class Twitter { /** * Method to make twitter api call for the users timeline in XML * * @access private * @param $twitter_id, $num_of_tweets * @return $xml */ private function api_call($twitter_id, $num_of_tweets) { $c = curl_init(); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, "http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/$twitter_id.xml?count=$num_of_tweets"); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 3); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5); $response = curl_exec($c); $response_info = curl_getinfo($c); curl_close($c); if (intval($response_info['http_code']) == 200) { $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response); return $xml; } else { return false; } } /** * Method to add hyperlink html tags to any urls, twitter ids or hashtags in tweet * * @access private * @param $text * @return $text */ private function process_links($text) { $text = utf8_decode($text); $text = preg_replace('@(https?://([-\w\.]+)+(d+)?(/([\w/_\.]*(\?\S+)?)?)?)@', '$1', $text); $text = preg_replace("#(^|[\n ])@([^ \"\t\n\r@\\2'", $text); $text = preg_replace("#(^|[\n ])\#([^ \"\t\n\r#\\2'", $text); return $text; } /** * Main method to retrieve the tweets and return html for display * * @access public * @param $twitter_id, $num_of_tweets, $timezone * @return $result */ public function get_tweets($twitter_id, $num_of_tweets = 3, $timezone = "America/Denver") { $include_replies = false; date_default_timezone_set($timezone); // the html markup $cont_o = "