Explication détaillée des exemples d'API de réflexion orientée objet php

Libérer: 2023-03-12 07:00:01
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class ShopProduct {
  private $title;
  private $producerMainName;
  private $producerFirstName;
  protected $price;
  private $discount = 0;
  public function construct(  $title, $firstName,
              $mainName, $price ) {
    $this->title       = $title;
    $this->producerFirstName = $firstName;
    $this->producerMainName = $mainName;
    $this->price       = $price;
  public function getProducerFirstName() {
    return $this->producerFirstName;
  public function getProducerMainName() {
    return $this->producerMainName;
  public function setDiscount( $num ) {
  public function getDiscount() {
    return $this->discount;
  public function getTitle() {
    return $this->title;
  public function getPrice() {
    return ($this->price - $this->discount);
  public function getProducer() {
    return "{$this->producerFirstName}".
        " {$this->producerMainName}";
  public function getSummaryLine() {
    $base = "{$this->title} ( {$this->producerMainName}, ";
    $base .= "{$this->producerFirstName} )";
    return $base;
class CdProduct extends ShopProduct {
  private $playLength = 0;
  public function construct(  $title, $firstName,
              $mainName, $price, $playLength=78 ) {
    parent::construct(  $title, $firstName,
                $mainName, $price );
    $this->playLength = $playLength;
  public function getPlayLength() {
    return $this->playLength;
  public function getSummaryLine() {
    $base = parent::getSummaryLine();
    $base .= ": playing time - {$this->playLength}";
    return $base;
class BookProduct extends ShopProduct {
  private $numPages = 0;
  public function construct(  $title, $firstName,
              $mainName, $price, $numPages ) {
    parent::construct(  $title, $firstName,
                $mainName, $price );
    $this->numPages = $numPages;
  public function getNumberOfPages() {
    return $this->numPages;
  public function getSummaryLine() {
    $base = parent::getSummaryLine();
    $base .= ": page count - {$this->numPages}";
    return $base;
  public function getPrice() {
    return $this->price;
$product1 = new CdProduct("cd1", "bob", "bobbleson", 4, 50 );
print $product1->getSummaryLine()."\n";
$product2 = new BookProduct("book1", "harry", "harrelson", 4, 30 );
print $product2->getSummaryLine()."\n";
require_once "fullshop.php";
$prod_class = new ReflectionClass( &#39;CdProduct&#39; );
Reflection::export( $prod_class );
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Class [ <user> class CdProduct extends ShopProduct ] {
 @@ D:\xampp\htdocs\popp-code\5\fullshop.php 53-73
 - Constants [0] {
 - Static properties [0] {
 - Static methods [0] {
 - Properties [2] {
  Property [ <default> private $playLength ]
  Property [ <default> protected $price ]
 - Methods [10] {
  Method [ <user, overwrites ShopProduct, ctor> public method construct ] {
   @@ D:\xampp\htdocs\popp-code\5\fullshop.php 56 - 61
   - Parameters [5] {
    Parameter #0 [ <required> $title ]
    Parameter #1 [ <required> $firstName ]
    Parameter #2 [ <required> $mainName ]
    Parameter #3 [ <required> $price ]
    Parameter #4 [ <optional> $playLength = 78 ]
  Method [ <user> public method getPlayLength ] {
   @@ D:\xampp\htdocs\popp-code\5\fullshop.php 63 - 65
  Method [ <user, overwrites ShopProduct, prototype ShopProduct> public method getSummaryLine ] {
   @@ D:\xampp\htdocs\popp-code\5\fullshop.php 67 - 71
  Method [ <user, inherits ShopProduct> public method getProducerFirstName ] {
   @@ D:\xampp\htdocs\popp-code\5\fullshop.php 17 - 19
  Method [ <user, inherits ShopProduct> public method getProducerMainName ] {
   @@ D:\xampp\htdocs\popp-code\5\fullshop.php 21 - 23
  Method [ <user, inherits ShopProduct> public method setDiscount ] {
   @@ D:\xampp\htdocs\popp-code\5\fullshop.php 25 - 27
   - Parameters [1] {
    Parameter #0 [ <required> $num ]
  Method [ <user, inherits ShopProduct> public method getDiscount ] {
   @@ D:\xampp\htdocs\popp-code\5\fullshop.php 29 - 31
  Method [ <user, inherits ShopProduct> public method getTitle ] {
   @@ D:\xampp\htdocs\popp-code\5\fullshop.php 33 - 35
  Method [ <user, inherits ShopProduct> public method getPrice ] {
   @@ D:\xampp\htdocs\popp-code\5\fullshop.php 37 - 39
  Method [ <user, inherits ShopProduct> public method getProducer ] {
   @@ D:\xampp\htdocs\popp-code\5\fullshop.php 41 - 44
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function classData( ReflectionClass $class ) {
 $details = "";
 $name = $class->getName();
 if ( $class->isUserDefined() ) {
  $details .= "$name is user defined\n";
 if ( $class->isInternal() ) {
  $details .= "$name is built-in\n";
 if ( $class->isInterface() ) {
  $details .= "$name is interface\n";
 if ( $class->isAbstract() ) {
  $details .= "$name is an abstract class\n";
 if ( $class->isFinal() ) {
  $details .= "$name is a final class\n";
 if ( $class->isInstantiable() ) {
  $details .= "$name can be instantiated\n";
 } else {
  $details .= "$name can not be instantiated\n";
 return $details;
$prod_class = new ReflectionClass( &#39;CdProduct&#39; );
print classData( $prod_class );
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CdProduct is user defined
CdProduct can be instantiated


require_once "fullshop.php";
$prod_class = new ReflectionClass( &#39;CdProduct&#39; );
$methods = $prod_class->getMethods();
foreach ( $methods as $method ) {
 print methodData( $method );
 print "\n----\n";
function methodData( ReflectionMethod $method ) {
 $details = "";
 $name = $method->getName();
 if ( $method->isUserDefined() ) {
  $details .= "$name is user defined\n";
 if ( $method->isInternal() ) {
  $details .= "$name is built-in\n";
 if ( $method->isAbstract() ) {
  $details .= "$name is abstract\n";
 if ( $method->isPublic() ) {
  $details .= "$name is public\n";
 if ( $method->isProtected() ) {
  $details .= "$name is protected\n";
 if ( $method->isPrivate() ) {
  $details .= "$name is private\n";
 if ( $method->isStatic() ) {
  $details .= "$name is static\n";
 if ( $method->isFinal() ) {
  $details .= "$name is final\n";
 if ( $method->isConstructor() ) {
  $details .= "$name is the constructor\n";
 if ( $method->returnsReference() ) {
  $details .= "$name returns a reference (as opposed to a value)\n";
 return $details;
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construct is user defined
construct is public
construct is the constructor
getPlayLength is user defined
getPlayLength is public
getSummaryLine is user defined
getSummaryLine is public
getProducerFirstName is user defined
getProducerFirstName is public
getProducerMainName is user defined
getProducerMainName is public
setDiscount is user defined
setDiscount is public
getDiscount is user defined
getDiscount is public
getTitle is user defined
getTitle is public
getPrice is user defined
getPrice is public
getProducer is user defined
getProducer is public
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require_once "fullshop.php";
$prod_class = new ReflectionClass( &#39;CdProduct&#39; );
$method = $prod_class->getMethod( "construct" );
$params = $method->getParameters();
foreach ( $params as $param ) {
  print argData( $param )."\n";
function argData( ReflectionParameter $arg ) {
 $details = "";
 $declaringclass = $arg->getDeclaringClass();
 $name = $arg->getName();
 $class = $arg->getClass();
 $position = $arg->getPosition();
 $details .= "\$$name has position $position\n";
 if ( ! empty( $class ) ) {
  $classname = $class->getName();
  $details .= "\$$name must be a $classname object\n";
 if ( $arg->isPassedByReference() ) {
  $details .= "\$$name is passed by reference\n";
 if ( $arg->isDefaultValueAvailable() ) {
  $def = $arg->getDefaultValue();
  $details .= "\$$name has default: $def\n";
 if ( $arg->allowsNull() ) {
  $details .= "\$$name can be null\n";
 return $details;
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$title has position 0
$title can be null
$firstName has position 1
$firstName can be null
$mainName has position 2
$mainName can be null
$price has position 3
$price can be null
$playLength has position 4
$playLength has default: 78
$playLength can be null
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