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Étant donné un nombre, trouver son complément à deux programme C

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Étant donné un nombre, trouver son complément à deux programme C

给定二进制数的补码可以通过两种方法计算,如下 -

  • 方法 1 − 将给定的二进制数转换为补码,然后加 1。

  • 方法 2 − 从 Least 开始设置的第一个位后面的尾随零有效位 (LSB),包括保持不变的一位,其余全部应补码。

对于给定的二进制数查找二进制补码的逻辑如下 -

for(i = SIZE - 1; i >= 0; i--){
   if(one[i] == '1' && carry == 1){
      two[i] = '0';
   else if(one[i] == '0' && carry == 1){
      two[i] = '1';
      carry = 0;
   } else {
      two[i] = one[i];
two[SIZE] = '\0';
printf("Two&#39;s complement of binary number %s is %s</p><p>",num, two);
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从给定的二进制数中找到补码的逻辑是 −

for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){
   if(num[i] == &#39;0&#39;){
      one[i] = &#39;1&#39;;
   else if(num[i] == &#39;1&#39;){
      one[i] = &#39;0&#39;;
one[SIZE] = &#39;\0&#39;;
printf("Ones&#39; complement of binary number %s is %s</p><p>",num, one);
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以下是查找给定数字的补码的 C 程序 -


#define SIZE 8
int main(){
   int i, carry = 1;
   char num[SIZE + 1], one[SIZE + 1], two[SIZE + 1];
   printf("Enter the binary number</p><p>");
   for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){
      if(num[i] == &#39;0&#39;){
         one[i] = &#39;1&#39;;
      else if(num[i] == &#39;1&#39;){
         one[i] = &#39;0&#39;;
   one[SIZE] = &#39;\0&#39;;
   printf("Ones&#39; complement of binary number %s is %s</p><p>",num, one);
   for(i = SIZE - 1; i >= 0; i--){
      if(one[i] == &#39;1&#39; && carry == 1){
         two[i] = &#39;0&#39;;
      else if(one[i] == &#39;0&#39; && carry == 1){
         two[i] = &#39;1&#39;;
         carry = 0;
         two[i] = one[i];
   two[SIZE] = &#39;\0&#39;;
   printf("Two&#39;s complement of binary number %s is %s</p><p>",num, two);
   return 0;
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当执行上述程序时,会产生以下结果 -

Enter the binary number
Ones&#39; complement of binary number 1000010 is 0111101
Two&#39;s complement of binary number 1000010 is 0111110
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