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MySQL 大数据操作注意事项_MySQL

Libérer: 2016-06-01 13:11:13
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MySQL 大数据操作注意事项

Mr. Neo Chen (netkiller), 陈景峰(BG7NYT)

+86 13113668890
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MySQL 大数据操作注意事项_MySQL


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  • 1. 关于 delete
  • 2. 关于 update
  • 3. 关于创建索引
  • 4. 关于 OPTIMIZE
  • 5. 确保SELECT不被受阻

1. 关于 delete

delete from mytable 必死无疑,你需要分批删除,尽量缩小每个批次删除的记录数,delete 是可以并行执行的,你可以同时运行多个删除操作

mysql> show processlist;+--------+-----------------+---------------------+-----------+---------+-------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+| Id     | User            | Host                | db        | Command | Time  | State                       | Info                                                   |+--------+-----------------+---------------------+-----------+---------+-------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+|      1 | event_scheduler | localhost           | NULL      | Daemon  |    52 | Waiting for next activation | NULL                                                   || 115986 | dba             | localhost           | example   | Query   |     0 | NULL                        | show processlist                                       || 117446 | dba             | localhost           | example   | Query   |    20 | updating                    | delete from mytable where OPEN_TIME like '2011.11.28%' || 117525 | dba             | localhost           | example   | Query   |     2 | updating                    | delete from mytable where OPEN_TIME like '2011.12.02%' || 117526 | dba             | localhost           | example   | Query   |    49 | updating                    | delete from mytable where OPEN_TIME like '2011.12.12%' || 117527 | dba             | localhost           | example   | Query   |     6 | updating                    | delete from mytable where OPEN_TIME like '2011.12.21%' || 117528 | dba             | localhost           | example   | Query   |    64 | updating                    | delete from mytable where OPEN_TIME like '2011.12.30%' || 117546 | dba             | localhost           | example   | Query   |    33 | updating                    | delete from mytable where OPEN_TIME like '2011.11.10%' |+--------+-----------------+---------------------+-----------+---------+-------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+23 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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2. 关于 update

在电商领域常常遇到一个问题“调价”,经常需要调整一批商品的价格, 程序猿一条预警搞定有没有?

update goods set price=price+10 where category_id = xxx
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3. 关于创建索引

大表创建索引需要很久的时间,通常要经历 manage keys 与 copy to tmp table 的过程

mysql> show processlist;+--------+-----------------+---------------------+----------+---------+-------+-----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+| Id     | User            | Host                | db       | Command | Time  | State                       | Info                                                             |+--------+-----------------+---------------------+----------+---------+-------+-----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+|      1 | event_scheduler | localhost           | NULL     | Daemon  |    47 | Waiting for next activation | NULL                                                             || 115986 | dba             | localhost           | example  | Query   |     0 | NULL                        | show processlist                                                 || 118814 | dba             |  | example  | Query   |     8 | copy to tmp table           | ALTER TABLE `mytable` ADD INDEX `modifiy_time` (`MODIFY_TIME`)   |+--------+-----------------+---------------------+----------+---------+-------+-----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+17 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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删除索引,也需要经理 copy to tmp table 过程,漫长的等待

mysql> show processlist;+--------+-----------------+---------------------+--------------+---------+-------+-----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+| Id     | User            | Host                | db           | Command | Time  | State                       | Info                                            |+--------+-----------------+---------------------+--------------+---------+-------+-----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+|      1 | event_scheduler | localhost           | NULL         | Daemon  |    11 | Waiting for next activation | NULL                                            || 115986 | dba             | localhost           | example      | Query   |     0 | NULL                        | show processlist                                || 118814 | dba             |  | example      | Query   |     4 | copy to tmp table           | ALTER TABLE `mytable`	DROP INDEX `modifiy_time` |+--------+-----------------+---------------------+--------------+---------+-------+-----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+17 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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OPTIMIZE 的操作是将当前表复制到临时表操作后再删除当前表,最后将临时表改名

mysql> show processlist;+--------+-----------------+---------------------+---------------------------+---------+-------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+| Id     | User            | Host                | db                        | Command | Time  | State                       | Info                     |+--------+-----------------+---------------------+---------------------------+---------+-------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+|      1 | event_scheduler | localhost           | NULL                      | Daemon  |    14 | Waiting for next activation | NULL                     || 115835 | dba             |  | example                   | Query   |     9 | copy to tmp table           | OPTIMIZE TABLE `mytable` || 115986 | dba             | localhost           | example                   | Query   |     0 | NULL                        | show processlist         |+--------+-----------------+---------------------+---------------------------+---------+-------+-----------------------------+--------------------------+17 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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5. 确保SELECT不被受阻


保证 select 操作优先于其他操作

UPDATE [LOW_PRIORITY] [IGNORE] tbl_name  SET col_name1=expr1 [, col_name2=expr2 ...]  [WHERE where_definition]  [ORDER BY ...]  [LIMIT row_count]
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update的时候增加 LOW_PRIORITY 参数,可以降低更新语句的优先级。


[mysqld]		low_priority_updates=1
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SET @@global.low_priority_updates = 1;
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SET @@session.low_priority_updates = 1;
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