Maison > développement back-end > Tutoriel C#.Net > Exemple de code de requête de condition dynamique conjointe sur des bases de données et plusieurs tables dans

Exemple de code de requête de condition dynamique conjointe sur des bases de données et plusieurs tables dans

Libérer: 2017-05-04 11:07:58
2920 Les gens l'ont consulté

Cet article présente principalement la fonction de requête de condition dynamique conjointe multi-tables de bases de données croisées MVC implémentée par Il analyse en détail les compétences de mise en œuvre de la fonction de requête conjointe multi-tables de bases de données croisées d' basée sur MVC. architecture basée sur un exemple de formulaire. Les amis peuvent se référer à

Cet article décrit la fonction de requête de condition dynamique conjointe multi-tables de bases de données MVC implémentée par Partagez-le avec tout le monde pour votre référence, les détails sont les suivants :

1. Méthodes dans Contrôleur

public ActionResult Search()
  ViewBag.HeadTitle = "搜索";
  ViewBag.MetaKey = "\"123\"";
  ViewBag.MetaDes = "\"456\"";
  string whereText = "";
  if (Security.HtmlHelper.GetQueryString("first", true) != string.Empty)
    whereText += " and a.ParentId='" + StringFilter("first", true)+"'";
  if (Security.HtmlHelper.GetQueryString("second", true) != string.Empty)
    whereText += " and a.categoryId='" + StringFilter("second",true)+"'";
  string valueStr = "";
  if (Security.HtmlHelper.GetQueryString("theme", true) != string.Empty)
    valueStr += StringFilter("theme", true) + ",";
  if (Security.HtmlHelper.GetQueryString("size", true) != string.Empty)
    valueStr += StringFilter("size", true) + ",";
  if (Security.HtmlHelper.GetQueryString("font", true) != string.Empty)
    valueStr += StringFilter("font", true) + ",";
  if (Security.HtmlHelper.GetQueryString("shape", true) != string.Empty)
    valueStr += StringFilter("shape", true) + ",";
  if (Security.HtmlHelper.GetQueryString("technique", true) != string.Empty)
    valueStr += StringFilter("technique", true) + ",";
  if (Security.HtmlHelper.GetQueryString("category", true) != string.Empty)
    valueStr += StringFilter("category", true) + ",";
  if (Security.HtmlHelper.GetQueryString("place", true) != string.Empty)
    valueStr += StringFilter("place", true) + ",";
  if (Security.HtmlHelper.GetQueryString("price", true) != string.Empty)
    valueStr += StringFilter("price", true) + ",";
  if (valueStr != "")
    valueStr=valueStr.Substring(0, valueStr.Length - 1);
    whereText += " and f.valueId in("+valueStr+")";
  if (Security.HtmlHelper.GetQueryString("searchKeys", true) != string.Empty)
    whereText += " and a.SaleTitle like '%'" + StringFilter("searchKes", true) + "'%' or a.SaleDes like '%'" + StringFilter("searchKes", true) + "'%' or a.SaleAuthor like '%'" + StringFilter("searchKes", true) + "'%' or a.KeyWords like '%'" + StringFilter("searchKes", true) + "'%' or g.valueProperty like '%'" + StringFilter("searchKes", true) + "'%'";
  int pageSize = 50;
  int pageIndex = HttpContext.Request.QueryString["pageIndex"].Toint(1);
  List<string> searchInfo = Search(pageIndex, pageSize, whereText, 1);
  if (Security.HtmlHelper.GetQueryString("sort", true) != string.Empty)
    string sort = StringFilter("sort", true);
    switch (sort)
      case "1":  //综合即默认按照上架时间降序排列即按照id降序
        searchInfo = Search(pageIndex, pageSize, whereText, 1);
      case"2":  //销量
        searchInfo = Search(pageIndex, pageSize, whereText,0, "saleTotal");
      case "3":  //收藏
        searchInfo = Search(pageIndex, pageSize, whereText,0, "favoritesTotal");
      case "4":  //价格升序
        searchInfo = Search(pageIndex, pageSize, whereText,1);
      case "5":  //价格降序
        searchInfo = Search(pageIndex, pageSize, whereText,2);
  string jsonStr = searchInfo[0];
  ViewData["jsondata"] = jsonStr;
  int allCount = Utility.Toint(searchInfo[1], 0);
  ViewBag.AllCount = allCount;
  ViewBag.MaxPages = allCount % pageSize == 0 ? allCount / pageSize : (allCount / pageSize + 1).Toint(1);
  return View();
public List<string> Search(int pageIndex, int pageSize, string whereText, int orderByPrice, string orderBy = "SaleId")
  BLL.Products searchInfoBLL = new BLL.Products();
  List<string> searchInfo = searchInfoBLL.GetSearchInfo(pageIndex, pageSize, whereText, orderByPrice,orderBy);
  return searchInfo;
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Remarque : Sécurité. HtmlHelper.GetQueryString (), StringFilter() est sa propre méthode encapsulée, utilisée pour filtrer les valeurs des paramètres

2. Méthode de couche BLL

using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Caching;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
using FotosayMall.Model;
using FotosayMall.Common;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.IO;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters;
using FotosayMall.MVC.Models;
namespace FotosayMall.BLL
  public class Products
    private readonly DAL.Products dal = new DAL.Products();
    /// <summary>
    /// 分页查询,检索页数据
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pageIndex"></param>
    /// <param name="pageSize"></param>
    /// <param name="orderByPrice">价格排序:0默认,1升序,2降序</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public List<string> GetSearchInfo(int pageIndex, int pageSize, string whereText, int orderByPrice, string orderBy = "SaleId")
      DataSet searchInfoTables = dal.GetSearchInfo(pageIndex, pageSize, whereText);
      int allCount = Utility.Toint(searchInfoTables.Tables[1].Rows[0]["rowsTotal"], 0);
      var searchInfo = from list in searchInfoTables.Tables[0].AsEnumerable().OrderByDescending(x => x.Table.Columns[orderBy])
        select new SearchModel
         Url = "/home/products?saleId=" + list.Field<int>("SaleId"),
         Author = list.Field<string>("SaleAuthor"),
         PhotoFileName = list.Field<string>("PhotoFileName"),
         PhotoFilePathFlag = list.Field<int>("PhotoFilePathFlag"),
         Province = list.Field<string>("Place").Split(&#39; &#39;).First(),
         SalePrice = list.Field<decimal>("SalePrice"),
         UsingPrice = list.Field<decimal>("usingPrice"),
         Title = list.Field<string>("SaleTitle").Length > 30 ? list.Field<string>("SaleTitle").Substring(0, 30) : list.Field<string>("SaleTitle"),
         Year = list.Field<DateTime>("BuildTime").ToString("yyyy") == "1900" ? "" : list.Field<DateTime>("BuildTime").ToString("yyyy年")
      if (orderByPrice==2)
        searchInfo = searchInfo.OrderByDescending(x => x.Price);
      else if (orderByPrice == 1)
        searchInfo = searchInfo.OrderBy(x => x.Price);
      string jsonStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(searchInfo);
      List<string> dataList = new List<string>();
      return dataList;
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Remarque : Faites attention à la conversion par DataTable. C'est une méthode énumérable qui peut être utilisée pour les requêtes Linq.


/// <summary>
/// 获取检索页数据
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pageIndex"></param>
/// <param name="pageSize"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public DataSet GetSearchInfo(int pageIndex, int pageSize, string whereText)
  StringBuilder sqlText = new StringBuilder();
  sqlText.Append("select * from (");
  sqlText.Append("select a.SaleId,a.PhotoId,SaleTitle,SaleAuthor,a.Status,a.categoryId,c.UserID,c.UserName,b.PhotoFilePathFlag,b.PhotoFileName,coalesce(e.BuildTime,0) BuildTime,c.Place,coalesce(d.usingPrice,0) usingPrice,coalesce(e.SalePrice,0) SalePrice,h.saleTotal,h.favoritesTotal,row_number() over(order by a.saleId) rowsNum ");
  sqlText.Append("from fotosay..Photo_Sale a join fotosay..Photo_Basic b on a.PhotoId = b.PhotoID ");
  sqlText.Append("join fotosay..System_AccountsDescription c on b.UserID = c.UserID ");
  sqlText.Append("left join fotosay..Photo_Sale_Picture d on a.SaleId = d.SaleId ");
  sqlText.Append("left join fotosay..Photo_Sale_Tangible e on a.saleId = e.saleId ");
  sqlText.Append("join FotosayMall..Fotomall_Product_Relation f on f.saleId = a.SaleId ");
  sqlText.Append("join FotosayMall..Fotomall_Product_PropertyValue g on g.categoryId = a.categoryId and g.valueId = f.valueId and g.propertyId = f.propertyId ");
  sqlText.Append("join fotosay..Photo_Sale_Property h on a.saleId = h.saleId ");
  sqlText.Append("where a.Status=1 " + whereText + " ");
  sqlText.Append("group by a.SaleId,a.PhotoId,SaleTitle,SaleAuthor,a.Status,a.categoryId,c.UserID,c.UserName,b.PhotoFilePathFlag,b.PhotoFileName,e.BuildTime,c.Place,usingPrice,SalePrice,h.saleTotal,h.favoritesTotal ");
  sqlText.Append(") t where rowsNum between @PageSize*(@PageIndex-1)+1 and @PageSize*@PageIndex;");
  sqlText.Append("select count(distinct a.saleId) rowsTotal from fotosay..Photo_Sale a join (select b1.PhotoFilePathFlag,b1.PhotoFileName,b1.UserID,b1.PhotoID from fotosay..Photo_Basic b1 union select b2.PhotoFilePathFlag,b2.PhotoFileName,b2.UserID,b2.PhotoID from fotosay..Photo_Basic_History b2 ) b on a.PhotoId = b.PhotoID join fotosay..System_AccountsDescription c on b.UserID = c.UserID left join fotosay..Photo_Sale_Picture d on a.SaleId = d.SaleId left join fotosay..Photo_Sale_Tangible e on a.saleId = e.saleId join FotosayMall..Fotomall_Product_Relation f on f.saleId = a.SaleId join FotosayMall..Fotomall_Product_PropertyValue g on g.categoryId = a.categoryId and g.valueId = f.valueId and g.propertyId = f.propertyId join fotosay..Photo_Sale_Property h on a.saleId = h.saleId where a.Status=1 " + whereText + ";");
  DbParameter[] parameters = {
    Fotosay.CreateInDbParameter("@PageIndex", DbType.Int32,pageIndex),
    Fotosay.CreateInDbParameter("@PageSize", DbType.Int32,pageSize)
  DataSet searchInfoList = Fotosay.ExecuteQuery(CommandType.Text, sqlText.ToString(), parameters);
  if (searchInfoList.Tables[0].Rows.Count < pageSize)
    string sql = "select top(1) a.saleId from fotosay..Photo_Sale a join fotosay..Photo_Basic_History b on a.PhotoId = b.PhotoID join fotosay..System_AccountsDescription c on b.UserID = c.UserID left join fotosay..Photo_Sale_Picture d on a.SaleId = d.SaleId left join fotosay..Photo_Sale_Tangible e on a.saleId = e.saleId join FotosayMall..Fotomall_Product_Relation f on f.saleId = a.SaleId join FotosayMall..Fotomall_Product_PropertyValue g on g.categoryId = a.categoryId and g.valueId = f.valueId and g.propertyId = f.propertyId join fotosay..Photo_Sale_Property h on a.saleId = h.saleId where a.Status=1 " + whereText + ";";
    DataSet ds = Fotosay.ExecuteQuery(CommandType.Text, sql.ToString(), parameters);
    if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
      StringBuilder sqlTextMore = new StringBuilder();
      sqlTextMore.Append("select * from (");
      sqlTextMore.Append("select a.SaleId,a.PhotoId,SaleTitle,SaleAuthor,a.Status,a.categoryId,c.UserID,c.UserName,b.PhotoFilePathFlag,b.PhotoFileName,coalesce(e.BuildTime,0) BuildTime,c.Place,coalesce(d.usingPrice,0) usingPrice,coalesce(e.SalePrice,0) SalePrice,h.saleTotal,h.favoritesTotal,row_number() over(order by a.saleId) rowsNum ");
      sqlTextMore.Append("from fotosay..Photo_Sale a ");
      sqlTextMore.Append("join (select b1.PhotoFilePathFlag,b1.PhotoFileName,b1.UserID,b1.PhotoID from fotosay..Photo_Basic b1 union select b2.PhotoFilePathFlag,b2.PhotoFileName,b2.UserID,b2.PhotoID from fotosay..Photo_Basic_History b2 ) b on a.PhotoId = b.PhotoID join fotosay..System_AccountsDescription c on b.UserID = c.UserID ");
      sqlTextMore.Append("left join fotosay..Photo_Sale_Picture d on a.SaleId = d.SaleId ");
      sqlTextMore.Append("left join fotosay..Photo_Sale_Tangible e on a.saleId = e.saleId ");
      sqlTextMore.Append("join FotosayMall..Fotomall_Product_Relation f on f.saleId = a.SaleId ");
      sqlTextMore.Append("join FotosayMall..Fotomall_Product_PropertyValue g on g.categoryId = a.categoryId and g.valueId = f.valueId and g.propertyId = f.propertyId ");
      sqlTextMore.Append("join fotosay..Photo_Sale_Property h on a.saleId = h.saleId ");
      sqlTextMore.Append("where a.Status=1 " + whereText + " ");
      sqlTextMore.Append("group by a.SaleId,a.PhotoId,SaleTitle,SaleAuthor,a.Status,a.categoryId,c.UserID,c.UserName,b.PhotoFilePathFlag,b.PhotoFileName,e.BuildTime,c.Place,usingPrice,SalePrice,h.saleTotal,h.favoritesTotal");
      sqlTextMore.Append(") t where rowsNum between @PageSize*(@PageIndex-1)+1 and @PageSize*@PageIndex;");
      sqlTextMore.Append("select count(distinct a.saleId) rowsTotal from fotosay..Photo_Sale a join (select b1.PhotoFilePathFlag,b1.PhotoFileName,b1.UserID,b1.PhotoID from fotosay..Photo_Basic b1 union select b2.PhotoFilePathFlag,b2.PhotoFileName,b2.UserID,b2.PhotoID from fotosay..Photo_Basic_History b2 ) b on a.PhotoId = b.PhotoID join fotosay..System_AccountsDescription c on b.UserID = c.UserID left join fotosay..Photo_Sale_Picture d on a.SaleId = d.SaleId left join fotosay..Photo_Sale_Tangible e on a.saleId = e.saleId join FotosayMall..Fotomall_Product_Relation f on f.saleId = a.SaleId join FotosayMall..Fotomall_Product_PropertyValue g on g.categoryId = a.categoryId and g.valueId = f.valueId and g.propertyId = f.propertyId join fotosay..Photo_Sale_Property h on a.saleId = h.saleId where a.Status=1 " + whereText + ";");
      searchInfoList = Fotosay.ExecuteQuery(CommandType.Text, sqlTextMore.ToString(), parameters);
  return searchInfoList;
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Remarque : faites attention à la manière d'interroger les bases de données croisées et à la manière d'utiliser l'union


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace FotosayMall.MVC.Models
  public class SearchModel
    /// <summary>
    /// 原始图片文件夹(用于url地址)
    /// </summary>
    private const string OriginImagesUrlFolder = "userimages/photos_origin";
    /// <summary>
    /// 购买页链接
    /// </summary>
    public string Url { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// 所属域名(1为fotosay,2为img,3为img1)
    /// </summary>
    public int PhotoFilePathFlag { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// 图片名称
    /// </summary>
    public string PhotoFileName { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// 商品名称
    /// </summary>
    public string Title { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// 作者所在省份
    /// </summary>
    public string Province { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// 作者
    /// </summary>
    public string Author { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// 创作年份
    /// </summary>
    public string Year { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// 图片:单次价格
    /// </summary>
    public decimal UsingPrice { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// 实物:定价
    /// </summary>
    public decimal SalePrice { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// 售价
    /// </summary>
    public string Price
        if (this.UsingPrice > 0)
          return this.UsingPrice.ToString();
        else if (this.SalePrice > 0)
          return this.SalePrice.ToString();
          return "议价";
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    private string MasterSite
      get { return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["masterSite"].ToString(); }
    /// <summary>
    /// 图片完整路径
    /// </summary>
    public string Img
        return MasterSite + "/" + OriginImagesUrlFolder + this.PhotoFileName + "b.jpg";
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