Cet article présente principalement la méthode par laquelle PHP génère une liste d'arborescences à partir des résultats de la requête de base de données. Il implique les compétences de PHP en matière d'exploitation d'éléments HTML pour générer une liste d'arborescences. Il est d'une grande valeur pratique. Les amis dans le besoin peuvent s'y référer.
L'exemple de cet article décrit comment PHP génère une liste arborescente à partir des résultats d'une requête de base de données. L'analyse spécifique est la suivante :
Ce code peut lire les données de la base de données pour générer une arborescence similaire au gestionnaire de ressources Windows
<?php /* Here are the database definitions (for Solid) that i use in this code. * It should not be hard to adapt it to another database. */ /* CREATE TABLE dirent_types ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, icon VARCHAR(50), name VARCHAR(50), PRIMARY KEY(id) ); INSERT INTO dirent_types VALUES(1, 'folderclosed', 'Directory'); INSERT INTO dirent_types VALUES(2, 'document', 'File'); CREATE TABLE directory ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, parent INTEGER REFERENCES directory(id), name VARCHAR(200), icon VARCHAR(50), type INTEGER REFERENCES dirent_types(id), url VARCHAR(200), PRIMARY KEY(id) ); DROP INDEX directory_idx; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX directory_idx ON directory(parent, name); CREATE SEQUENCE dirent_id; "CREATE PROCEDURE insert_dir_entry (name VARCHAR, parent INTEGER, type INTEGER) RETURNS(id INTEGER) BEGIN EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR ABORT; EXEC SEQUENCE dirent_id.NEXT INTO id; EXEC SQL PREPARE c_insert INSERT INTO directory (id, parent, type, name) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?); EXEC SQL EXECUTE c_insert USING (id, parent, type, name); EXEC SQL DROP c_insert; END"; CALL insert_dir_entry('My Computer', NULL, 1); CALL insert_dir_entry('Network Neighbourhood', NULL, 1); CALL insert_dir_entry('lucifer.guardian.no', 2, 1); CALL insert_dir_entry('rafael.guardian.no', 2, 1); CALL insert_dir_entry('uriel.guardian.no', 2, 1); CALL insert_dir_entry('Control Panel', NULL, 1); CALL insert_dir_entry('Services', 6, 1); CALL insert_dir_entry('Apache', 7, 2); CALL insert_dir_entry('Solid Server 2.2', 7, 2); */ function icon($icon, $name = '', $width = 0, $height = 0) { global $DOCUMENT_ROOT; $icon_loc = '/pics/menu'; $file = "$DOCUMENT_ROOT$icon_loc/$icon.gif"; if (!$width || !$height) { $iconinfo = getimagesize($file); if (!$width) { $width = $iconinfo[0]; } if (!$height) { $height = $iconinfo[1]; } } printf( '<img%s border=0 align=top src="/pics/menu/%s.gif" '. 'width="%d" height="%d">', $name ? " name=\"$name\"" : '', $icon, $width, $height); } function display_directory($parent,$showdepth=0,$ancestors=false){ global $child_nodes, $node_data, $last_child; reset($child_nodes[$parent]); $size = sizeof($child_nodes[$parent]); $lastindex = $size - 1; if (!$ancestors) { $ancestors = array(); } $depth = sizeof($ancestors); printf( '<p id="node_%d" class="dirEntry" visibility="%s">', $parent, $showdepth > 0 ? 'show' : 'hide'); while (list($index, $node) = each($child_nodes[$parent])) { for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++) { $up_parent = (int)$node_data[$ancestors[$i]][ 'parent']; $last_node_on_generation = $last_child[$up_parent]; $uptree_node_on_generation = $ancestors[$i]; if ($last_node_on_generation == $uptree_node_on_generation) { icon( "blank"); } else { icon( "line"); } } if ($child_nodes[$node]) { // has children, i.e. it is a folder $conn_icon = "plus"; $expand = true; } else { $conn_icon = "join"; $expand = false; } if ($index == $lastindex) { $conn_icon .= "bottom"; } elseif ($depth == 0 && $index == 0) { $conn_icon .= "top"; } if ($expand) { printf( "<a href=\"javascript:document.layers['node_%d'].visibility='show'\">", $node); } icon($conn_icon, "connImg_$node"); if ($expand) { print( "</a>"); } $icon = $node_data[$node][ 'icon']; if (!$icon) { $type = $node_data[$node][ 'type']; $icon = $GLOBALS[ 'dirent_icons'][$type]; } icon($icon, "nodeImg_$node"); $name = $node_data[$node][ 'name']; printf( '?<font size="%d">%s</font><br%c>', -1, $name, 10); if ($child_nodes[$node]) { $newdepth = $showdepth; if ($newdepth > 0) { $newdepth--; } $new_ancestors = $ancestors; $new_ancestors[] = $node; display_directory($node, $newdepth, $new_ancestors); } } print( "</p\n>"); } function setup_directory($parent, $maxdepth) { global $dirent_icons, $child_nodes, $node_data, $last_child; $dirent_icons = sql_assoc('SELECT id,icon FROM dirent_types'); $query = 'SELECT id,parent,type,icon,name '. 'FROM directory '. 'ORDER BY parent,name'; $child_nodes = array(); $node_data = array(); $res = sql($query); while (list($id,$parent,$type,$icon,$name)=db_fetch_row($res)){ $child_nodes[(int)$parent][] = $id; $node_data[$id] = array( 'id' => $id, 'parent' => $parent, 'type' => $type, 'icon' => $icon, 'name' => $name); $last_child[(int)$parent] = $id; } } ?>
Résumé : Le Nous espérons que l'ensemble du contenu de cet article sera utile à l'étude de chacun.
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