Maison > développement back-end > Problème PHP > Comment configurer le plug-in d'invite d'erreur de syntaxe php dans Sublime Text 3 ?

Comment configurer le plug-in d'invite d'erreur de syntaxe php dans Sublime Text 3 ?

Libérer: 2023-03-02 11:40:01
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Sublime Text 3配置php语法错误提示插件的方法:首先下载sniffer插件安装包;然后下载插件并放到php.exe安装目录里;接着设置都改成本地环境下的php安装路径;最后保存,重启Sublime Text 3即可。

Comment configurer le plug-in d'invite d'erreur de syntaxe php dans Sublime Text 3 ?

Sublime Text 3配置php语法错误提示插件的方法:

第一步:下载php code sniffer插件安装包


重启sublime, 打开Sublime Text 3->Preferences->Package Settings -> Php Code Sniffer 证明插件安装成功;


第三步:把php-cs-fixer.phar 放到你的 php.exe 安装目录 (例如(mine is C:/WAMP/php/php.exe));

第四步:下载,解压,然后找到scripts目录下的phpcs.bat,放到php.exe 安装目录;


windows-7-phpcs-fixer-linter.example就是Sublime Text 3 在windows7配置 PHPCS 的样例,还有一个nix-all-commands.example是在linux/unix环境下的配置样例

第六步:以下就是windows-7-phpcs-fixer-linter.example的配置内容,打开你的Sublime Text 3->Preferences->Package Settings -> Php Code Sniffer -> Settings - User ,复制windows-7-phpcs-fixer-linter.example的内容到配置文件phpcs.sublime-settings,然后修改对应的php.exe路径

设置都改成你本地环境下的php安装路径,保存,重启Sublime Text 3

// Path to php on windows installation
// This is needed as we cannot run phars on windows, so we run it through php
"phpcs_php_prefix_path": "C:\\wamp\\bin\\php\\php5.4.12\\php.exe",
// This is the path to the bat file when we installed PHP_CodeSniffer
"phpcs_executable_path": "C:\\wamp\\bin\\php\\php5.4.12\\phpcs.bat",
// PHP-CS-Fixer settings
// Don't want to auto fix issue with php-cs-fixer
"php_cs_fixer_on_save": false,
// Show the quick panel
"php_cs_fixer_show_quick_panel": true,
// The fixer phar file is stored here:
"php_cs_fixer_executable_path": "C:\\wamp\\bin\\php\\php5.4.12\\php-cs-fixer.phar",
// PHP Linter settings
// Yes, lets lint the files
"phpcs_linter_run": true,
// And execute that on each file when saved (php only as per extensions_to_execute)
"phpcs_linter_command_on_save": true,
// Path to php
"phpcs_php_path": "C:\\wamp\\bin\\php\\php5.4.12\\php.exe",
// This is the regex format of the errors
"phpcs_linter_regex": "(?P<message>.*) on line (?P<line>\\d+)",
// PHP Mess Detector settings
// Not turning on the mess detector here
"phpmd_run": false,
"phpmd_command_on_save": false,
"phpmd_executable_path": "",
"phpmd_additional_args": {}
Copier après la connexion

重启Sublime Text 3,打开php程序,语法错误提示如下图:

Comment configurer le plug-in dinvite derreur de syntaxe php dans Sublime Text 3 ?


Ce qui précède est le contenu détaillé de. pour plus d'informations, suivez d'autres articles connexes sur le site Web de PHP en chinois!

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