Cet article vous indique les points de connaissances pertinents sur l'interaction entre les clients PHP et Ethereum. Il a une certaine valeur de référence. Les amis dans le besoin peuvent le suivre et en tirer des leçons.
php communique avec le serveur Ethereum RPC
1 Json RPC
Json RPC est basé. sur l'appel de procédure distante de json, cette explication est relativement abstraite. Pour faire simple, il s'agit de poster une donnée au format json et d'appeler la méthode dans le serveur rpc. Le format json est fixe. En général, on retrouve les éléments suivants :
{ "method": "", "params": [], "id": idNumber }
2. Créez un client Json RPC
<?php class jsonRPCClient { /** * Debug state * * @var boolean */ private $debug; /** * The server URL * * @var string */ private $url; /** * The request id * * @var integer */ private $id; /** * If true, notifications are performed instead of requests * * @var boolean */ private $notification = false; /** * Takes the connection parameters * * @param string $url * @param boolean $debug */ public function __construct($url,$debug = false) { // server URL $this->url = $url; // proxy empty($proxy) ? $this->proxy = '' : $this->proxy = $proxy; // debug state empty($debug) ? $this->debug = false : $this->debug = true; // message id $this->id = 1; } /** * Sets the notification state of the object. In this state, notifications are performed, instead of requests. * * @param boolean $notification */ public function setRPCNotification($notification) { empty($notification) ? $this->notification = false : $this->notification = true; } /** * Performs a jsonRCP request and gets the results as an array * * @param string $method * @param array $params * @return array */ public function __call($method,$params) { // check if (!is_scalar($method)) { throw new Exception('Method name has no scalar value'); } // check if (is_array($params)) { // no keys $params = $params[0]; } else { throw new Exception('Params must be given as array'); } // sets notification or request task if ($this->notification) { $currentId = NULL; } else { $currentId = $this->id; } // prepares the request $request = array( 'method' => $method, 'params' => $params, 'id' => $currentId ); $request = json_encode($request); $this->debug && $this->debug.='***** Request *****'."\n".$request."\n".'***** End Of request *****'."\n\n"; // performs the HTTP POST $opts = array ('http' => array ( 'method' => 'POST', 'header' => 'Content-type: application/json', 'content' => $request )); $context = stream_context_create($opts); if ($fp = fopen($this->url, 'r', false, $context)) { $response = ''; while($row = fgets($fp)) { $response.= trim($row)."\n"; } $this->debug && $this->debug.='***** Server response *****'."\n".$response.'***** End of server response *****'."\n"; $response = json_decode($response,true); } else { throw new Exception('Unable to connect to '.$this->url); } // debug output if ($this->debug) { echo nl2br($debug); } // final checks and return if (!$this->notification) { // check if ($response['id'] != $currentId) { throw new Exception('Incorrect response id (request id: '.$currentId.', response id: '.$response['id'].')'); } if (!is_null($response['error'])) { throw new Exception('Request error: '. var_export($response['error'], true)); } return $response['result']; } else { return true; } } } ?>
3. Deux types de méthodes pour appeler RPC
{ "method": "eth_accounts", "params": [], "id": 1 }
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance)
web3.sha3("balanceOf(address)").substring(0, 10)
{ "method": "eth_call", "params": [{"from": "0x38aabef4cd283ccd5091298dedc88d27c5ec5750", "to": "0xaeab4084194B2a425096fb583Fbcd67385210ac3", "data": "0x70a0823100000000000000000000000038aabef4cd283ccd5091298dedc88d27c5ec5750"}, "latest"], "id": 1 }
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool)
transfer(address,uint256) //注意逗号后面不能有空格
web3.sha3("transfer(address,uint256)").substring(0, 10)
En supposant que uint256 _value = 43776 pour le deuxième paramètre, il sera converti en "0xab00" hexadécimal, puis supprimera "0x" et complétera les zéros à 64 bits. 83ccd5091298dedc88d27c5ec57500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ab00"
à partir de l'adresse du cédant
{ "method": "eth_call", "params": [{"from": "0x38aabef4cd283ccd5091298dedc88d27c5ec5750", "to": "0xaeab4084194B2a425096fb583Fbcd67385210ac3", "data": "0xa9059cbb00000000000000000000000038aabef4cd283ccd5091298dedc88d27c5ec5750000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ab00"}, "latest"], "id": 1 }
Le code est relativement simple, il y a quelques points à noter :
<?php require './jsonRPCClient.php'; //php自带的dechex无法把大整型转换为十六进制 function bc_dechex($decimal) { $result = []; while ($decimal != 0) { $mod = $decimal % 16; $decimal = floor($decimal / 16); array_push($result, dechex($mod)); } return join(array_reverse($result)); } class EthereumRPCClient { public static $client = null; //布署合约的账户地址 const COINBASE = '0x38aabef4cd283ccd5091298dedc88d27c5ec5750'; //合约地址 const CONTRACT = '0xaeab4084194B2a425096fb583Fbcd67385210ac3'; public static function __callStatic($method, $params) { $params = count($params) < 1 ? [] : $params[0]; try { if (is_null(self::$client)) { self::$client = new jsonRPCClient('', true); } } catch (\Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } return call_user_func([self::$client, $method], $params); } public static function getBalance($address) { $method_hash = '0x70a08231'; $method_param1_hex = str_pad(substr($address, 2), 64, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $data = $method_hash . $method_param1_hex; $params = ['from' => $address, 'to' => self::CONTRACT, 'data' => $data]; $total_balance = self::eth_call([$params, "latest"]); return hexdec($total_balance) / (pow(10, 18)); } public static function transfer($to, $value) { self::personal_unlockAccount([self::COINBASE, "123456", 3600]); $value = bcpow(10, 18) * $value; $method_hash = '0xa9059cbb'; $method_param1_hex =str_pad(substr($to, 2), 64, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $method_param2_hex = str_pad(strval(bc_dechex($value)), 64, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $data = $method_hash . $method_param1_hex . $method_param2_hex; $params = ['from' => self::COINBASE, 'to' => self::CONTRACT, 'data' => $data]; return self::eth_sendTransaction([$params]); } }
En raison du point 1, bcpow doit être utilisé à la place de la fonction pow.
Ce qui précède est le contenu détaillé de. pour plus d'informations, suivez d'autres articles connexes sur le site Web de PHP en chinois!