Comment obtenir le mot de passe WI-FI en utilisant Node.js ? L'article suivant vous expliquera comment utiliser Node.js pour obtenir le mot de passe WI-FI. J'espère qu'il vous sera utile !
【Apprentissage recommandé: "NODEJS Tutorial"】
global Installation WiFi-Password-Cli
dépend du nœud wifi-password-cli
npm install wifi-password-cli -g # or npx wifi-password-cli
$ wifi-password [network-name] $ wifi-password 12345678 $ wifi-password 办公室wifi a1234b2345
security find-generic-password -D "AirPort network password" -wa "wifi-name"
sudo cat /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/<wifi-name>
netsh wlan show profile name=<wifi-name> key=clear
'use strict'; const wifiName = require('wifi-name'); module.exports = ssid => { let fn = require('./lib/linux'); if (process.platform === 'darwin') { fn = require('./lib/osx'); } if (process.platform === 'win32') { fn = require('./lib/win'); } if (ssid) { return fn(ssid); } return wifiName().then(fn); };
'use strict'; const execa = require('execa'); module.exports = ssid => { const cmd = 'sudo'; const args = ['cat', `/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/${ssid}`]; return execa.stdout(cmd, args).then(stdout => { let ret; ret = /^\s*(?:psk|password)=(.+)\s*$/gm.exec(stdout); ret = ret && ret.length ? ret[1] : null; if (!ret) { throw new Error('Could not get password'); } return ret; }); };
'use strict'; const execa = require('execa'); module.exports = ssid => { const cmd = 'security'; const args = ['find-generic-password', '-D', 'AirPort network password', '-wa', ssid]; return execa(cmd, args) .then(res => { if (res.stderr) { throw new Error(res.stderr); } if (!res.stdout) { throw new Error('Could not get password'); } return res.stdout; }) .catch(err => { if (/The specified item could not be found in the keychain/.test(err.message)) { err.message = 'Your network doesn\'t have a password'; } throw err; }); };
Toutes les informations de connexion Wi-Fi se trouvent dans le dossier /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/
'use strict'; const execa = require('execa'); module.exports = ssid => { const cmd = 'netsh'; const args = ['wlan', 'show', 'profile', `name=${ssid}`, 'key=clear']; return execa.stdout(cmd, args).then(stdout => { let ret; ret = /^\s*Key Content\s*: (.+)\s*$/gm.exec(stdout); ret = ret && ret.length ? ret[1] : null; if (!ret) { throw new Error('Could not get password'); } return ret; }); };
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