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Comment distribuer le travail sur un ensemble de threads de travail en Python ?

Libérer: 2023-08-26 16:17:14
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Comment distribuer le travail sur un ensemble de threads de travail en Python ?

Pour répartir le travail entre un groupe de threads de travail, utilisez le module concurrent .futures, en particulier Classe ThreadPoolExecutor.

Avec cette alternative, vous pouvez coder manuellement votre propre logique si vous souhaitez un contrôle précis sur l'algorithme de planification. Utilisez le module de file d'attente pour créer une file d'attente contenant une liste de tâches. La classe Queue gère une liste d'objets et possède une méthode .put(obj) qui ajoute des éléments à la file d'attente et une méthode .get() qui renvoie un élément. Cette classe se chargera du verrouillage nécessaire pour garantir que chaque tâche n'est distribuée qu'une seule fois.


Voici un exemple -

import threading, queue, time

# The worker thread gets jobs off the queue. When the queue is empty, it
# assumes there will be no more work and exits.
def worker():
   print('Running worker')
   while True:
         arg = q.get(block=False)
      except queue.Empty:
         print('Worker', threading.current_thread(), end=' ')
         print('queue empty')
         print('Worker', threading.current_thread(), end=' ')
         print('running with argument', arg)

# Create a queue
q = queue.Queue()

# Start a pool of 5 workers
for i in range(5):
   t = threading.Thread(target=worker, name='worker %i' % (i+1))

# Begin adding work to the queue
for i in range(50):

# Give threads time to run
print('Main thread sleeping')
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Running worker
Running worker
Running worker
Running worker
Running worker
Main thread sleeping
Worker  running with argument 0
Worker  running with argument 1
Worker  running with argument 2
Worker  running with argument 3
Worker  running with argument 4
Worker  running with argument 5
Worker  running with argument 6
Worker  running with argument 7
Worker  running with argument 8
Worker  running with argument 9
Worker  running with argument 10
Worker  running with argument 11
Worker  running with argument 12
Worker  running with argument 13
Worker  running with argument 14
Worker  running with argument 15
Worker  running with argument 16
Worker  running with argument 17
Worker  running with argument 18
Worker  running with argument 19
Worker  running with argument 20
Worker  running with argument 21
Worker  running with argument 22
Worker  running with argument 23
Worker  running with argument 24
Worker  running with argument 25
Worker  running with argument 26
Worker  running with argument 28
Worker  running with argument 29
Worker  running with argument 27
Worker  running with argument 30
Worker  running with argument 31
Worker  running with argument 32
Worker  running with argument 33
Worker  running with argument 34
Worker  running with argument 35
Worker  running with argument 36
Worker  running with argument 37
Worker  running with argument 38
Worker  running with argument 39
Worker  running with argument 40
Worker  running with argument 41
Worker  running with argument 42
Worker  running with argument 43
Worker  running with argument 44
Worker  running with argument 45
Worker  running with argument 46
Worker  running with argument 47
Worker  running with argument 48
Worker  running with argument 49
Worker  queue empty
Worker  queue empty
Worker  queue empty
Worker  queue empty
Worker  queue empty
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Ce qui précède est le contenu détaillé de. pour plus d'informations, suivez d'autres articles connexes sur le site Web de PHP en chinois!

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