de base de données. La conception de la table est assez compliquée

<.> Vous pouvez également construire un tableau en fonction de la structure de la situation que vous analysez

Vous devez bien connaître les résultats du tableau pour utiliser ce tableau. Ce tableau couvre beaucoup de situations

<.>Carte mentale

Je préfère utiliser les cartes mentales pour analyser et exprimer certains modèles :

ASP.NET MVC5 EF6 EasyUI 后台管理系统微信公众平台开发Structure des tableaux

Selon les cartes mentales , on peut créer des tableaux Il peut s'agir de 3 tableaux : table de messages, table de règles, table de types

Table de messages : message réel

Table de règles : texte, graphiques, voix, etc.

table de types : Texte, graphique, voix (réponse par défaut, réponse par abonnement)

Il peut également s'agir de deux tables : table de régulation, table de messages (un seul champ de type)

Je ne conçois que une table ici : Table de messages (un champ de règle et un champ de type)

La conception de la structure de la table est liée aux habitudes personnelles quotidiennes. J'aime toujours les choses simples. Ne concevez pas spécifiquement pour le design. ne fera qu'augmenter la complexité du système. La table des diplômes

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[WC_MessageResponse](    [Id] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,              --主键        
    [OfficalAccountId] [varchar](50) NULL,    --所属公众号
    [MessageRule] [int] NULL,                 --消息规则(枚举)
    [Category] [int] NULL,                    --类型(枚举)
    [MatchKey] [varchar](1000) NULL,          --关键字
    [TextContent] [varchar](max) NULL,        --文本内容
    [ImgTextContext] [varchar](max) NULL,     --图文文本内容
    [ImgTextUrl] [varchar](1000) NULL,        --图文图片URL
    [ImgTextLink] [varchar](1000) NULL,       --图文图片超链接
    [MeidaUrl] [varchar](1000) NULL,          --语音URL
    [MeidaLink] [varchar](1000) NULL,         --语音超链接
    [Enable] [bit] NOT NULL,                  --是否启用
    [IsDefault] [bit] NOT NULL,               --是否默认
    [Remark] [varchar](2000) NULL,            --说明
    [Sort] [int] NOT NULL,                    --排序
    [CreateTime] [datetime] NOT NULL,         --创建时间
    [CreateBy] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,        --创建人
    [ModifyTime] [datetime] NOT NULL,         --修改时间
    [ModifyBy] [varchar](50) NULL,            --修改人
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correspond aux deux tables d'énumération et principales associées gérées par le compte public

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[WC_OfficalAccounts](    [Id] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,            --主键
    [OfficalId] [varchar](200) NULL,        --公众号的唯一ID
    [OfficalName] [varchar](200) NOT NULL,    --公众号名称
    [OfficalCode] [varchar](200) NOT NULL,  --公众号帐号
    [OfficalPhoto] [varchar](1000) NULL,    --头像
    [OfficalKey] [varchar](500) NULL,        --EncodingAESKey
    [ApiUrl] [varchar](1000) NULL,            --我们的资源服务器
    [Token] [varchar](200) NULL,            --Token
    [AppId] [varchar](200) NULL,            --AppId
    [AppSecret] [varchar](200) NULL,        --Appsecret
    [AccessToken] [varchar](200) NULL,        --访问Token
    [Remark] [varchar](2000) NULL,            --说明
    [Enable] [bit] NOT NULL,                --是否启用
    [IsDefault] [bit] NOT NULL,                --是否为当前默认操作号
    [Category] [int] NOT NULL,                --类别(媒体号,企业号,个人号,开发测试号)
    [CreateTime] [datetime] NOT NULL,        --创建时间
    [CreateBy] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,        --创建人
    [ModifyTime] [datetime] NOT NULL,        --修改时间
    [ModifyBy] [varchar](50) NULL,            --修改人
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La gestion du compte public est dans l'article 70

L'énumération correspondante

 public enum WeChatReplyCategory
    {        //文本
        Text =1,        //图文
        Image =2,        //语音
        Voice =3,        //相等,用于回复关键字
        Equal=4,        //包含,用于回复关键字
        Contain = 5
    }    public enum WeChatRequestRuleEnum
    {        /// <summary>
        /// 默认回复,没有处理的        /// </summary>
        Default =0,        /// <summary>
        /// 关注回复        /// </summary>
        Subscriber =1,        /// <summary>
        /// 文本回复        /// </summary>
        Text =2,        /// <summary>
        /// 图片回复        /// </summary>
        Image =3,        /// <summary>
        /// 语音回复        /// </summary>
        Voice =4,        /// <summary>
        /// 视频回复        /// </summary>
        Video =5,        /// <summary>
        /// 超链接回复        /// </summary>
        Link =6,        /// <summary>
        /// LBS位置回复        /// </summary>
        Location =7,
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L'énumération correspond en fait aux deux autres tables que j'ai laissées de côté

À ce point, je pense que la conception du tableau est très claire

Code backend

Ajouter, supprimer, modifier et vérifier est très courant

L'accent principal est mis sur le front-end<🎜. > Lorsque le front-end traite le message soumis, il doit contenir des règles et des types pour spécifier la destination finale du message

<🎜. >
        [SupportFilter(ActionName = "Edit")]        public JsonResult PostData(WC_MessageResponseModel model)
            WC_OfficalAccountsModel accountModel = account_BLL.GetCurrentAccount();            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Id))
                model.Id = ResultHelper.NewId;
            model.CreateBy = GetUserId();
            model.CreateTime = ResultHelper.NowTime;
            model.ModifyBy = GetUserId();
            model.ModifyTime = ResultHelper.NowTime;
            model.OfficalAccountId = accountModel.Id;
            model.Enable = true;
            model.IsDefault = true;            if (m_BLL.PostData(ref errors, model))
                LogHandler.WriteServiceLog(GetUserId(), "Id" + model.Id + ",OfficalAccountId" + model.OfficalAccountId, "成功", "保存", "WC_MessageResponse");                return Json(JsonHandler.CreateMessage(1, Resource.SaveSucceed));
            }            else
            {                string ErrorCol = errors.Error;
                LogHandler.WriteServiceLog(GetUserId(), "Id" + model.Id + ",OfficalAccountId" + model.OfficalAccountId + "," + ErrorCol, "失败", "保存", "WC_MessageResponse");                return Json(JsonHandler.CreateMessage(0, Resource.SaveFail + ErrorCol));

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public bool PostData(ref ValidationErrors errors, WC_MessageResponseModel model)
        {            try

                WC_MessageResponse entity = new WC_MessageResponse();                if (IsExists(model.Id))
                    entity = m_Rep.GetById(model.Id);

                entity.Id = model.Id;
                entity.OfficalAccountId = model.OfficalAccountId;
                entity.MessageRule = model.MessageRule;
                entity.Category = model.Category;
                entity.MatchKey = model.MatchKey;
                entity.TextContent = model.TextContent;
                entity.ImgTextContext = model.ImgTextContext;
                entity.ImgTextUrl = model.ImgTextUrl;
                entity.ImgTextLink = model.ImgTextLink;
                entity.MeidaUrl = model.MeidaUrl;
                entity.Enable = model.Enable;
                entity.IsDefault = model.IsDefault;
                entity.Remark = model.Remark;
                entity.CreateTime = model.CreateTime;
                entity.CreateBy = model.CreateBy;
                entity.Sort = model.Sort;
                entity.ModifyTime = model.ModifyTime;
                entity.ModifyBy = model.ModifyBy;                if (m_Rep.PostData(entity))
                {                    return true;
                }                else
                    errors.Add(Resource.NoDataChange);                    return false;

            }            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionHander.WriteException(ex);                return false;
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  public bool PostData(WC_MessageResponse model)
        {            //如果所有开关都关掉,证明不启用回复
            if (model.Category == null)
            {                return true;
            }            //全部设置为不默认
            ExecuteSqlCommand(string.Format("update [dbo].[WC_MessageResponse] set IsDefault=0 where OfficalAccountId =&#39;{0}&#39; and MessageRule={1}", model.OfficalAccountId, model.MessageRule));            //默认回复和订阅回复,且不是图文另外处理,因为他们有3种模式,但是只有一个是默认的
            if (model.Category!= (int)WeChatReplyCategory.Image && (model.MessageRule == (int)WeChatRequestRuleEnum.Default || model.MessageRule == (int)WeChatRequestRuleEnum.Subscriber))
            {                //查看数据库是否存在数据
                var entity = Context.WC_MessageResponse.Where(p => p.OfficalAccountId == model.OfficalAccountId && p.MessageRule == model.MessageRule && p.Category == model.Category).FirstOrDefault();                if (entity != null)
                {                    //删除原来的                    Context.WC_MessageResponse.Remove(entity);
            }            //全部设置为默认
            ExecuteSqlCommand(string.Format("update [dbo].[WC_MessageResponse] set IsDefault=1 where OfficalAccountId =&#39;{0}&#39; and MessageRule={1} and Category={2}", model.OfficalAccountId, model.MessageRule,model.Category));            //修改
               Context.Entry<WC_MessageResponse>(model).State = EntityState.Modified;               return Edit(model);
            }            else { 
               return Create(model);
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Il faut expliquer la couche DAL Là existe trois types de réponses par défaut et de réponses de suivi : texte, image et texte, et voix (mais il ne peut y en avoir qu'une, il y a donc le champ IsDefault) Indique quel type de réponse exécuter) Ces deux règles doivent donc être traitées séparément, et vous pouvez le comprendre en regardant les instructions SQL exécutées par le code DAL.

Alors concevons le front-end à notre guise !

Comment concevoir le front-end ?

ASP.NET MVC5 EF6 EasyUI 后台管理系统微信公众平台开发Jetons un coup d'œil à une carte mentale :

Code frontal complet

ASP.NET MVC5 EF6 EasyUI 后台管理系统微信公众平台开发

    .formtable td {
        vertical-align: top;
        padding: 10px;

    .formtable th {
        text-align: left;
        padding: 10px;
        height: 30px;

    .formtablenormal {
        width: 500px;

        .formtablenormal th {
            border: 0px;
            text-align: right;

        .formtablenormal td {
            border: 0px;
            vertical-align: middle;
<script>    //1文本2图文3语音
    var Category = {
        Text: 1,
        Image: 2,
        Voice: 3,
        Equal: 4,
        Contain: 5
    };    //    var RequestRule = {
        Default: 0,
        Subscriber: 1,
        Text: 2,
        Image: 3,
        Voice: 4,
        Video: 5,
        Link: 6,
        Location: 7

    function initDefault() {
            onChange: function(checked) {                if (checked) {
            onChange: function(checked) {                if (checked) {
            onChange: function(checked) {                if (checked) {
        });        //文本
        $.post(&#39;@Url.Action("GetList")&#39;, {
            page: 1,
            rows: 1,
            category: Category.Text,
            messageRule: RequestRule.Default
        function(data) {            var rows = data.rows;            for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {                if (rows[i].Category == Category.Text) {
                    $("#Text0").val(rows[i].TextContent);                    if (rows[i].IsDefault) {
        });        //语音
        $.post(&#39;@Url.Action("GetList")&#39;, {
            page: 1,
            rows: 1,
            category: Category.Voice,
            messageRule: RequestRule.Default
       function (data) {           var rows = data.rows;           for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {               if (rows[i].Category == Category.Voice) {
                   $("#VoiceUrl0").val(rows[i].MeidaUrl);                   if (rows[i].IsDefault) {

            url: &#39;@Url.Action("GetList")?messageRule=&#39; + RequestRule.Default + &#39;&category=&#39; + Category.Image,
            width: SetGridWidthSub(40),
            methord: &#39;post&#39;,
            height: SetGridHeightSub(175),
            fitColumns: true,
            sortName: &#39;Sort&#39;,
            sortOrder: &#39;asc&#39;,
            idField: &#39;Id&#39;,
            pageSize: 15,
            pageList: [15, 20, 30, 40, 50],
            pagination: true,
            striped: true,            //奇偶行是否区分
            singleSelect: true,
            onLoadSuccess: function (data) {                if (data.rows.length > 0)
                {                    if (data.rows[0].IsDefault) {
            },            //单选模式            //rownumbers: true,//行号            columns: [[{
                field: &#39;Id&#39;,
                title: &#39;Id&#39;,
                width: 80,
                hidden: true
                field: &#39;TextContent&#39;,
                title: &#39;标题&#39;,
                width: 80,
                sortable: true
                field: &#39;ImgTextUrl&#39;,
                title: &#39;图片&#39;,
                width: 50,
                sortable: true,
                align: &#39;center&#39;, formatter: function (value) { return "<img width=&#39;80&#39; height=&#39;80&#39; src=&#39;" + value + "&#39;/>" }
                field: &#39;ImgTextLink&#39;,
                title: &#39;超链接&#39;,
                width: 80,
                sortable: true
                field: &#39;ImgTextContext&#39;,
                title: &#39;回复内容&#39;,
                width: 180,
                sortable: true


        $("#btnCreate02").unbind().click(function () {
                title: &#39;@Resource.Create&#39;,
                width: 700,
                height: 500,
                iconCls: &#39;fa fa-plus&#39;


        $("#btnSava01").unbind().click(function() {            //默认回复
            $("#MessageRule").val(RequestRule.Default);            if ($.trim($("#Text0").val())=="")
                $.messager.alert(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, &#39;内容必须填写!&#39;, &#39;warning&#39;);                return;
            $("#TextContent").val($.trim($("#Text0").val()));            if ($("#form").valid()) {
                    url: "@Url.Action("PostData")",
                    type: "Post",
                    data: $("#form").serialize(),
                dataType: "json",
                success: function(data) {
                    $.messageBox5s(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, data.message);

        $("#btnSava02").unbind().click(function () {            if ($.trim($("#ImageTitle0").val()) == "") {
                $.messager.alert(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, &#39;标题必须填写!&#39;, &#39;warning&#39;);                return;
            }            if ($.trim($("#ImageUrl0").val()) == "") {
                $.messager.alert(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, &#39;图片必须上传!&#39;, &#39;warning&#39;);                return;
            }            if ($.trim($("#Sort0").val()) == "") {
                $.messager.alert(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, &#39;排序必须填写!&#39;, &#39;warning&#39;);                return;
            }            //图文回复

            if ($("#form").valid()) {
                    url: "@Url.Action("PostData")",
                    type: "Post",
                data: $("#form").serialize(),
                dataType: "json",
                success: function(data) {                    if (data.type == 1) {
                        $("#form02 img").attr("src", "/Content/Images/NotPic.jpg");
                    $.messageBox5s(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, data.message);
        $("#btnSava03").unbind().click(function() {            //默认回复
            $("#MessageRule").val(RequestRule.Default);            if ($.trim($("#Text0").val())=="")
            {                if ($.trim($("#VoiceTitle0").val()) == "") {
                    $.messager.alert(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, &#39;标题必须填写!&#39;, &#39;warning&#39;);                    return;
                }                if ($.trim($("#VoiceUrl0").val()) == "") {
                    $.messager.alert(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, &#39;必须上传语音!&#39;, &#39;warning&#39;);                    return;
            }            if ($("#form").valid()) {
                    url: "@Url.Action("PostData")",
                    type: "Post",
                data: $("#form").serialize(),
                dataType: "json",
                success: function(data) {
                    $.messageBox5s(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, data.message);

    function initSubscriber() {
            onChange: function(checked) {                if (checked) {
            onChange: function(checked) {                if (checked) {
            onChange: function(checked) {                if (checked) {
        });        //文本
        $.post(&#39;@Url.Action("GetList")&#39;, {
            page: 1,
            rows: 1,
            category: Category.Text,
            messageRule: RequestRule.Subscriber
        function(data) {            var rows = data.rows;            for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {                if (rows[i].Category == Category.Text) {
                    $("#Text1").val(rows[i].TextContent);                    if (rows[i].IsDefault) {
        });        //语音
        $.post(&#39;@Url.Action("GetList")&#39;, {
            page: 1,
            rows: 1,
            category: Category.Voice,
            messageRule: RequestRule.Subscriber
       function (data) {           var rows = data.rows;           for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {               if (rows[i].Category == Category.Voice) {
                   $("#VoiceContent1").val(rows[i].Remark);                   if (rows[i].IsDefault) {

            url: &#39;@Url.Action("GetList")?messageRule=&#39; + RequestRule.Subscriber + &#39;&category=&#39; + Category.Image,
            width: SetGridWidthSub(40),
            methord: &#39;post&#39;,
            height: SetGridHeightSub(175),
            fitColumns: true,
            sortName: &#39;Sort&#39;,
            sortOrder: &#39;asc&#39;,
            idField: &#39;Id&#39;,
            pageSize: 15,
            pageList: [15, 20, 30, 40, 50],
            pagination: true,
            striped: true,            //奇偶行是否区分
            singleSelect: true,
            onLoadSuccess: function (data) {                if (data.rows.length > 0)
                {                    if (data.rows[0].IsDefault) {
            },            //单选模式            //rownumbers: true,//行号            columns: [[{
                field: &#39;Id&#39;,
                title: &#39;Id&#39;,
                width: 80,
                hidden: true
                field: &#39;TextContent&#39;,
                title: &#39;标题&#39;,
                width: 80,
                sortable: true
                field: &#39;ImgTextUrl&#39;,
                title: &#39;图片&#39;,
                width: 50,
                sortable: true,
                align: &#39;center&#39;, formatter: function (value) { return "<img width=&#39;80&#39; height=&#39;80&#39; src=&#39;" + value + "&#39;/>" }
                field: &#39;ImgTextLink&#39;,
                title: &#39;超链接&#39;,
                width: 80,
                sortable: true
                field: &#39;ImgTextContext&#39;,
                title: &#39;回复内容&#39;,
                width: 180,
                sortable: true


        $("#btnCreate12").unbind().click(function () {
                title: &#39;@Resource.Create&#39;,
                width: 700,
                height: 500,
                iconCls: &#39;fa fa-plus&#39;

        $("#btnSava11").unbind().click(function() {            //默认回复
            $("#MessageRule").val(RequestRule.Subscriber);            if ($.trim($("#Text1").val())=="")
                $.messager.alert(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, &#39;内容必须填写!&#39;, &#39;warning&#39;);                return;
            $("#TextContent").val($.trim($("#Text1").val()));            if ($("#form").valid()) {
                    url: "@Url.Action("PostData")",
                    type: "Post",
                    data: $("#form").serialize(),
                dataType: "json",
                success: function(data) {
                    $.messageBox5s(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, data.message);

        $("#btnSava12").unbind().click(function () {            if ($.trim($("#ImageTitle1").val()) == "") {
                $.messager.alert(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, &#39;标题必须填写!&#39;, &#39;warning&#39;);                return;
            }            if ($.trim($("#ImageUrl1").val()) == "") {
                $.messager.alert(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, &#39;图片必须上传!&#39;, &#39;warning&#39;);                return;
            }            if ($.trim($("#Sort1").val()) == "") {
                $.messager.alert(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, &#39;排序必须填写!&#39;, &#39;warning&#39;);                return;
            }            //图文回复
            if ($("#form").valid()) {
                    url: "@Url.Action("PostData")",
                    type: "Post",
                data: $("#form").serialize(),
                dataType: "json",
                success: function(data) {                    if (data.type == 1) {
                        $("#form12 img").attr("src", "/Content/Images/NotPic.jpg");
                    $.messageBox5s(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, data.message);
        $("#btnSava13").unbind().click(function() {            //默认回复
            $("#MessageRule").val(RequestRule.Subscriber);            if ($.trim($("#Text1").val())=="")
            {                if ($.trim($("#VoiceTitle1").val()) == "") {
                    $.messager.alert(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, &#39;标题必须填写!&#39;, &#39;warning&#39;);                    return;
                }                if ($.trim($("#VoiceUrl1").val()) == "") {
                    $.messager.alert(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, &#39;必须上传语音!&#39;, &#39;warning&#39;);                    return;
            }            if ($("#form").valid()) {
                    url: "@Url.Action("PostData")",
                    type: "Post",
                data: $("#form").serialize(),
                dataType: "json",
                success: function(data) {
                    $.messageBox5s(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, data.message);

    function initText() {
            url: &#39;@Url.Action("GetList")?messageRule=&#39; + RequestRule.Text,
            width: SetGridWidthSub(40),
            methord: &#39;post&#39;,
            height: SetGridHeightSub(100),
            fitColumns: true,
            sortName: &#39;CreateTime&#39;,
            sortOrder: &#39;desc&#39;,
            idField: &#39;Id&#39;,
            pageSize: 15,
            pageList: [15, 20, 30, 40, 50],
            pagination: true,
            striped: true,            //奇偶行是否区分
            singleSelect: true,            //单选模式            //rownumbers: true,//行号            columns: [[{
                field: &#39;Id&#39;,
                title: &#39;Id&#39;,
                width: 80,
                hidden: true
                field: &#39;Category&#39;,
                title: &#39;Category&#39;,
                width: 80,
                sortable: true,
                hidden: true
                field: &#39;MatchKey&#39;,
                title: &#39;关键字&#39;,
                width: 80,
                sortable: true,
                formatter: function (value,row,index){                    if (row.Category == Category.Equal) {                        return "(完全匹配)" + value
                    } else {                        return "(模糊匹配)" + value
                field: &#39;TextContent&#39;,
                title: &#39;回复内容&#39;,
                width: 80,
                sortable: true


            onChange: function(checked) {                if (checked) {
                } else {
        $("#btnCreate2").unbind().click(function () {
                title: &#39;@Resource.Create&#39;,
                width: 700,
                height: 400,
                iconCls: &#39;fa fa-plus&#39;

        $("#btnSava2").unbind().click(function () {            if ($.trim($("#TextMatchKey2").val()) == "") {
                $.messager.alert(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, &#39;关键字必须填写!&#39;, &#39;warning&#39;);                return;
            }            if ($.trim($("#Text2").val()) == "") {
                $.messager.alert(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, &#39;内容必须填写!&#39;, &#39;warning&#39;);                return;
            }            //文本回复
            $("#TextContent").val($("#Text2").val());            if ($("#form").valid()) {
                    url: "@Url.Action("PostData")",
                    type: "Post",
                data: $("#form").serialize(),
                dataType: "json",
                success: function(data) {                    if (data.type == 1) {
                    $.messageBox5s(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, data.message);

    function initImage() {
            url: &#39;@Url.Action("GetListProperty")?messageRule=&#39; + RequestRule.Image,
            width: 300,
            methord: &#39;post&#39;,
            height: SetGridHeightSub(100),
            fitColumns: true,
            sortName: &#39;CreateTime&#39;,
            sortOrder: &#39;desc&#39;,
            idField: &#39;Id&#39;,
            pageSize: 15,
            pageList: [15, 20, 30, 40, 50],
            pagination: true,
            striped: true,            //奇偶行是否区分
            singleSelect: true,
            onClickRow: function (index,data) {                var row = $(&#39;#List31&#39;).datagrid(&#39;getSelected&#39;);                if (row != null)
            },            //单选模式            //rownumbers: true,//行号            columns: [[{
                field: &#39;Id&#39;,
                title: &#39;Id&#39;,
                width: 80,
                hidden: true
                field: &#39;Category&#39;,
                title: &#39;Category&#39;,
                width: 80,
                sortable: true,
                hidden: true
                field: &#39;MatchKey&#39;,
                title: &#39;关键字&#39;,
                width: 130,
                sortable: true,
                formatter: function (value, row, index) {                    if (row.Category == Category.Equal) {                        return "(完全匹配)" + value
                    } else {                        return "(模糊匹配)" + value
                field: &#39;CreateTime&#39;,
                title: &#39;创建时间&#39;,
                width: 80,
                sortable: true

        }).datagrid(&#39;getPager&#39;).pagination({ showPageList: true, showRefresh: false, displayMsg: &#39;&#39; });

            width: SetGridWidthSub(340),
            methord: &#39;post&#39;,
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            fitColumns: true,
            sortName: &#39;Sort&#39;,
            sortOrder: &#39;asc&#39;,
            idField: &#39;Id&#39;,
            pageSize: 15,
            pageList: [15, 20, 30, 40, 50],
            pagination: true,
            striped: true,            //奇偶行是否区分
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                field: &#39;Id&#39;,
                title: &#39;Id&#39;,
                width: 80,
                hidden: true
                field: &#39;Category&#39;,
                title: &#39;Category&#39;,
                width: 80,
                sortable: true,
                hidden: true
                field: &#39;TextContent&#39;,
                title: &#39;标题&#39;,
                width: 80,
                sortable: true
                field: &#39;MatchKey&#39;,
                title: &#39;关键字&#39;,
                width: 80,
                sortable: true,
                formatter: function (value,row,index){                    if (row.Category == Category.Equal) {                        return "(完全匹配)" + value
                    } else {                        return "(模糊匹配)" + value
                field: &#39;ImgTextUrl&#39;,
                title: &#39;图片&#39;,
                width: 50,
                sortable: true,
                align: &#39;center&#39;, formatter: function (value) { return "<img width=&#39;80&#39; height=&#39;80&#39; src=&#39;" + value + "&#39;/>" }
                field: &#39;ImgTextLink&#39;,
                title: &#39;超链接&#39;,
                width: 80,
                sortable: true
                field: &#39;ImgTextContext&#39;,
                title: &#39;回复内容&#39;,
                width: 180,
                sortable: true
                field: &#39;Sort&#39;,
                title: &#39;排序&#39;,
                width: 50,
                sortable: true

            onChange: function(checked) {                if (checked) {
                } else {
        $("#btnCreate3").unbind().click(function () {
                title: &#39;@Resource.Create&#39;,
                width: 700,
                height: 550,
                iconCls: &#39;fa fa-plus&#39;

        $("#btnSava3").unbind().click(function () {            if ($.trim($("#ImageTitle3").val()) == "") {
                $.messager.alert(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, &#39;标题必须填写!&#39;, &#39;warning&#39;);                return;
            }            if ($.trim($("#TextMatchKey3").val()) == "") {
                $.messager.alert(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, &#39;关键字必须填写!&#39;, &#39;warning&#39;);                return;
            }            if ($.trim($("#ImageUrl3").val()) == "") {
                $.messager.alert(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, &#39;图片必须上传!&#39;, &#39;warning&#39;);                return;
            }            //图文回复
            $("#Sort").val($("#Sort3").val());            if ($("#form").valid()) {
                    url: "@Url.Action("PostData")",
                    type: "Post",
                data: $("#form").serialize(),
                dataType: "json",
                success: function(data) {                    if (data.type == 1) {
                        $("#form3 img").attr("src", "/Content/Images/NotPic.jpg");
                    $.messageBox5s(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, data.message);

    function initVoice() {
            url: &#39;@Url.Action("GetList")?messageRule=&#39; + RequestRule.Voice,
            width: SetGridWidthSub(40),
            methord: &#39;post&#39;,
            height: SetGridHeightSub(100),
            fitColumns: true,
            sortName: &#39;CreateTime&#39;,
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            idField: &#39;Id&#39;,
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                field: &#39;Id&#39;,
                title: &#39;Id&#39;,
                width: 80,
                hidden: true
                field: &#39;Category&#39;,
                title: &#39;Category&#39;,
                width: 80,
                sortable: true,
                hidden: true
                field: &#39;TextContent&#39;,
                title: &#39;标题&#39;,
                width: 80,
                sortable: true
                field: &#39;MatchKey&#39;,
                title: &#39;关键字&#39;,
                width: 80,
                sortable: true,
                formatter: function (value,row,index){                    if (row.Category == Category.Equal) {                        return "(完全匹配)" + value
                    } else {                        return "(模糊匹配)" + value
                field: &#39;MeidaUrl&#39;,
                title: &#39;语音&#39;,
                width: 80,
                sortable: true,
                align: &#39;center&#39;, formatter: function (value) { return "<img width=&#39;80&#39; height=&#39;80&#39; src=&#39;" + value + "&#39;/>" }
                field: &#39;ImgTextLink&#39;,
                title: &#39;超链接&#39;,
                width: 80,
                sortable: true
                field: &#39;ImgTextContext&#39;,
                title: &#39;回复内容&#39;,
                width: 80,
                sortable: true


            onChange: function(checked) {                if (checked) {
                } else {
        $("#btnCreate4").unbind().click(function() {
                title: &#39;@Resource.Create&#39;,
                width: 700,
                height: 500,
                iconCls: &#39;fa fa-plus&#39;

        $("#btnSava4").unbind().click(function () {            if ($.trim($("#VoiceTitle4").val()) == "") {
                $.messager.alert(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, &#39;标题必须填写!&#39;, &#39;warning&#39;);                return;
            }            if ($.trim($("#TextMatchKey4").val()) == "") {
                $.messager.alert(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, &#39;关键字必须填写!&#39;, &#39;warning&#39;);                return;
            }            if ($.trim($("#VoiceUrl4").val()) == "") {
                $.messager.alert(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, &#39;必须上传语音!&#39;, &#39;warning&#39;);                return;
            }            //图文回复
            $("#Remark").val($("#VoiceContent4").val());            if ($("#form").valid()) {
                    url: "@Url.Action("PostData")",
                    type: "Post",
                data: $("#form").serialize(),
                dataType: "json",
                success: function(data) {                    if (data.type == 1) {
                        $("#form3 img").attr("src", "/Content/Images/NotPic.jpg");
                    $.messageBox5s(&#39;@Resource.Tip&#39;, data.message);
    $(function() {
            justified: true,
            width: &#39;100%&#39;,
            height: $(window).height() - 20
            onSelect: function(title, index) {                switch (index) {                    case RequestRule.Default:
                        initDefault();                        break;                    case RequestRule.Subscriber:
                        initSubscriber();                        break;                    case RequestRule.Text:
                        initText();                        break;                    case RequestRule.Image:
                        initImage();                        break;                    case RequestRule.Voice:
                        initVoice();                        break;
        });        //初始化第一个标签        initDefault();        //自动宽高        $(window).resize(function() {
                height:$(window).height() - 20
            });            //$(&#39;#List2&#39;).datagrid(&#39;resize&#39;, {            //    width: SetGridWidthSub(40),            //    height: SetGridHeightSub(100)            //});
    $(function () {
        $(&#39;input.textbox&#39;).validatebox().bind(&#39;blur&#39;, function () {
<form id="form" method="post">
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    <input type="hidden" id="ModifyBy" name="ModifyBy" />
<p style="padding:10px;">
        <p id="tt" class="easyui-tabs">
            <p title="默认回复"> 
                <table class="formtable" style="height:45px; line-height:45px; width:100%; border-bottom:1px solid #e7eaec">
                        <td style="width:100px;">
                            文本: @Html.SwitchButtonByEdit("swText0", false)                        </td>
                        <td style="width:100px;">
                            图文: @Html.SwitchButtonByEdit("swImage0", false)                        </td>
                        <td style="width:100px;">
                            语音: @Html.SwitchButtonByEdit("swVoice0", false)                        </td>
                        <td style="width:300px;">
                                <p class="color-green">当前操作公众号:<span id="CurrentOfficalAccount">@ViewBag.CurrentOfficalAcount</span></p>
                <p id="p01" class="displaynone">
                    <p class="mvctool bgb">
                        @Html.ToolButton("btnSava01", "fa fa-plus", "提交保存", ref perm, "Edit", false)                    </p>
                    <textarea id="Text0" style="width: 300px;height: 330px; margin:20px;"></textarea>
                <p id="p02" class="displaynone">
                    <p class="mvctool bgb">
                        @Html.ToolButton("btnCreate02", "fa fa-search", "添加回复", ref perm, "Edit", false)                    </p>
                    <p id="modalwindow0" class="easyui-window" style="width:600px; height:550px;" data-options="modal:true,closed: true,minimizable:false,shadow:false">
                        <p class="mvctool bgb">
                            @Html.ToolButton("btnSava02", "fa fa-search", "提交保存", ref perm, "Edit", false)                        </p>
                        <table class="formtablenormal">
                            <tr><th>标题: </th><td><input type="text" id="ImageTitle0" class="textbox" data-options="required:true" /></td></tr>
                                <th>图片: </th>
                                    <form id="form02" method="post">
                                        <input type="hidden" name="ImageUrl0" id="ImageUrl0" />
                                        <img class="expic" src="/Content/Images/NotPic.jpg" />
                                        <br />
                                        <a href="javascript:$(&#39;#FileUpload02&#39;).trigger(&#39;click&#39;);" class="files">@Resource.Browse</a>
                                        <input type="file" id="FileUpload02" class="displaynone" name="FileUpload02" onchange="Upload(&#39;SingleFile&#39;, &#39;ImageUrl0&#39;, &#39;FileUpload02&#39;, &#39;1&#39;, &#39;1&#39;, &#39;#form02&#39;);" />
                                        <span class="uploading">@Resource.Uploading</span>
                            <tr><th>内容: </th><td><textarea id="ImageContent0" style="width: 300px; height: 100px;"></textarea></td></tr>
                            <tr><th>链接: </th><td><input type="text" id="ImageLink0" /></td></tr>
                            <tr><th>排序: </th><td><input type="number" id="Sort0" value="0" /></td></tr>

                    <p style="padding:10px;">
                        <table id="List0"></table>
                <p id="p03" class="displaynone">
                    <p class="mvctool bgb">
                        @Html.ToolButton("btnSava03", "fa fa-plus", "提交保存", ref perm, "Edit", false)                    </p>
                                <table class="formtablenormal" style="margin:20px;">
                                    <tr><th>标题: </th><td><input type="text" id="VoiceTitle0" /></td></tr>
                                    <tr><th>语音: </th><td>
                                                         <form id="form03" method="post">
                                                             <input type="text" name="VoiceUrl0" class="left" id="VoiceUrl0" />
                                                             <a href="javascript:$(&#39;#FileUpload03&#39;).trigger(&#39;click&#39;);" class="files">@Resource.Browse</a>
                                                             <input type="file" accept="audio/mpeg" id="FileUpload03" class="displaynone" name="FileUpload03" onchange="Upload(&#39;SingleFile&#39;, &#39;VoiceUrl0&#39;, &#39;FileUpload03&#39;, &#39;&#39;, &#39;&#39;, &#39;#form03&#39;);" />
                                                             <span class="uploading">@Resource.Uploading</span>
                                    <tr><th>描述: </th><td><textarea id="VoiceContent0" style="width:335px; height:300px;"></textarea></td></tr>
            <p title="关注时回复" >
                <table class="formtable" style="height:45px; line-height:45px; width:100%; border-bottom:1px solid #e7eaec">
                        <td style="width:100px;">
                            文本: @Html.SwitchButtonByEdit("swText1", false)                        </td>
                        <td style="width:100px;">
                            图文: @Html.SwitchButtonByEdit("swImage1", false)                        </td>
                        <td style="width:100px;">
                            语音: @Html.SwitchButtonByEdit("swVoice1", false)                        </td>
                        <td style="width:300px;">
                            <p class="color-green">当前操作公众号:<span id="CurrentOfficalAccount">@ViewBag.CurrentOfficalAcount</span></p>
                <p id="p11" class="displaynone">
                    <p class="mvctool bgb">
                        @Html.ToolButton("btnSava11", "fa fa-plus", "提交保存", ref perm, "Edit", false)                    </p>
                    <textarea id="Text1" style="width: 300px;height: 330px; margin:20px;"></textarea>
                <p id="p12" class="displaynone">
                    <p class="mvctool bgb">
                        @Html.ToolButton("btnCreate12", "fa fa-search", "添加回复", ref perm, "Edit", false)
                        @Html.ToolButton("btnEdit12", "fa fa-search", "编辑", ref perm, "Edit", true)
                        @Html.ToolButton("btnDelete12", "fa fa-search", "删除", ref perm, "Delete", false)                    </p>
                    <p id="modalwindow1" class="easyui-window" style="width:600px; height:550px;" data-options="modal:true,closed: true,minimizable:false,shadow:false">
                        <p class="mvctool bgb">
                            @Html.ToolButton("btnSava12", "fa fa-search", "提交保存", ref perm, "Edit", false)                            
                        <table class="formtablenormal">
                            <tr><th>标题: </th><td><input type="text" id="ImageTitle1" class="textbox" data-options="required:true" /></td></tr>
                                <th>图片: </th>
                                    <form id="form12" method="post">
                                        <input type="hidden" name="ImageUrl1" id="ImageUrl1" />
                                        <img class="expic" src="/Content/Images/NotPic.jpg" />
                                        <br />
                                        <a href="javascript:$(&#39;#FileUpload12&#39;).trigger(&#39;click&#39;);" class="files">@Resource.Browse</a>
                                        <input type="file" id="FileUpload12" class="displaynone" name="FileUpload12" onchange="Upload(&#39;SingleFile&#39;, &#39;ImageUrl1&#39;, &#39;FileUpload12&#39;, &#39;1&#39;, &#39;1&#39;, &#39;#form12&#39;);" />
                                        <span class="uploading">@Resource.Uploading</span>
                            <tr><th>内容: </th><td><textarea id="ImageContent1" style="width: 300px; height: 100px;"></textarea></td></tr>
                            <tr><th>链接: </th><td><input type="text" id="ImageLink1" /></td></tr>
                            <tr><th>排序: </th><td><input type="number" id="Sort1" value="0" /></td></tr>

                    <p style="padding:10px;">
                        <table id="List1"></table>

                <p id="p13" class="displaynone">
                    <p class="mvctool bgb">
                        @Html.ToolButton("btnSava13", "fa fa-plus", "提交保存", ref perm, "Edit", false)                    </p>
                    <table class="formtablenormal" style="margin:20px;">
                        <tr><th>标题: </th><td><input type="text" id="VoiceTitle1" /></td></tr>
                            <th>语音: </th>
                                <form id="form13" method="post">
                                    <input type="text" name="VoiceUrl1" class="left" id="VoiceUrl0" />
                                    <a href="javascript:$(&#39;#FileUpload13&#39;).trigger(&#39;click&#39;);" class="files">@Resource.Browse</a>
                                    <input type="file" accept="audio/mpeg" id="FileUpload13" class="displaynone" name="FileUpload13" onchange="Upload(&#39;SingleFile&#39;, &#39;VoiceUrl1&#39;, &#39;FileUpload13&#39;, &#39;&#39;, &#39;&#39;, &#39;#form13&#39;);" />
                                    <span class="uploading">@Resource.Uploading</span>
                        <tr><th>描述: </th><td><textarea id="VoiceContent1" style="width:335px; height:300px;"></textarea></td></tr>

            <p title="文本回复" style="padding:10px">
                <p class="mvctool ">
                    @Html.ToolButton("btnCreate2", "fa fa-search", "添加回复", ref perm, "Edit", true)
                    @Html.ToolButton("btnEdit2", "fa fa-search", "编辑", ref perm, "Edit", true)
                    @Html.ToolButton("btnDelete2", "fa fa-search", "删除", ref perm, "Delete", false)                    <p class="rightp color-green">
                        当前操作公众号: <span id="CurrentOfficalAccount">@ViewBag.CurrentOfficalAcount</span>
                <p id="modalwindow2"
                        style="width:600px; height:500px;" data-options="modal:true,closed: true,minimizable:false,shadow:false">
                    <p class="mvctool bgb">
                        @Html.ToolButton("btnSava2", "fa fa-search", "提交保存", ref perm, "Edit", false)                        <p class="rightp color-green">
                            当前操作公众号: <span id="CurrentOfficalAccount">@ViewBag.CurrentOfficalAcount</span>
                    <table class="formtablenormal">
                            <th>关键字: </th>
                                <input type="text" id="TextMatchKey2" />
                            <th>规则: </th>
                                @Html.SwitchButtonByEdit("swMessageRule2", true, "模糊匹配(关键字包含内容) ", "完全匹配(内容与关键字完全匹配)", "280")                            </td>
                            <th>内容: </th>
                                <textarea id="Text2" style="width: 280px;height:200px"></textarea>
                <table id="List2"></table>

            <p title="图片回复" style="padding:10px">
                <p class="mvctool">
                    @Html.ToolButton("btnCreate3", "fa fa-search", "添加回复", ref perm, "Edit", true)
                    @Html.ToolButton("btnEdit3", "fa fa-search", "编辑", ref perm, "Edit", true)
                    @Html.ToolButton("btnDelete3", "fa fa-search", "删除", ref perm, "Delete", false)                    <p class="rightp color-green">
                        当前操作公众号: <span id="CurrentOfficalAccount">@ViewBag.CurrentOfficalAcount</span>
                <p id="modalwindow3" class="easyui-window" style="width:600px; height:550px;" data-options="modal:true,closed: true,minimizable:false,shadow:false">
                    <p class="mvctool bgb">
                        @Html.ToolButton("btnSava3", "fa fa-search", "提交保存", ref perm, "Edit", false)                        <p class="rightp color-green">
                            当前操作公众号: <span id="CurrentOfficalAccount">@ViewBag.CurrentOfficalAcount</span>
                    <table class="formtablenormal">
                        <tr><th>标题: </th><td><input type="text" id="ImageTitle3" /></td></tr>
                            <th>关键字: </th>
                                <input type="text" id="TextMatchKey3" />
                            <th>规则: </th>
                                @Html.SwitchButtonByEdit("swMessageRule3", true, "模糊匹配(关键字包含内容) ", "完全匹配(内容与关键字完全匹配)", "280")                            </td>
                            <th>图片: </th>
                                <form id="form3" method="post">
                                    <input type="hidden" name="ImageUrl3" id="ImageUrl3" />
                                    <img class="expic" src="/Content/Images/NotPic.jpg" />
                                    <br />
                                    <a href="javascript:$(&#39;#FileUpload3&#39;).trigger(&#39;click&#39;);" class="files">@Resource.Browse</a>
                                    <input type="file" id="FileUpload3" class="displaynone" name="FileUpload3" onchange="Upload(&#39;SingleFile&#39;, &#39;ImageUrl3&#39;, &#39;FileUpload3&#39;, &#39;1&#39;, &#39;1&#39;, &#39;#form3&#39;);" />
                                    <span class="uploading">@Resource.Uploading</span>
                        <tr><th>内容: </th><td><textarea id="ImageContent3" style="width: 300px; height: 80px;"></textarea></td></tr>
                        <tr><th>链接: </th><td><input type="text" id="ImageLink3" /></td></tr>
                        <tr><th>排序: </th><td><input type="number" id="Sort3" value="0" /></td></tr>
                <table><tr><td><table id="List31"></table></td><td> </td><td><table id="List3"></table></td></tr></table>

            <p title="语音回复" style="padding:10px">
                <p class="mvctool ">
                    @Html.ToolButton("btnCreate4", "fa fa-search", "添加回复", ref perm, "Edit", false)
                    @Html.ToolButton("btnEdit4", "fa fa-search", "编辑", ref perm, "Edit", true)
                    @Html.ToolButton("btnDelete4", "fa fa-search", "删除", ref perm, "Delete", false)                    <p class="rightp color-green">
                        当前操作公众号: <span id="CurrentOfficalAccount">@ViewBag.CurrentOfficalAcount</span>
                <p id="modalwindow4"
                     style="width:600px; height:500px;" data-options="modal:true,closed: true,minimizable:false,shadow:false">
                    <p class="mvctool bgb">
                        @Html.ToolButton("btnSava4", "fa fa-search", "提交保存", ref perm, "Edit", false)                        <p class="rightp color-green">
                            当前操作公众号: <span id="CurrentOfficalAccount">@ViewBag.CurrentOfficalAcount</span>
                    <table class="formtablenormal">
                        <tr><th>标题: </th><td><input type="text" id="VoiceTitle4" /></td></tr>
                            <th>关键字: </th>
                                <input type="text" id="TextMatchKey4" />
                            <th>规则: </th>
                                @Html.SwitchButtonByEdit("swMessageRule4", true, "模糊匹配(关键字包含内容) ", "完全匹配(内容与关键字完全匹配)", "280")                            </td>
                            <th>语音: </th>
                                <form id="form4" method="post">
                                    <input type="text" class="left" name="VoiceUrl4" id="VoiceUrl4" />
                                    <a href="javascript:$(&#39;#FileUpload4&#39;).trigger(&#39;click&#39;);" class="files">@Resource.Browse</a>
                                    <input type="file" id="FileUpload4" accept="audio/mpeg" class="displaynone" name="FileUpload4" onchange="Upload(&#39;SingleFile&#39;, &#39;VoiceUrl4&#39;, &#39;FileUpload4&#39;, &#39;&#39;, &#39;&#39;, &#39;#form4&#39;);" />
                                    <span class="uploading">@Resource.Uploading</span>
                        <tr><th>描述: </th><td><textarea id="VoiceContent4" style="width: 300px; height: 100px;"></textarea></td></tr>

                <table id="List4"></table>
            @*<p title="视频回复"
            @*<p title="链接回复"
            <p title="LBS位置回复"
            </p>*@        </p>
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La gestion des messages est une chose très habile

1 Lorsqu'il n'y a pas de réponse de tâche au message, nous devons activer la réponse par défaut, sinon l'utilisateur n'obtiendra pas de réponse. et perdre l'expérience

2. La conception des mots-clés est généralement liée les unes aux autres, ce qui a un effet directeur

Par exemple : Mot-clé : (Je veux) Répondre : Appuyez sur 1 pour rejoindre et recevez un cadeau, appuyez sur 2 Obtenez 50 yuans directement

Mots clés : (1) Réponse : Appuyez sur 3 pour obtenir un morceau de thé Tieguanyin, appuyez sur 4 pour obtenir du thé Pu'er

Mots clés : ( 3 ou 4) Répondre : Veuillez répondre Votre adresse, numéro de téléphone et destinataire

De cette façon, nous obtiendrons la conversation complète entre le système et l'utilisateur, bien sûr, nous devons également traiter les dernières informations de l'utilisateur

Ce qui précède est le contenu détaillé de. pour plus d'informations, suivez d'autres articles connexes sur le site Web de PHP en chinois!

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