Ce document utilise Manuel du site Web PHP chinois Libérer
(PHP 5, PHP 7)
ftp_raw — 向 FTP 服务器发送命令
, string $command
向 FTP 服务器发送任意 command
FTP 连接标示符。
将服务器的响应以字符串数组的形式返回。 对于响应内容既不做解析处理, 也不检测命令是否执行成功。
Example #1 使用 ftp_raw() 登录远程 FTP 服务器
$fp = ftp_connect ( "ftp.example.com" );
/* 等同于
ftp_login($fp, "joeblow", "secret"); */
ftp_raw ( $fp , "USER joeblow" );
ftp_raw ( $fp , "PASS secret" );
[#1] WebSee.ru [2009-08-10 23:38:32]
How to realize the possibility of transferring data from one FTP-server to another via FXP?
// ...
$ansver = ftp_raw($ftp_conn1, 'PASV');
if (intval($ansver[0]) == 227) {
ftp_raw($ftp_conn2, 'PORT '.substr($ansver[0], $n = strpos($ansver[0], '(') + 1, strpos($m[0], ')', $n) - $n));
ftp_raw($ftp_conn1, 'STOR '.$filename); // need asynchronously (non-blocking)
ftp_raw($ftp_conn2, 'RETR '.$filename);
[#2] www.bossftp.com [2008-11-05 18:32:44]
Note that the $command can not contains any illegal character such as \n, \r, \t, or this function will return NULL.
Try using the trim() before calling ftp_raw().
ftp_raw($connid, trim($command));
[#3] nightwalker85 at gmail dot com [2005-04-19 16:32:46]
ftp_raw($ftpconn,"CLNT <client>");
Is a good way to let the ftp-server know which client it's dealing with. Guess this can be useful if you're making a homemade ftp-client. Only do this if the ftp-server has responded to FEAT command with a response including CLNT.