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Un résumé quotidien de l'apprentissage javascript (objet RegExp)_compétences javascript

Libérer: 2016-05-16 15:31:47
1241 Les gens l'ont consulté


var text = "cat, bat, sat, fat";  
  var pattern = /.at/;
  if (pattern.test(text)){
   alert("The pattern was matched.");
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var pattern = new RegExp("\\[bc\\]at", "gi");
  alert(pattern.toString()); // /\[bc\]at/gi
  alert(pattern.toLocaleString()); // /\[bc\]at/gi
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3、RegExp Constructor(构造函数) Properties(属性)

 var text = "this has been a short summer";
  var pattern = /(.)hort/g;
   * Note: Opera doesn't support input, lastMatch, lastParen, or multiline.
   * Internet Explorer doesn't support multiline.
  if (pattern.test(text)){
   alert(RegExp.input);    //this has been a short summer
   alert(RegExp.leftContext);   //this has been a   
   alert(RegExp.rightContext);  // summer
   alert(RegExp.lastMatch);   //short
   alert(RegExp.lastParen);   //s
   alert(RegExp.multiline);   //false
  input      保存被搜索的字符串
  index      保存匹配的首字符的位置
  lastIndex     保存匹配的字符串下一个字符的位置
  lastMatch     保存匹配到的字符串
  lastParen     保存最后一个被匹配的字符串(最后一个括号内的内容)
  leftContext    保存匹配字符串左边的内容
  rightContext   保存匹配字符串右边的内容
  $1~$9   保存最开始的9个子匹配(括号中的内容)
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 var text = "this has been a short summer";
  var pattern = /(.)hort/g;
   * Note: Opera doesn't support short property names.
   * Internet Explorer doesn't support multiline.
  if (pattern.test(text)){
   alert(RegExp.$_);    //this has been a short summer
   alert(RegExp["$`"]);   //this has been a   
   alert(RegExp["$'"]);   // summer
   alert(RegExp["$&"]);   //short
   alert(RegExp["$+"]);   //s
   alert(RegExp["$*"]);   //false
  * 分为长属性名和短属性名
  * input   $_  最近一次要匹配的字符串
  * lastMatch  $&  最近一次的匹配项
  * lastParen  $+  最近一次匹配的捕获组
  * leftContext  $`  input字符串中lastMatch之前的文本
  * multiline  $*  布尔值,表示是否所有表达式都使用多行模式。
  * rightContext $'  input字符串中lastMatch之后的文本
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 var text = "this has been a short summer";
  var pattern = /(..)or(.)/g;
  if (pattern.test(text)){
   alert(RegExp.$1);  //sh
   alert(RegExp.$2);  //t
  每当产生一个带括号的成功匹配时,$1...$9 属性的值就被修改。 
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5、RegExp exec()

var text = "mom and dad and baby";
  var pattern = /mom( and dad( and baby)?)?/gi;
  var matches = pattern.exec(text);
  alert(matches.index); //0 第一个被匹配到的位置
  alert(matches.input); //"mom and dad and baby" 匹配的原始字符串
  alert(matches[0]);  //"mom and dad and baby" 匹配的第一个值
  alert(matches[1]);  //" and dad and baby" 匹配的第二个值
  alert(matches[2]);  //" and baby"   匹配的第三个值
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 var text = "cat, bat, sat, fat";  
  var pattern1 = /.at/;
  var matches = pattern1.exec(text);  
  alert(matches.index); //0
  alert(matches[0]);  //"cat"

  matches = pattern1.exec(text);  
  alert(matches.index); //0
  alert(matches[0]);  //"cat"

  var pattern2 = /.at/g;
  var matches = pattern2.exec(text);  
  alert(matches.index); //0
  alert(matches[0]);  //"cat"

  matches = pattern2.exec(text);  
  alert(matches.index); //5
  alert(matches[0]);  //"bat"

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 var pattern1 = /\[bc\]at/i;
  alert(;  //false //是否设置全局查找
  alert(pattern1.ignoreCase); //true 是否忽略大小写
  alert(pattern1.multiline); //false 是否设置多行查找
  alert(pattern1.lastIndex); //0  一个整数,标示开始下一次匹配的字符位置。
  alert(pattern1.source);  //"\[bc\]at" 正则表达式的源文本。

  var pattern2 = new RegExp("\\[bc\\]at", "i");
  alert(;  //false
  alert(pattern2.ignoreCase); //true
  alert(pattern2.multiline); //false
  alert(pattern2.lastIndex); //0
  alert(pattern2.source);  //"\[bc\]at"

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