以下是声明数组的声明方式 −
char stringname [size];
例如 − char string[50]; 长度为50个字符的字符串
char string[10] = { ‘H’, ‘e’, ‘l’, ‘l’, ‘o’ ,‘\0’}
char string[10] = "Hello":;
访问 − 有一个控制字符串 "%s" 用于访问字符串,直到遇到 ‘\0’。
查找给定字符串中字符的最小出现次数的逻辑如下 −
for(i=0; i<CHARS; i++){ if(frequency[i]!=0){ if(frequency[minimum] == 0 || frequency[i]< fequency[minimum]) minimum = i; }
以下是查找字符串中出现次数最少的字符的 C 程序。
#include<stdio.h> #define SIZE 100 // Maximum string size #define CHARS 255 // Maximum characters allowed int main(){ char string[SIZE]; int frequency[CHARS]; int i = 0, minimum; int value; printf("Enter the string:</p><p> "); gets(string); for(i=0; i<CHARS; i++){ frequency[i] = 0; // initialize freq of all char to zero } i=0; while(string[i] != '\0'){ // finding freq of each char value = (int)string[i]; frequency[value] += 1; i++; } minimum = 0; for(i=0; i<CHARS; i++){// finding min freq if(frequency[i]!=0){ if(frequency[minimum] == 0 || frequency[i]<fequency[minimum]) minimum = i; } printf("Minimum occurrence character is '%c' = %d times.", minimum, frequency[minimum]); return 0; }
当执行上述程序时,会产生以下结果 -
Enter the string: tutorialspoint Minimum occurrence character is 'a' = 1 times.
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