Load database config file from libraries in CodeIg
Jun 06, 2016 pm 08:13 PMSometime you will want to load database config variables from your libraries.In this case, if you use $this-_CI-config-load(database) , you will get an error: $this-_CI = get_instance();$this-_CI-config-load('database'); The error somthing
Sometime you will want to load database config variables from your libraries.In this case, if you use $this->_CI->config->load(‘database’), you will get an error:
$this->_CI = &get_instance(); $this->_CI->config->load('database');
The error somthing like Your application/config/database.php file does not appear to contain a valid configuration array.
The source is in `system/core/Config.php#138`:
// CodeIgniter Version 2.1.4 if ( ! isset($config) OR ! is_array($config)) { if ($fail_gracefully === TRUE) { return FALSE; } show_error('Your '.$file_path.' file does not appear to contain a valid configuration array.'); }
You can find that the config will lookup an array with the name $config, but in your database’s config file it contains array variable with the name $db?defaultly.This is the reason you got the invalid configuration array error message.
To correctly load database configuration from libraries,you can you code below:
$this->_CI->load->database('default'); $db = $this->_CI->db; Something::config(['driver'=> 'mysql','host'=> $db->hostname, 'dbname'=> $db->database, 'user'=> $db->username, 'password'=> $db->password]);
Notice the `default` is the active group in your database configuration file.
原文地址:Load database config file from libraries in CodeIg, 感谢原作者分享。

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