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Testing MySQL FULLTEXT indexes in InnoDB using pt-upgrade_MySQL

Libérer: 2016-05-31 08:47:02
836 Les gens l'ont consulté

As I prepare to convert some MySQL tables with FULLTEXT indexes from MyISAM to InnoDB I want to verify that running a standard production query set against the tables will return the same results with InnoDB that it did with MyISAM. Since I read Matt Lord’sblog postabout the document relevancy rankings used for InnoDB full-text searches I knew to expect some differences when sorting by relevancy, so I want to focus on getting the same set of rows back, mostly ignoring the order in which the rows are returned.

Percona toolkit has a tool calledpt-upgradethat works well for this purpose. I used 2 test servers with a copy of my production database. On one of the servers I left the tables in MyISAM, and on the other I converted the tables to InnoDB. I copied a slow query log from a production host running withlong_query_time=0to get the query set for testing. Since I was only interested in queries on a few tables, rather than running the entire slow query log against the servers I just extracted the specific queries I was interested in and ran them as a raw log.

Here’s the command I used:

<code>pt-upgrade --read-only /--database flite /--type rawlog /tmp/proddb-slow.log.raw / /</code>
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I used the--read-onlyflag sopt-upgradewould only executeSELECTstatements, and not any statements that modify data.

Since I extracted the SQL queries from the slow query log instead of using the full slow query log, I used--type rawloginstead of the default of--type slowlog.

For the two hosts I compared, testdb33 is using FULLTEXT on InnoDB, and testdb47 is using FULLTEXT on MyISAM.

When I ranpt-upgradeit exposed several significant discrepancies. I will document those discrepancies and how I fixed them in a future post.
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