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Explication détaillée des expressions régulières JS

Libérer: 2018-03-30 17:32:53
1594 Les gens l'ont consulté



“^\d+$”  //非负整数(正整数 + 0)  
”  //非正整数(负整数 + 0)  
”    //整数  
“^\d+(.\d+)?$”  //非负浮点数(正浮点数 + 0)  
”  //非正浮点数(负浮点数 + 0)  
”  //浮点数  
”  //由26个英文字母的大写组成的字符串  
”  //由数字和26个英文字母组成的字符串  
”    //email地址  
“^[a-zA-z]+://(\w+(-\w+))(.(\w+(-\w+)))(\?\S)?$”  //url 
/^(d{2}|d{4})-((0([1-9]{1}))|(1[1|2]))-((0-2)|(3[0|1]))$/   //  年-月-日 
”   //Emil 
“(d+-)?(d{4}-?d{7}|d{3}-?d{8}|^d{7,8})(-d+)?”     //电话号码 
^[-+]?\d+(.\d+)?$  //值类型正则表达式

“^\d+$”  //非负整数(正整数 + 0)  
”  //非正整数(负整数 + 0)  
”    //整数  
“^\d+(\.\d+)?$”  //非负浮点数(正浮点数 + 0)  
”  //非正浮点数(负浮点数 + 0)  
”  //浮点数  
”  //由26个英文字母的大写组成的字符串  
”  //由数字和26个英文字母组成的字符串  
”    //email地址  
“^[a-zA-z]+://(\w+(-\w+))(\.(\w+(-\w+)))(\?\S)?$”  //url
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function isDigit(s) 
var patrn=/^[0-9]{1,20}$/; 
if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false 
return true 
function isRegisterUserName(s) 
var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z]{1}([a-zA-Z0-9]|[._]){4,19}$/; 
if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false 
return true 
function isTrueName(s) 
var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z]{1,30}$/; 
if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false 
return true 
function isPasswd(s) 
var patrn=/^(\w){6,20}$/; 
if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false 
return true 
function isTel(s) 
//var patrn=/^[+]{0,1}(\d){1,3}[ ]?([-]?(\d){1,12})+
if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false 
return true 

function isMobil(s) 
var patrn=/^[+]{0,1}(\d){1,3}[ ]?([-]?((\d)|[ ]){1,12})+$/; 
if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false 
return true 
function isPostalCode(s) 
//var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,12}
if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false 
return true 

function isSearch(s) 
var patrn=/^[^~!@#$%^&*()+=|\\\][\]\{\}:;\&#39;\,.<>/?]{1}[^~!@
if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false 
return true 
function isIP(s) //by zergling 
var patrn=/^[0-9.]{1,20}$/; 
if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false 
return true 

* FUNCTION: isBetween 
* PARAMETERS: val AS any value 
* lo AS Lower limit to check 
* hi AS Higher limit to check 
* RETURNS: TRUE if val is between lo and hi both inclusive, otherwise false. 
function isBetween (val, lo, hi) { 
if ((val < lo) || (val > hi)) { return(false); } 
else { return(true); } 
* FUNCTION: isDate checks a valid date 
* PARAMETERS: theStr AS String 
* CALLS: isBetween, isInt 
* RETURNS: TRUE if theStr is a valid date otherwise false. 
function isDate (theStr) { 
var the1st = theStr.indexOf(‘-‘); 
var the2nd = theStr.lastIndexOf(‘-‘); 
if (the1st == the2nd) { return(false); } 
else { 
var y = theStr.substring(0,the1st); 
var m = theStr.substring(the1st+1,the2nd); 
var d = theStr.substring(the2nd+1,theStr.length); 
var maxDays = 31; 
if (isInt(m)==false || isInt(d)==false || isInt(y)==false) { 
return(false); } 
else if (y.length < 4) { return(false); } 
else if (!isBetween (m, 1, 12)) { return(false); } 
else if (m==4 || m==6 || m==9 || m==11) maxDays = 30; 
else if (m==2) { 
if (y % 4 > 0) maxDays = 28; 
else if (y % 100 == 0 && y % 400 > 0) maxDays = 28; 
else maxDays = 29; 
if (isBetween(d, 1, maxDays) == false) { return(false); } 
else { return(true); } 
* FUNCTION: isEuDate checks a valid date in British format 
* PARAMETERS: theStr AS String 
* CALLS: isBetween, isInt 
* RETURNS: TRUE if theStr is a valid date otherwise false. 
function isEuDate (theStr) { 
if (isBetween(theStr.length, 8, 10) == false) { return(false); } 
else { 
var the1st = theStr.indexOf(‘/’); 
var the2nd = theStr.lastIndexOf(‘/’); 
if (the1st == the2nd) { return(false); } 
else { 
var m = theStr.substring(the1st+1,the2nd); 
var d = theStr.substring(0,the1st); 
var y = theStr.substring(the2nd+1,theStr.length); 
var maxDays = 31; 
if (isInt(m)==false || isInt(d)==false || isInt(y)==false) { 
return(false); } 
else if (y.length < 4) { return(false); } 
else if (isBetween (m, 1, 12) == false) { return(false); } 
else if (m==4 || m==6 || m==9 || m==11) maxDays = 30; 
else if (m==2) { 
if (y % 4 > 0) maxDays = 28; 
else if (y % 100 == 0 && y % 400 > 0) maxDays = 28; 
else maxDays = 29; 
if (isBetween(d, 1, maxDays) == false) { return(false); } 
else { return(true); } 
* FUNCTION: Compare Date! Which is the latest! 
* PARAMETERS: lessDate,moreDate AS String 
* CALLS: isDate,isBetween 
* RETURNS: TRUE if lessDate
“^\d+$”  //非负整数(正整数 + 0)  
”  //非正整数(负整数 + 0)  
”    //整数  
“^\d+(.\d+)?$”  //非负浮点数(正浮点数 + 0)  
”  //非正浮点数(负浮点数 + 0)  
”  //浮点数  
”  //由26个英文字母的大写组成的字符串  
”  //由数字和26个英文字母组成的字符串  
”    //email地址  
“^[a-zA-z]+://(\w+(-\w+))(.(\w+(-\w+)))(\?\S)?$”  //url 
/^(d{2}|d{4})-((0([1-9]{1}))|(1[1|2]))-((0-2)|(3[0|1]))$/   //  年-月-日 
”   //Emil 
“(d+-)?(d{4}-?d{7}|d{3}-?d{8}|^d{7,8})(-d+)?”     //电话号码 
^[-+]?\d+(.\d+)?$  //值类型正则表达式

“^\d+$”  //非负整数(正整数 + 0)  
”  //非正整数(负整数 + 0)  
”    //整数  
“^\d+(\.\d+)?$”  //非负浮点数(正浮点数 + 0)  
”  //非正浮点数(负浮点数 + 0)  
”  //浮点数  
”  //由26个英文字母的大写组成的字符串  
”  //由数字和26个英文字母组成的字符串  
”    //email地址  
“^[a-zA-z]+://(\w+(-\w+))(\.(\w+(-\w+)))(\?\S)?$”  //url

function isDigit(s) 
var patrn=/^[0-9]{1,20}$/; 
if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false 
return true 
function isRegisterUserName(s) 
var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z]{1}([a-zA-Z0-9]|[._]){4,19}$/; 
if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false 
return true 
function isTrueName(s) 
var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z]{1,30}$/; 
if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false 
return true 
function isPasswd(s) 
var patrn=/^(\w){6,20}$/; 
if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false 
return true 
function isTel(s) 
//var patrn=/^[+]{0,1}(\d){1,3}[ ]?([-]?(\d){1,12})+
if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false 
return true 

function isMobil(s) 
var patrn=/^[+]{0,1}(\d){1,3}[ ]?([-]?((\d)|[ ]){1,12})+$/; 
if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false 
return true 
function isPostalCode(s) 
//var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,12}
if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false 
return true 

function isSearch(s) 
var patrn=/^[^~!@#$%^&*()+=|\\\][\]\{\}:;\&#39;\,.<>/?]{1}[^~!@
if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false 
return true 
function isIP(s) //by zergling 
var patrn=/^[0-9.]{1,20}$/; 
if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false 
return true 

* FUNCTION: isBetween 
* PARAMETERS: val AS any value 
* lo AS Lower limit to check 
* hi AS Higher limit to check 
* RETURNS: TRUE if val is between lo and hi both inclusive, otherwise false. 
function isBetween (val, lo, hi) { 
if ((val < lo) || (val > hi)) { return(false); } 
else { return(true); } 
* FUNCTION: isDate checks a valid date 
* PARAMETERS: theStr AS String 
* CALLS: isBetween, isInt 
* RETURNS: TRUE if theStr is a valid date otherwise false. 
function isDate (theStr) { 
var the1st = theStr.indexOf(‘-‘); 
var the2nd = theStr.lastIndexOf(‘-‘); 
if (the1st == the2nd) { return(false); } 
else { 
var y = theStr.substring(0,the1st); 
var m = theStr.substring(the1st+1,the2nd); 
var d = theStr.substring(the2nd+1,theStr.length); 
var maxDays = 31; 
if (isInt(m)==false || isInt(d)==false || isInt(y)==false) { 
return(false); } 
else if (y.length < 4) { return(false); } 
else if (!isBetween (m, 1, 12)) { return(false); } 
else if (m==4 || m==6 || m==9 || m==11) maxDays = 30; 
else if (m==2) { 
if (y % 4 > 0) maxDays = 28; 
else if (y % 100 == 0 && y % 400 > 0) maxDays = 28; 
else maxDays = 29; 
if (isBetween(d, 1, maxDays) == false) { return(false); } 
else { return(true); } 
* FUNCTION: isEuDate checks a valid date in British format 
* PARAMETERS: theStr AS String 
* CALLS: isBetween, isInt 
* RETURNS: TRUE if theStr is a valid date otherwise false. 
function isEuDate (theStr) { 
if (isBetween(theStr.length, 8, 10) == false) { return(false); } 
else { 
var the1st = theStr.indexOf(‘/’); 
var the2nd = theStr.lastIndexOf(‘/’); 
if (the1st == the2nd) { return(false); } 
else { 
var m = theStr.substring(the1st+1,the2nd); 
var d = theStr.substring(0,the1st); 
var y = theStr.substring(the2nd+1,theStr.length); 
var maxDays = 31; 
if (isInt(m)==false || isInt(d)==false || isInt(y)==false) { 
return(false); } 
else if (y.length < 4) { return(false); } 
else if (isBetween (m, 1, 12) == false) { return(false); } 
else if (m==4 || m==6 || m==9 || m==11) maxDays = 30; 
else if (m==2) { 
if (y % 4 > 0) maxDays = 28; 
else if (y % 100 == 0 && y % 400 > 0) maxDays = 28; 
else maxDays = 29; 
if (isBetween(d, 1, maxDays) == false) { return(false); } 
else { return(true); } 
* FUNCTION: Compare Date! Which is the latest! 
* PARAMETERS: lessDate,moreDate AS String 
* CALLS: isDate,isBetween 
* RETURNS: TRUE if lessDate
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