Cette fois je vous amènerai JS pour convertir la liste en arborescence. Quelles sont les précautions pour que JS convertisse la liste en arborescence Voici un cas pratique, jetons un coup d'oeil. .
/** * 将list装换成tree * @param {Object} myId 数据主键id * @param {Object} pId 数据关联的父级id * @param {Object} list list集合 */ function listToTree(myId,pId,list){ function exists(list, parentId){ for(var i=0; i<list.length; i++){ if (list[i][myId] == parentId) return true; } return false; } var nodes = []; // get the top level nodes for(var i=0; i<list.length; i++){ var row = list[i]; if (!exists(list, row[pId])){ nodes.push(row); } } var toDo = []; for(var i=0; i<nodes.length; i++){ toDo.push(nodes[i]); } while(toDo.length){ var node = toDo.shift(); // the parent node // get the children nodes for(var i=0; i<list.length; i++){ var row = list[i]; if (row[pId] == node[myId]){ //var child = {id:row.id,text:row.name}; if (node.children){ node.children.push(row); } else { node.children = [row]; } toDo.push(row); } } } return nodes; } var list=[ {"ids":1,"parendId":0,"name":"Foods",url:"wwww"}, {"ids":2,"parentId":1,"name":"Fruits"}, {"ids":3,"parentId":1,"name":"Vegetables"}, {"ids":4,"parentId":2,"name":"apple"}, {"ids":5,"parentId":2,"name":"orange"}, {"ids":6,"parentId":3,"name":"tomato"}, {"ids":7,"parentId":3,"name":"carrot"}, {"ids":8,"parentId":3,"name":"cabbage"}, {"ids":9,"parentId":3,"name":"potato"}, {"ids":10,"parentId":3,"name":"lettuce"}, {"ids":11,"parendId":0,"name":"Foods"}, {"ids":12,"parentId":11,"name":"Fruits"}, {"ids":13,"parentId":11,"name":"Vegetables"}, {"ids":14,"parentId":12,"name":"apple"}, {"ids":15,"parentId":12,"name":"orange"}, {"ids":16,"parentId":13,"name":"tomato"}, {"ids":17,"parentId":13,"name":"carrot"}, {"ids":18,"parentId":13,"name":"cabbage"}, {"ids":19,"parentId":13,"name":"potato"}, {"ids":20,"parentId":13,"name":"lettuce"} ]; console.log(JSON.stringify(listToTree("ids","parentId",list))); console.log(listToTree("ids","parentId",list));
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