Maison php教程 php手册 php socket通过SMTP发送邮件

php socket通过SMTP发送邮件

Jun 06, 2016 pm 07:31 PM
php smtp socket 发送 passer 邮件

phpsocket用过SMTP发送邮件。 用的是php的php-sockets扩展,可以发送纯文本和html格式的邮件。 欢迎提出意见! PHP 源码与演示: 源码出处演示出处 ?php/*** 邮件发送类* 支持发送纯文本邮件和HTML格式的邮件* @example* $config = array(*"from" = "*****",*

php socket用过SMTP发送邮件。
欢迎提出意见! PHP

源码与演示:源码出处 演示出处

* 邮件发送类
* 支持发送纯文本邮件和HTML格式的邮件
* @example
* $config = array(
*		"from" => "*****",
*		"to" => "***",
*		"subject" => "test",
*		"body" => "<b>test</b>",
*		"username" => "***",
*		"password" => "****",
*		"isHTML" => true
*	);
* $mail = new MySendMail();
* $mail->setServer("");
* $mail->setMailInfo($config);
* if(!$mail->sendMail()) {
*	echo $mail->error();
*	return 1;
* }
class MySendMail {
	* @var 邮件传输代理用户名
	* @access private
	private $_userName;

	* @var 邮件传输代理密码
	* @access private
	private $_password;

	* @var 邮件传输代理服务器地址
	* @access protected
	protected $_sendServer;

	* @var 邮件传输代理服务器端口
	* @access protected
	protected $_port=25;

	* @var 发件人
	* @access protected
	protected $_from;

	* @var 收件人
	* @access protected
	protected $_to;

	* @var 主题
	* @access protected
	protected $_subject;

	* @var 邮件正文
	* @access protected
	protected $_body;

	* @var 是否是HTML格式的邮件
	* @access protected
	protected $_isHTML=false;

	* @var socket资源
	* @access protected
	protected $_socket;

	* @var 错误信息
	* @access protected
	protected $_errorMessage;

	public function __construct($from="", $to="", $subject="", $body="", $server="", $username="", $password="",$isHTML="", $port="") {
			$this->_from = $from;
			$this->_to = $to;
			$this->_subject = $subject;
			$this->_body = $body;
			$this->_isHTML = $isHTML;
			$this->_sendServer = $server;
			$this->_port = $port;
			$this->_userName = $username;
			$this->_password = $password;

	* 设置邮件传输代理
	* @param string $server 代理服务器的ip或者域名
	* @param int $port 代理服务器的端口,smtp默认25号端口
	* @param int $localPort 本地端口
	* @return boolean
	public function setServer($server, $port=25) {
		if(!isset($server) || empty($server) || !is_string($server)) {
			$this->_errorMessage = "first one is an invalid parameter";
			return false;
			$this->_errorMessage = "first two is an invalid parameter";
			return false;
		$this->_sendServer = $server;
		$this->_port = $port;
		return true;

	* 设置邮件
	* @access public
	* @param array $config 邮件配置信息
	* 包含邮件发送人、接收人、主题、内容、邮件传输代理的验证信息
	* @return boolean
	public function setMailInfo($config) {
		if(!is_array($config) || count($config) < 6){
			$this->_errorMessage = "parameters are required";
			return false;

		$this->_from = $config['from'];
		$this->_to = $config['to'];
		$this->_subject = $config['subject'];
		$this->_body = $config['body'];
		$this->_userName = $config['username'];
		$this->_password = $config['password'];
			$this->_isHTML = $config['isHTML'];

		return true;

	* 发送邮件
	* @access public
	* @return boolean
	public function sendMail() {
		$command = $this->getCommand();
		foreach ($command as $value) {
			if($this->sendCommand($value[0], $value[1])) {
				return false;
		$this->close(); //其实这里也没必要关闭,smtp命令:QUIT发出之后,服务器就关闭了连接,本地的socket资源会自动释放
		echo 'Mail OK!';
		return true;

	* 返回错误信息
	* @return string
	public function error(){
		if(!isset($this->_errorMessage)) {
			$this->_errorMessage = "";
		return $this->_errorMessage;

	* 返回mail命令
	* @access protected
	* @return array
	protected function getCommand() {
		if($this->_isHTML) {
			$mail = "MIME-Version:1.0\r\n";
			$mail .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8\r\n";
			$mail .= "FROM:test<" . $this->_from . ">\r\n";
			$mail .= "TO:<" . $this->_to . ">\r\n";
			$mail .= "Subject:" . $this->_subject ."\r\n\r\n";
			$mail .= $this->_body . "\r\n.\r\n";
			$mail = "FROM:test<" . $this->_from . ">\r\n";
			$mail .= "TO:<" . $this->_to . ">\r\n";
			$mail .= "Subject:" . $this->_subject ."\r\n\r\n";
			$mail .= $this->_body . "\r\n.\r\n";
		$command = array(
				array("HELO sendmail\r\n", 250),
				array("AUTH LOGIN\r\n", 334),
				array(base64_encode($this->_userName) . "\r\n", 334),
				array(base64_encode($this->_password) . "\r\n", 235),
				array("MAIL FROM:<" . $this->_from . ">\r\n", 250),
				array("RCPT TO:<" . $this->_to . ">\r\n", 250),
				array("DATA\r\n", 354),
				array($mail, 250),
				array("QUIT\r\n", 221)
		return $command;

	* @access protected
	* @param string $command 发送到服务器的smtp命令
	* @param int $code 期望服务器返回的响应吗
	* @param boolean
	protected function sendCommand($command, $code) {
		echo 'Send command:' . $command . ',expected code:' . $code . '<br />';
			if(socket_write($this->_socket, $command, strlen($command))){
				$data = trim(socket_read($this->_socket, 1024));
				echo 'response:' . $data . '<br /><br />';
				if($data) {
					$pattern = "/^".$code."/";
					if(preg_match($pattern, $data)) {
						return true;
						$this->_errorMessage = "Error:" . $data . "|**| command:";
						return false;
					$this->_errorMessage = "Error:" . socket_strerror(socket_last_error());
					return false;
				$this->_errorMessage = "Error:" . socket_strerror(socket_last_error());
				return false;
		}catch(Exception $e) {
			$this->_errorMessage = "Error:" . $e->getMessage();

	* 建立到服务器的网络连接
	* @access private
	* @return boolean
	private function socket() {
		if(!function_exists("socket_create")) {
			$this->_errorMessage = "extension php-sockets must be enabled";
			return false;
		$this->_socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp'));
		if(!$this->_socket) {
			$this->_errorMessage = socket_strerror(socket_last_error());
			return false;

		if(!socket_connect($this->_socket, $this->_sendServer, $this->_port)) {
			$this->_errorMessage = socket_strerror(socket_last_error());
			return false;
		socket_read($this->_socket, 1024);
		return true;

	* 关闭socket
	* @access private
	* @return boolean
	private function close() {
		if(isset($this->_socket) && is_object($this->_socket)) {
			return true;
		$this->_errorMessage = "no resource can to be close";
		return false;

/**************************** Test ***********************************/
$config = array(
		"from" => "XXXXX",
		"to" => "XXXXX",
		"subject" => "test",
		"body" => "<b>test</b>",
		"username" => "XXXXX",
		"password" => "******",
		//"isHTML" => true

$mail = new MySendMail();


if(!$mail->sendMail()) {
	echo $mail->error();
	return 1;
Copier après la connexion
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